Saturday, May 17, 2014

The Civilians R&D Group 2014-2015 Application

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Applications due by June 1, 2014.
The Civilians' R&D Group meets biweekly for nine months, during which time each artist or team of artists develops a new piece of theater through a creative investigation of a topic chosen by each artist. The creative process may include interviewing, community engagement, research, or other experimental methods of inquiry. Led by Artistic Director Steve Cosson and R&D Coordinator EllaRose Chary, the artists share and discuss their methodologies and the resulting work.

Click HERE for blog posts by our artists about working with the investigative method and their projects!

Upload all required documents as PDFs.

Please Read These Directions Carefully BEFORE Completing the Application. Note: this application cannot be saved.

The Civilians R&D Group is comprised of theater artists from various disciplines (writers, directors, composers, etc.) interested in exploring different strategies for making investigative theater and being a part of The Civilians' community of artists.

We define "investigative theater" broadly, meaning any creative process of inquiry that feeds the creation of a work of theater. Methods may include research, a community-based focus, interviews, company-devised strategies, or other experimental strategies of the artist's design. The artists meet on a regular basis for nine months to share and discuss their methodologies and the resulting work with the group, R&D Coordinator EllaRose Chary, and Artistic Director Steve Cosson. The generative artists in the group (writers, composers, writer/actor, writer/director, etc.) are expected to attend all of the sessions; regular attendance is critical and should be considered when applying.

Additionally, a group of directors are chosen to complete the group. Directors are invited to meetings, but not expected to attend all; the directors become more active at the end of the season, with the direction of the public readings.

The intention of the group is that each writer will finish a draft for public presentation by May 2015. Given the nature of the process, it is understood that these drafts will be in various stages of development when they are presented.

To apply for the 2014-2015 R&D Group all applicants must complete the online application.

Additional Instructions for Writers/Composers/Actors:

In the box for your CV or BIO : please upload a one paragraph bio.

In the box for your STATEMENT : please upload a one to two paragraph proposal for an investigative project to be developed in the group that includes some thoughts as to why you are interested in working on this project in this particular group.

The project may already be in process or be completely new; however, it is important that the artist has the intention to be actively developing the work during the period of the group. A collaborative team of two people may apply together (writer and composer, for example), but in such cases, both artists must commit to full participation and must submit seperate applications.

Additional Instructions for Directors :

In the box for your BIO or RESUME : please upload your resume.

In the box for your STATEMENT : please upload a one paragraph statement discussing what you hope to get out of being a member of the Group. Also please outline your expected availability from September to May.

Deadline for applications is June 1st, 2014.

Please address all application questions to EllaRose Chary at .