Thursday, July 26, 2012


No web site available, but more information here.

Call for Submissions - Republican Theater Festival, Philadelphia, PA

Forearmed Productions seeks one act plays for the Republican Theater Festival, November 2012, which aims to create a forum for a perspective not usually heard in theater.

Forearmed will select 3 new one-act or 10 minute plays by living playwrights that represent ideas related to social or fiscal conservatism,  issues considered part of the Republican Party, Libertarian or Tea Party platforms, or concerns of people of faith. Plays which have the ultimate aim of criticizing or satirizing conservative ideas will not be considered.

Deadline for submission is August 30th. The plays will be dramaturged, developed and rehearsed for a showing on November 12th, 13th and 14th.

Please send scripts or any questions to Forearmed Productions,