Friday, January 13, 2017

ESPAfest 2017: Free Writing Workshops, Master Classes, and Performances!

Primary Stages Einhorn School of Performing Arts (ESPA) is thrilled to announce ESPAfest 2017. Join us a week of FREE writing and acting workshops, master classes, and performances.

All events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted. RSVP to attend.
Sunday, January 22
1-4pm: Get it Out: Write-In: A safe space to get post-inauguration thoughts on the page
Guided by Primary Stages ESPA Writing Faculty
Monday, January 23
2pm: Free Master Class with David Auburn (Writer, Proof)
Tuesday, January 24
6pm: Solo Train: An evening of solo show performances, hosted by Judy Gold
7pm & 9pm: Free Performances of Detention #39: Through the Looking Glass
Wednesday, January 25
Free Workshops
3:45-4:45pm: Refining Your Monologue and Audition with Kelly McAndrew
4:45-5:45pm: Alexander Technique with Karen Braga
5:45-8pm: ESPAfest Mixer
8-9pm: Getting It Written with Writing Faculty
Thursday, January 26
12pm: Free Master Class with Primary Stages Founder Casey Childs: Using the Off-Broadway Oral History Project for your Own Process
1pm: ESPAfest Roundtable: Becoming a Parent and Remaining an Artist

See the full listing of events and RSVP:

ESPA is a home for all artists, in all stages of their careers.  For more information, call 212.840.9705 x211 or email