Monday, July 23, 2018

Little Wonder Radio Plays Short Drama Competition

web site

To enter, carefully read this page, complete the form at the bottom of the page, and upload your script as a .doc, .docx or .pdf file.


1. Engage with Little Wonder

We recommend you to have engage with our work a little before you enter – it will give you a better idea of the sort of thing we do and, hopefully, some ideas how to do it better.

Visit “Little Wonder Radio Plays” on iTunes.  Subscribe.  Listen to a couple of episodes.  Then leave a star rating and a review by clicking on “Ratings and Reviews.”

In your review, try to take a moment to explain what you enjoyed, which episode you listened to and to whom you would recommend the podcast.  It doesn’t need to be more than one to three sentences.

The quality of your review – or whether you have listened to us or not – will have no impact on the evaluation of your work.  We just want you to have engaged a little with what we do before you enter, to help give you an idea of what we’re looking for.  Writing a review is a good way to focus on and think about the work you’ve listened to.

While you’re at it, click on the little down arrow by the word “Subscribe”, click “share on twitter/Facebook”, and tell your friend about us/that you are entering our competition 😉  After all, you do want to be famous when you win, right?

2.  Be sure you have read the Terms and Conditions.  By entering you are stating that you have complied with the terms and conditions.

3.  Check you have done the following:

  • Included a title page with the title, your address, email and contact details.
  • Put the title of your script underlined on the first page.
  • Put a cast list of that could be played by 4 actors, none of whom are children or real people.
  • Set everything in double space 12-point courier
  • Put page numbers in the bottom centre page.
  • Checked your word count is between 1600-2000
  • Saved your file with title “Name of my Play by My Name”, for example “Outside by Keith Crawford“
  • We reserve the right to disqualify entrants who do not meet the competition rules

4.  Don’t be scared.  Everyone must write their first play sooner or later.  We’re nice people who do all of this for love of drama (the good sort of drama).  You don’t have to write perfection.  Just give us heart.

5.  Entry is now live! To enter our 2018 competition, first complete the form below, then upload your file using the upload button at the bottom of the page. Please make sure that the name of your file is “your play by your name” and that you use the same names on the form and on the file.

Once again, before entering, please make sure you have read all our rules and submission guidelines, and how we are handling the additional categories for BAME (Black Asian Minority Ethnic) and LGBTQ+ writers.  Don’t waste all your hard work!