Saturday, May 17, 2014

Stage Left Studio Free Rent Series

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It’s hard to make it in this city – costs are high, audiences are hard to get – what’s a hard-working artist to do?

Cheryl King, of Stage Left Studio, in her ongoing effort to make things possible for independent theatre producers, has created the Free Rent Series.
She’ll give away one night per month - rent free – to help new artists see their work on stage.
It’s easy. Fill out the submission form, send in your script, and if you are chosen, you’ll receive a free night in the performance space. You provide your own board operator, and get two hours of free rehearsal plus a night in the theatre – free. Additional rehearsal hours for the show will get a 50% discount off Stage Left’s very reasonable rates.
Stage Left will provide programs, and box office personnel. Ticket sales up to $300 go to Stage Left. Any box office proceeds above that amount go to you.
Here’s your chance to see how your show flies – and all you have to invest is your time, your talent, and yourself.
Click here to download application. Send completed application to or to
Stage Left Studio
214 West 30th Street, 6th floor
New York, NY 10001