Saturday, September 8, 2018

Radcliffe Institute Fellowship Program

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Each of the more than 900 fellows who have been in residence at the Radcliffe Institute has pursued an independent project, but the collaborative experience unites all of them. Scholars, scientists, and artists work on individual projects, or in clusters, to generate new research, publications, art, and more.

Applications in all academic disciplines, professions, and creative arts are encouraged, and there are a few areas of special interest:

Applications related to the broad theme of the human body, which is a one-year initiative across the programs of the Radcliffe Institute

Applications that involve the study of women, gender, and society, which is a commitment rooted in Radcliffe’s unique history

Applications that draw on the resources of the Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America, which is part of the Radcliffe Institute and one of the foremost archives on women’s history
Applications for the Mellon-Schlesinger Fellowship, part of the broader Long 19th Amendment Project funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation

The Institute seeks to build a community of fellows that is diverse in every way.

Individual Applicants for the 2019–2020 Fellowship Year

Our online application for the 2019–2020 fellowship year is now available.

The deadline for individual applications in the creative arts, humanities, and social sciences is September 13, 2018.

For applications in the natural sciences and mathematics, the deadline is October 4, 2018.
Cluster Applicants for the 2019–2020 Fellowship Year
The deadline to apply as a cluster has passed.
In July, the cluster convener will be notified on the status of their proposal.
For questions regarding the application process you can contact us by e-mail or phone at or 617-496-1324.

Selection Process
Former fellows of the Radcliffe Institute Fellowship Program (2000 to present) are not eligible to apply.

Each application is reviewed in a dual-tiered process by peers in relevant disciplines. Applications are judged on the quality and significance of the proposed project and the applicant’s record of achievement and promise. Applicants are notified by e-mail of the results of the selection process in March.

Terms and Conditions
Radcliffe Institute fellows are in residence for a period of nine months between September 1, 2019 and May 31, 2020 and receive a stipend of $77,500 plus an additional $5,000 to cover project expenses. Applicants may apply for either one or two semesters. Single-semester Radcliffe fellows receive a $38,750 stipend plus an additional $2,500 to cover project expenses.
This is a residential fellowship; therefore, fellows are expected to reside in the Boston area for the duration of their time as Radcliffe fellows. Fellows are expected to be free of their regular commitments so they may devote themselves full time to the work outlined in their proposal. The Institute will provide office or studio space and access to libraries and other resources at Harvard University during the fellowship year. Radcliffe fellows may also be eligible to receive relocation, housing, and childcare funds to aid them in making a smooth transition to Radcliffe. Health care options are made available as needed.
Additional information about the funding that is available to fellows during their fellowship year can be found here.