Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Women in the Age of Trump: TELEPATHY

TELEPATHY by Brian Leahy Doyle is a semi-finalist for NYCPlaywrights project "Women in the Age of Trump."

BRIAN LEAHY DOYLE is a teacher, a theater director, and the author of Encore! The Renaissance of Wisconsin Opera Houses, the 2010 recipient of the Theatre Historical Society of America’s Outstanding Book Award. His work as a playwright has appeared in theaters in New York, Chicago, and California, including Greetings from Fitzwalkerstan which was produced at Broom Street Theater in Madison, Wisconsin, and The Chancers!which received a staged reading at The Players Club in Manhattan in June 2016.

Thanks to Brian Doyle for allowing NYCPlaywrights to publish this excerpt from his play TELEPATHY.

So, what – now you want a divorce?


I love you, Vito, and tonight if you had given me one glimmer of hope that you still had romantic feelings for me, no, I wouldn’t – but, yeah, call it impulsive, call me crazy, call me pre-menopausal, but I want a divorce, and I want you to go home, pack your gym bag, and move out. Now!


Can I wait until the appetizer?




You’re really pissed!


Yeah, what’d the guy Shakespeare say, “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”?


You brought this on yourself, you know, if you’d’ve put out more often…


   (A storm brewing in the distance, enunciating each word for effect) 
Don’t. Make. Me. Raise. My. Voice. Cause I will. Leave. Now!



Okay, I’ll be at Aunt Sophie’s in case you change your mind –

Out. Go. Leave. NOW!


You’re making a big mistake.

  (ANGELA fixes a look that could strip lacquer.)


All right, I’m going.

(VITO leaves. Silence. A swelling of the music in the background. ANGELA begins to weep quietly. JONAH enters with a water pitcher. He assesses the situation.)


Madame, are you all right?


Do I look all right?


   (After a beat) 
   (At a loss) 
Would you care for a cup of freshly brewed Fair Trade Organic Coffee? Or I can brew a pot of organic hibiscus tea...

   (ANGELA begins to cry uncontrollably. JONAH looks around the empty restaurant, then sits down in the other chair, and tentatively touches her hand.)


Are you sure I can’t get you something...?


   (Through sobbing and tears) 
What’s your name?




Like the guy in the whale?


Yes, I suppose.


Nice to meet you, Jonah, like the guy in the whale. 
   (Proffering her hand) 

   (With a beatific smile) 
I’m pleased to meet you, Angela.