Friday, July 6, 2018

Lee Strasberg Theatre & Film Institute Clifford Odets Ensemble Play Commission

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The Clifford Odets Ensemble Play Commission is an annual playwriting commission that encourages emerging playwrights to write original works for large ensembles of emerging actors.

Through this commission, The Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute and The Lee Strasberg Creative Center partners with emerging playwrights, directors and The Lee Strasberg Method™ trained actors and encourages the synergy of great acting with the development of new works.

This commission will provide an incubating space for the development of true ensemble plays in New York City and develop the next generation of collaborating artists.

Below is a link to our website, where you will be able to see a brief description of the commission as well as the Spring 2017 previous director and playwright, Lucy Thurber and Jenna Worsham, who worked one of the last incarnations of the program. ensemble-play-commission-artists-announced/

Essentially, the commission is a collaborative, development process where the playwright meets the NYU students who are accepted (after internal auditions) to the Practicum Program, and a text is developed from there on. All of these students are in their third or fourth year at NYU.

Below is a breakdown of important dates:

Wednesday, July 11th: deadline for playwrights to submit previous work for review.
Friday, July 20th: Playwright is selected.
August 27th: First draft of play due.
Septermber 4th: First Table Read.
December 13th–15th: Performances.

Once the playwright is selected, we will ask the playwright for a director suggestion who will then be interviewed and approved by Victoria Krane, the President of the Institute. The compensation for the commission is $1,500 for the playwright and $1,500 for the director.

Interested playwrights should submit the following:

-A PDF sample work of a full-length text.
-A PDF cover letter outlining the following:
Title of sample work.
Genre of sample work.
Synopsis of sample work.
Brief history of personal experience in ensemble programs and/or play development programs.
-Artistic résumé in PDF form.

All materials are to be submitted to Production Manager, Haydn Díaz, at – Questions about the program can also be directed there.