Sunday, August 25, 2013

Production Proposals are Now Being Accepted for Metropolitan Playhouse's 9th Living Literature Festival

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New works for co-production inspired by Leading Lights of the Gilded Age

Scheduled for January 13th through 26th, 2014, The Gilded Age Festival is a collection of new plays celebrating the spirit of work and spirit of the Gilded Age: America from 1875 to 1901. Works adapted from, inspired by, relating to prominent authors' and leaders' works, lives, and spirit are all welcome.


The theater seeks submissions for CO-PRODUCTION and submissions are welcome from individual artists and performance companies alike. Co-producers will take full responsibility for conceiving and creating their contribution to the festival, with use of Metropolitan's space and physical resources. Metropolitan will coordinate and promote the festival as a part of its 22nd Season: "Justice"

Submissions may be for works of any length, up to and no longer than 1 hour and 30 minutes. There are NO RESTRICTIONS CONCERNING STYLE. Adaptations, biographies, fantasies, lectures, dialogues will all be considered. Selection by Metropolitan Playhouse will be based on relevance to the theme, artistic quality, feasibility of production, and suitability for the venue.

The Gilded Age, for the festival's purposes, is the period of American history from 1875 to 1901, and submissiions may relate to any prominent thinkers, diarists, poets, dramatists, novelists, and artists, AS WELL AS industrialists, philanthropists, politicians, and crusaders who influenced the character of the age. The pool of potential inspirations is broad and deep, including obvious figures such as Edith Wharton, Henry James, Henry Adams, Kate Chopin, Frank Norris, Frank Baum, Stephen Crane, or Theodore Dreiser, but figures such as Thorstein Veblen, Andrew Carnegie, Theodore Roosevelt, Frederick Taylor might also be considered. Proposers should FREE TO MAKE THE CASE for any writer—even the less well known—for being an influential voice. Source material must be non-dramatic writing.

NOTE: The theater has, in past years, already presented festivals devoted specifically to Mark Twain and Horatio Alger, and consequently these authors will be less interesting as central figures to any submission.

Please note: these are co-productions. We are looking for proposals from producers (or authors, directors, actors who will produce themselves) of performances that YOU will stage at our facility.  We are NOT looking for scripts for Metropolitan to produce. 

Submissions will be accepted by e-mail (preferred) or snail mail (possible).
E-mail submissions should be in pdf format.
Submissions must include:
1.  Cover sheet with
  • Name of Company/Artist taking responsibility for producing the work
  • Project Title
  • Relation to a writer and his/her writing
  • Performance Length (Max. 1 hr, 30 min.  This is extremely important for scheduling.)
  • Contact Person
  • Telephone Contact
  • E-mail Contact
2. Project narrative of no more than 2 pages
3. Key artist biographies and, if applicable, company history
4. Sample text (may be the proposed script or a comparable work by the key artist(s))

Submission Deadline: September 1, 2013

E-mail (Preferred):
Please send proposals or scripts as pdf documents.

Mail (possible):
Metropolitan Playhouse
220 E. 4th Street
New York, NY  10009
Attn: Guilded Age

Inquiries: Alex Roe 212 995 8410 or