Sunday, January 7, 2018


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In honor of Emerging Artists Theatre’s 25th anniversary, the New Work Series is making some significant changes in order to attract highly motivated artists with quality material to present. We are seeking high-quality submissions of new material that is ready to be in front of an audience. Submissions in cabaret, dance, short plays, solo performance, puppetry, and short musicals are now being accepted.

NEW for the 2018 New Work Series:

All artists now get 50% of the Box Office
Participants now will have no required audience guarantee
EAT will provide a projector for those shows using projections
A high quality video camera will be made available if interested in recording the performance
More marketing and press support
Emerging Artists Theatre will provide

  • A 99 seat Off Broadway theater in the heart of Manhattan
  • Professional stage manager and Assistant Stage Manager
  • Piano and music stands
  • Ticketing Services
  • Box Office and House Management
  • Two dressing rooms
  • Curated talkback (where you decide what feedback you need)
  • Safe and supportive environment
  • Nice, friendly staff
  • Simple set pieces available
  • One Technical Rehearsal
  • Rep light plot and sound system
  • Concessions available, including beer and wine
  • Large banners of series shows in lobby
  • Full color program brochures

The Emerging Artists Theatre (EAT) New Work Series is a three-week developmental series that provides artists of different disciplines the opportunity to present one night of a "work in progress" with audience feedback. Successful FringeNYC, NYMF, Edinburgh Fringe, and Off-Broadway shows have been born out of this series. Emerging Artists Theatre is excited to present a new round of opportunity to local artists.

20th Annual New Work Series : February 26th – March 18th, 2018

Submission deadline: Jan 10, 2018

Informational Meeting (not required): Jan 8, 2018

Please click here to apply to the NWS and get more info on guidelines.

*For those who have a full length play or musical and want to produce it as a workshop or showcase, Emerging Artists can help present their work in our New Work Series for 3 performances a week for 3 weeks during the New Work Series Producers pay $1500(tax deductible donation) per week to the New Work Series and get a 70-30 box office split. EAT provides technical crew (SM and ASM), 99 seat professional theatre, house management, box office, ticketing service, voluntary accident insurance, and free limited rehearsal space subject to availability.