Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Onstage/Offstage is looking for 10-12 minute plays

web site

Onstage/Offstage (www.onstageoffstage.org) is looking for (2) 10-12 minute plays to produce and air on its podcast. The theme is "Moving On." Could be a relationship, a family event, a relocation, whatever fits the theme...but there must be a definite break with the past!
Selected plays will be broadcast on WRFI 88.1 Ithaca Community Radio and podcasted on our web site (www.onstageoffstage.org) and iTunes.

  • Submissions will air/be available as podcast on a date TBD.
  • Submissions are welcome by email ONLY from 12:01AM WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20 to 11:59PM TUESDAY, JUNE 27. 
  • Send submissions to sapiogeorge@gmail.com. 
  • The message header must read: OSOS Play submission/YOURLASTNAME/PLAY TITLE.
  • Selected plays will be cast, rehearsed, and recorded by Onstage/Offstage personnel.
  • Playwrights will be required to do a short interview to accompany their play.

Please make sure your play is suitable for a reading:

  • Please do not submit plays that require extensive reading of stage directions; if the play does not work as a reading, do not submit. We feel that the work should be overwhelmingly dialogue;
  • Two-three characters. No monologues.
  • No overly excessive language. Not that we are against strong language in a work, but I have to bleep it for broadcast. I leave it au naturel for the podcast;
  • Plays MUST BE IN PDF FORM with playwright contact and cast/tech/set info on cover page, and pages numbered. (You'd be surprised. No, really, you would.)
  • Please title your PDF documents in the following form: YOUR LAST NAME Play title.
  • No more than ONE submission per author.
  • By submitting, you agree to let Onstage/Offstage produce, air, and podcast your work. No worries: you will have prominent credit.
  • We cannot afford to pay you. We do regret this, as artists should be reimbursed for their craft. But we are a shoestring operation without funding. We hope that the podcast with your interview and produced work will suffice.

Address submissions and inquiries to: sapiogeorge@gmail.com