Thursday, June 7, 2018

Headspace Theatre Call for Monologues

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Headspace Theatre is seeking dramatic monologues of 5-to-10 minutes in length for publication and to be performed by members of the "From the Neck Up Acting Company."

Form & Content

The monologues should make sense of the head-in-a-box setting.  This will be most successful if characters use the setting as a metaphor for feelings, thoughts, perceptions, urges, desires, insights, experiences, stories or situations rather than -- or in addition to -- commenting on the literal confines of the space.

Playwrights can also suggest costume and set design details that could fit in the Headspace (e.g., surrounded by foliage, mirrors or tiny people, etc.).
Submission Guidelines

  • Deadline:  Midnight, June 30, 2018.
  • Length:  No longer than 2 pages single-spaced, 12 pt.
  • Limit:  2 monologues per playwright.
  • Format: PDF or WORD docs as email attachments.
  • Submit to:
  • Document must include name and email info for playwright.

Receipt of submissions will be acknowledged and playwrights will hear if their works are selected by September 30, 2018.  Playwrights whose works are selected will receive a Letter of Agreement specifying payment and rights for performance and publication.

Further Information