Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Women in the Age of Trump: WE GATHER TOGETHER

WE GATHER TOGETHER by Carol Mullen is a semi-finalist for NYCPlaywrights project "Women in the Age of Trump."

Pittsburgh playwright CAROL MULLEN is delighted to be included among the semi-finalists in the WOMEN IN THE AGE OF TRUMP project. Her work has been produced by theaters and festivals including the Emerging Artists Theater, 10 x 10 in the Triangle, Los Angeles Women's Theatre Project, and Stage Q. 

Thanks to Carol Mullen for allowing NYCPlaywrights to publish this excerpt from her play WE GATHER TOGETHER.

Right after I quit my job. Might as well live life to the
fullest before martial law kicks in. 
Besides, no one's going to need a tax attorney after January 20. 
Who'll be paying taxes? 
   (Marge, Vern, and Jennifer laugh loudly, sharing the joke.) 
Maybe mulled wine would be good. Or a big glass of vodka. 
Great choices - it'll be our national beverage soon, eh comrades?  
   (Marge returns to the kitchen, pours a glass of vodka, brings it in for Jordan.) 
Is Dirk coming for Thanksgiving dinner? 
Only dessert.
Who's Dirk? 
Your mom's lover.
   (Jordan chokes on a cheese puff, coughs, takes a long drink of vodka, coughs some more.) 
In through the nose, out through the mouth. 
You might know him - he works at the skate park on Highland.
Have you lost your fucking minds? 
Language, Jordan. 
We're in the middle of a national crisis and you're -
Pulling together and making the best of it. 
You're having an affair! With someone who works at a skate
Don't be elitist Sweet Pea. 
   (to Vern)
You can't be okay with that.
We're straddling the brink of nuclear holocaust - who am I to deny your mother as many orgasms as she can handle?