Wednesday, July 4, 2018

David Calicchio Emerging American Playwright Prize

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The David Calicchio Emerging American Playwright Prize is awarded annually to a professionally unproduced playwright, for a new work that shows outstanding promise and a distinctive new voice in the American theatre.

Norton J. “Sky” Cooper established the Calicchio Prize at Marin Theatre Company in 2007, in honor of David Calicchio’s lifelong career as a playwright, and in support of Marin Theatre Company’s commitment to the discovery and development of new and emerging American playwrights. The playwright selected as the Calicchio Prize winner will receive a $2,500 cash award, a professional developmental workshop for the winning play, plus round-trip travel and accommodations during their stay at MTC. The workshop will culminate in an invited or public staged reading at Marin Theatre Company.

Calicchio Prize Guidelines

Marin Theatre Company receives 600+ submissions for the Calicchio Prize each summer. In order to ensure a fair and thoughtful evaluation of each submission, we have established the following guidelines:

Submitting to the Calicchio Prize is free to playwrights. We love you!

One submission per playwright per year only. All Calicchio submissions are automatically entered into the Sky Cooper submission pool as well – no need to apply twice.

Submissions are accepted from July 1-31, 2018. 

Due to the high volume of entries, we ask that you submit via our online process only.

Please, no email or snail mail submissions; they will be deleted unread.

Submissions must be new to MTC. Any submission that appears in a previous submission round for either of MTC’s prizes will not be read, even if substantial changes have been made. (Unsure if you’ve sent us a given piece already? Email MTC literary manager & resident dramaturg Laura A. Brueckner and ask:

Submissions must be unpublished, unproduced, original, full-length plays in any genre. Musicals, translations, and one-acts are not eligible.

Playwrights may not have received a full-scale, professional production prior to submission.

Workshops, readings, and/or non-professional productions do not disqualify a playwright. (Curious if your small production counts as “professional” or not? Email Laura!)

Playwrights must be citizens of the United States.


Calicchio Prize Selection Process

Phase 1:  

Playwrights without agency representation may submit a completed online submission form and upload 10 consecutive pages of sample dialogue. PDF is the preferred format. Please begin the filename with your last name and include play title: Williams, Tennessee - A Streetcar Named Desire.pdf

Theatrical and/or Literary Agents may submit on behalf of their clients, and upload full scripts of their client’s work. (Attorneys are not considered agents for the purposes of this program.) PDF is the preferred format. Please begin the filename with client’s last name and include play title: Williams, Tennessee - A Streetcar Named Desire.pdf

Please fill out all sections of the online form completely; we will be unable to consider incomplete submissions.

If sending a 10-page sample, please send only 10 pages; please do not submit a full script with instructions on where to find your favorite 10 pages.

Please do not send videos, CDs or DVDs; we will be unable to review or return them.

All complete, eligible Calicchio submissions received will be read by a member of the Marin Theatre Company artistic staff.

All complete, eligible Calicchio submissions received will be automatically entered into the submission pool for the Sky Cooper Prize. Hurrah!

Phase 2:

MTC artistic staff will advance especially promising submissions to Phase 2. Playwrights advancing to Phase 2 will receive an email asking for a full script.

From this pool of full scripts, six finalists will be selected and named.

The winning playwright will be chosen from among the finalists by MTC artistic director, Jasson Minadakis.

Questions or concerns? Please email literary manager Laura Brueckner: