Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Palm Beach Dramaworks

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Palm Beach Dramaworks has revised its submission criteria for out-of-state (Florida) residents by welcoming plawrights without represenation to submit a brief synopsis of their play along with their bio to The Dramaworkshop Manager for consideration. 

In addition, the Dramaworkshop has expanded its reach to include graduating MFA Playwriting candidates.

The Dramaworkshop submission period for new, unproduced plays for its developmental lab is open now through January 31, 2017

The selected plays may receive any or all of the following: workshops, staged readings, and developmental productions. Interested playwrights can find guidelines and submission links on PBD's website,

PBD has been delighted by the quantity and quality of submissions since The Dramaworkshop was launched in 2014. Scripts are read by a company of resident artists, who choose a select few for development and remain involved throughout the process. Last year, four plays went on to various phases of development including Jennifer Fawcett's Buried Cities, which received a full developmental production. 
The ultimate goal of The Dramaworkshop is to produce new work for PBD and stages all over the country.

Palm Beach Dramaworks is a non-profit, professional theatre and is a member of the Theatre Communications Group, the South Florida Theatre League, Florida Professional Theatres Association, and the Cultural Council of Palm Beach County.