Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Primary Stages: Find Your First Draft this Summer

In this 2-day intensive writing workshop, you will begin and make substantial progress on a brand-new play.

Instructor: Abe Koogler (Obie-winning Writer, Fulfillment Center at MTC, Kill Floor at LCT3)
Saturday, July 14 and Sunday, July 15
11:00am – 3:00pm both days

This class will use an intuitive approach to dramatic structure, inspiring an organic writing process that bypasses the critical brain. Using a combination of in-class exercises, concentrated bursts of writing, and brief feedback sessions, you will leave the workshop with several scenes of a new play, and momentum to continue. The atmosphere will be warm and supportive, and both first-time and more experienced writers are welcome.

Our award-winning faculty, comprised of working professionals in the field, provides practical skills and expert guidance in a collaborative community atmosphere.

Primary Stages ESPA provides students easy and convenient payment plans to break up tuition. For more information, call 212.840.9705 x215 or email