Saturday, July 28, 2012

CAP21 Writers Residency

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Applications are now being accepted for the January 2013 installment of the tri-annual CAP21 Writers Residency.

The CAP21 Writers Residency is offered by CAP21 as an opportunity for a concentrated time and place to be artistically productive in a focused atmosphere while remaining in NYC. It will take place for a 1-2 week period (Jan 7th - 18th) depending on the needs of the writers. During the length of the residency, selected writing teams are provided a beautiful studio space at CAP21 in New York City, complete with a piano and wireless internet, between the hours of 10am and 6pm, Monday through Friday.

One goal of the residency is for the writers to refine their new musical and move it forward to production. Other goals include beginning work on a new project, as well as working on multiple projects. In addition, the writers are able to network with each other, in the interest of forging new relationships and collaborations. Furthermore, CAP21’s Artistic Director will meet with each team and discuss the goals of the project. “CAP21 takes great pride in offering this residency, in the heart of New York City, and in supporting writers to create a fresh new canon of musicals,” says Eliza Ventura, Artistic Director of CAP21.

To apply visit and download the CAP21 Writers Residency Application located in our New Works Development section.