Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Staten Island Playwrights Collective (SIPC) is seeking submissions

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The Staten Island Playwrights Collective (SIPC) is seeking submissions for its upcoming mid-winter short play festival, The Key Project. This year, our festival won’t have a central theme necessarily, but all the plays will feature a key (or keys) as a central object. Keys, literally and figuratively, are devices that open locked passageways, be they real, imagined or metaphorical.

The SIPC is looking for scripts from area playwrights that may run the gamut of tone —from tragedy to comedy—but will select those that most creatively incorporate keys as a central object.

Submissions will be accepted now through January 15, 2014.

Scripts should be no more than 15 minutes in length and may not have more than two scenes nor have more than three characters. Plays should have minimal props and set requirements (we have rehearsal cubes that can be used as set pieces).

Please email all submissions, either as a Microsoft Word document (.doc) or PDF to

Standard play format is not required, just be creative and have fun. Those accepted will be notified via email by January 30, 2014.

The Key Project will have three performances in March 7 – 9, 2014 at the Unitarian Church, 312 Fillmore Street, Staten Island, N.Y. 10301.

About the Staten Island Playwrights Collective: Staten Island Playwrights Collective is a group of playwrights and directors whose purpose is to develop and present original words with special emphasis on Staten Island authors.