Friday, January 4, 2019

Babes with Blades Seeking Female, Trans or Gender Non-Conforming Playwrights

web site

(*New for this round)

What We’re Looking For

1. Please email your Joining Sword & Pen (JS&P) submission in a PDF file to


Your email submission should contain two separate attachments:

a) Your cover page. INCLUDE the play’s title, playwright’s name, and full contact information (name, phone numbers, email, mailing address).

b) Your script. INCLUDE a list of characters, and the page number where the contest’s image is incorporated. DO NOT INCLUDE ANY contact information, of any kind, in the body of your script. An author’s identity will only be revealed to the ensemble once a selection has been made.

2. JS&P submissions are due NO LATER than midnight February 7, 2019.

3. The winner of the contest agrees to participation in the Fighting Words new plays program (workshops and festival reading – dates TBD), and grants Babes With Blades Theatre Company rights to produce the world premiere production of the winning play in our 2020/2021 Season (dates TBD).

4. All JS&P submissions must be new, original works, inspired by the artwork that is the focus of the contest. Previously written, workshopped, published or performed submissions will not be considered and we will not contact you. Please do not insert the contest image into an existing script.

5. The moment depicted in the inspirational image must be physically dramatized/incorporated into the play. We want to (literally) perform that moment on stage. Please include the page number of your script where the contest’s image is depicted in your submission email.

Please note: the models in the inspirational images are intended as prompts, to provide an emotional starting point for your reference. You are NOT required to incorporate those specific people, body types, races, ages, etc. into your script – rather, take the moment depicted and make it your own. Bear in mind that Babes With Blades Theatre Company encourages scripts that allow for a diverse world of characters onstage!

Inspirational Images for JS&P 2018-2019 Competition:


Helpful Hints:

  • If your script does not pass the Bechdel Test, it is unlikely to be a good fit for us.
  • Our roots are in stage combat (Fights are the realization of high narrative stakes).
  • We do not accept or produce musical scripts.
  • Our venues are generally small black box spaces. So is our cashbox.