Friday, January 13, 2017

Women in the Age of Trump: MY EYES ARE UP HERE

MY EYES ARE UP HERE by Les Abromovitz is a semi-finalist for NYCPlaywrights project "Women in the Age of Trump."

LES ABROMOVITZ, an attorney, is the author, co-author, and ghostwriter of many business books. He has won two playwriting contests, and his plays have been included in a number of festivals. His website is
Thanks to Les Abromovitz for allowing NYCPlaywrights to publish this excerpt from his play MY EYES ARE UP HERE.


It’s bad enough he’s useless, toxic, and sexist. He’s incompetent.


What was his father like?


His dad was always a perfect gentleman who loved his wife. Even when I was in my prime, he treated me and the other women here with respect.


Where did he go wrong with Martin?


I guess the apple does fall pretty far from the tree. You’re young. Why don’t you find another job?


   (Shakes her head in disgust)
Where have I heard that before? So that’s my choice. Put up with a creepy boss or leave. I like this job and what I do.


I’ve always said: It’s never the job that causes problems. It’s the people.


The people are the job. I haven’t been in the work force as long as you, June, but I don’t know of many jobs where you get to do your thing without dealing with bosses and co-workers.


Are you referring to me?


You and I get along great. I’m just saying it’s rare to find a work situation where you love your boss and every one of your co-workers.


Before Martin came along, we were like family – and not a dysfunctional one. If you had a legitimate beef, Martin’s father would try to resolve the issue.


And now, there’s no one to complain to here. For two years, we had to listen to Howard Stern interview strippers, because Fred in purchasing didn’t own a set of earphones. If you hadn’t bought him an expensive pair of ear buds, we’d still be forced to listen.


My son tells me I should open my own business if I want to succeed or fail based on my own merits.

What does your daughter say?


Her aunt and I have made her as cynical as we are. When my older sister was one of the first female engineers at her company forty years ago, they used to tell her that the glass ceiling would be shattered in ten years. They still don’t have a woman running a division.


Don’t hold your breath for Martin to promote any women around here. Just his golf buddies.


If you think the men around here are bad, try working with engineers. The majority of them have the social skills of twelve-year old boys. The only social interaction they get is playing video games online. And even in that world, they don’t know how to interact with the women players.


Most of the guys here are OK – except for Martin and Fred.


Maybe they’ll change if they ever have a daughter. On the bright side, my sister deals with customers who won’t even shake her hand because of their religion or culture.