Tuesday, December 31, 2013

True Stories wanted

web site

All submissions must be less than 2000 words and must be based on something that actually happened to you (not to your friend or your cousin or your high school math teacher). We are also interested in very short stories (flash [non]fiction), experimental stories, poems, or plays as long as they are true. When possible, we’d like you to send us a scanned photograph or document that correlates with your story, because those kinds of details are nice.

All authors who publish with Tell Us A Story retain the rights to their work and may publish it elsewhere — we just ask that you credit our site if and when you republish. We also accept reprints, if the piece first appeared in print (we do not accept reprints from other online sites). If your piece is a reprint, please acknowledge this when you submit. We also accept simultaneous submissions.

All stories are read by both Amanda and Allyson. We generally do not offer feedback on submissions but we will occasionally request revisions from authors on pieces that show promise but need work. Those authors will work with Coral, our revisions editor. If  we do not respond to your submission in 6 weeks, please do not hesitate to check in on the status of your submission.

Tell Us A Story reserves the right to edit manuscripts for grammar or clarity. If a manuscript requires substantial changes, we will notify the author of such changes for review before publication.

All published stories will remain archived on this site in perpetuity or until the Earth collapses in on itself. Submission to Tell Us A Story constitutes acceptance of these conditions.

Please send submissions (as an attachment, not in the body of the email), images, and a 100 word (or less) biographical statement to tellusastoryblog AT gmail DOT com.  Put “TUAS Submission” in the subject line.