Sunday, August 25, 2013

DARK LAUGHTER: comedies about the seriousness of contemporary American life

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Raven Theatre is now accepting submissions for their 2014 New Play Workshop. The selected play will receive a workshop presentation in June 2014. Playwrights are invited to submit script samples as follows:

  • Plays must be comedies about contemporary American life. Farce and sitcom material will not be considered. 
  • Submission period: July 15 - September 1, 2013 
  • Playwrights must be available to attend a minimum of 4 weeks rehearsal (approximately May-June 2014) at Raven Theatre (in Chicago.) 
  •  Unproduced plays only; however previous readings and developmental workshops are acceptable. 
  • Include a 15-page sample only, plus a brief synopsis and character breakdown. We will contact you if we would like to see the full script. 
  • Please include your LAST NAME and PLAY TITLE in the subject line. 
  • Please email script sample and contact information to between July 15 - September 1, 2013. 

For further information, please contact Susan Lieberman at