Friday, January 5, 2018


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Next spring we will be hosting our first major event, a week long theatre festival in the centre of Coventry that will aim to bring unseen stories, ideas, and theatre styles out of peoples blind spot.

With a focus on new writers we aim to create a platform within Coventry's creative community where new artists can develop their skills, expand their network, and see their work performed.

THE PROGRAMME: The final event will be made up of up to seven productions. Cast and crew will be made up of members of the Coventry creative communities, providing diverse opportunities for everyone to be involved.

Writing submissions are now open and will close at midnight on the 15th January 2018. 

As well as these the programme for the festival will include loads of other events: art exhibits, open mic nights, and scratch nights in various spaces throughout the city. There will be opportunities to meet the cast and crew, and the writers, in Q&A's and workshops, and learn more about Blindspot Theatre and how to get involved. It's going to be a jam packed week!

WHO CAN APPLY? Whilst we originally opened submissions to those with some link to Coventry, we've had such interest we've decided to open up! Now anyone from anywhere is free to apply. We think that bringing people from outside Coventry will not only create more diversity in the festival, but also more interest in the city - we are #CityofCulture2021 after all!

One thing we aren't concerned with is whether you got a first in your drama degree or if you haven't set foot in a theatre for years, we'll be judging you on the merit of your submission alone. Even if this is your first venture into writing or theatre, don't be afraid to send it in!

You can apply as an individual, or we'll also accept collaborations and groups! If there is more than one of you then nominate one persons email to use, don't worry if your group doesn't have a name either, if that's the case just list the names of everyone involved, with the nominated contact first.
We do however advise that those with established careers in writing for theatre do not apply, as this festival is aimed at new theatre writers.

DOES MY PIECE NEED TO BE FINISHED? Absolutely not. We'll accept scripts in any stage of development: we have a whole stage of the project set out for developing scripts that aren't complete where we will polish them to performance standard. And if you haven't even written your piece yet (or are afraid you won't have time before the deadline) don't let that put you off either, if this is the case we'll accept a detailed plot summary (minimum one side of A4, to be attached as a file.) Please be aware though that as these kinds of submissions will require significantly more development you will have to be willing to put in the time to work on it with us. If you aren't/can't then this could effect whether or not you make the final shortlist.

HOW LONG SHOULD MY PIECE BE? We say a minimum of ten minutes and a maximum of two hours.

WHAT SHOULD MY PIECE BE? Anything you want! This festival is about pulling issues out of peoples blind spots, so if there's a social issue, a story, a piece of history, or anything else that you feel isn't talked about enough, then tell people about it through your piece. We're looking for creativity, innovation, and fresh ideas, and of course that are representative and diverse. So surprise us! We're also interested in seeing pieces that are apart from the norm of usual theatre - so if there's a weird and wonderful style you like to write in, go for it! We can't wait to see it! Another thing we're keen to see is a creative use of space in your piece. Don't tie yourself down by thinking you have to have it on a stage with an audience out front...

WHAT SHOULDN'T MY PIECE BE? Though we want to keep things as open as possible, we do ask that you avoid the following unless it can be proven to be integral to character, plot, or as a device for social commentary - that means we don't want to see it used needlessly or in an intentionally negative/derogatory way:
'Alt-right' themes of any kind
Your piece should also not infringe upon any existing copyright laws or royalties, and consider whether or not you are allowed to write about famous persons living or dead.

HOW DO I SUBMIT MY PIECE? At the bottom of the page there will be a submission form that you can fill in and send to us. Please make sure of a couple of things before you click send:
1.  That if it's a script it's written in the usual format and pages are portrait.
2.  Your text is written in a clear, legible, black font.
3.  The document is in .doc or .pdf format.

WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? All submissions will go to the Artistic Director who will handpick the pieces for the shortlist. If you are not selected you may still contact them on the email link at the top of the page to request feedback, which we are always happy to provide. Don't be too disheartened if your piece isn't selected, this doesn't necessarily mean we didn't like it. We keep a record of all submissions and may contact you to say so, and suggest producing your piece separate from the festival in the future.

INSIDER ADVICE: from Georgia Kelly, artistic director: "Be honest about yourself, your piece, where you want to take it and what you're willing to do to develop it. Try to be open about changes and new ideas, challenge yourself to think differently! If you have any questions you want to ask me, don't hesitate to get in touch: use the enquiries box on the 'contact' page to drop me a message. I look forward to reading all the submissions and wish everyone the best of luck!"