Saturday, February 2, 2019

2019 SBU Science Playwriting Competition

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The Simons Center for Geometry and Physics and the C. N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics, announce a CALL FOR PLAYS for the 2019 SBU Science Playwriting Competition:

The organizers are calling all talented playwrights with an interest in the sciences, and talented scientists with an interest in the theatre to compose an original, previously-unproduced, ten-minute play with a substantial science component. This contest is open to the general public:

First Prize Winner: $500
Second Prize Winner: $200
3rd Prize Winner: $100

The deadline for submissions is February 15, 2019.

The Science Play Competition began in 2012 as a local contest at Stony Brook University, and has since expanded to become a global event with submissions from throughout the United States and abroad. Bringing science and theatre together is a great way to educate and to provide the public, as well as the science community, with inspirational ideas about science and its effect on humanity. Starting with the belief that art and science are two sides of the same coin, the Science Play Competition seeks creative works of discovery that will ultimately give an audience a better understanding of how the world works and the importance of science!

– Plays should be around 10 minutes in length (usually around 10 pages).  
– Winning playwrights will receive a directed, publicly-staged reading of their work in either the Spring 2019 or Fall 2019 semesters (date to be determined).
– All entries must have a title page that includes the playwright’s contact information. (Name, address, phone number, and email).
– All entries must be original, unpublished work.

The awards committee will be organized by theatre director/dramaturg Steve Marsh and Professor George Sterman.


ALL submissions must be received by midnight February 15, 2019.
If possible a public staged reading of the winning entries will be performed during the Spring or Fall of 2019 at the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics.

*Note: please submit electronic entries as a pdf file. Submitting your play implies permission to have your play performed in a staged reading in the fall semester; all submissions remain the property of the playwright.


This competition is made possible by the generous support of the Simons Center and the C. N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics.  Information about the previous competitions can be found below: