Friday, January 4, 2019

FailSafe Festival 2019

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FailSafe Festival is a five-day festival of live performance, taking place in the Times Square/Hell's Kitchen area of New York City. FailSafe Festival provides a space for artists to push beyond what they consider "safe" to present, giving them an opportunity to present work that may not have a home elsewhere.

FailSafe Festival submissions are open to live performance projects, including but not limited to theater, performance art, and dance/movement.

  • Submitted projects can be finished, portions of larger/longer works, or works-in-progress.
  • There are no submission fees, participation fees, or festival fees.
  • Submitted projects should be between 30 minutes (minimum) and 60 minutes (maximum) in length. Sorry, submissions that are either shorter or longer in length will not be considered for participation.
  • Sorry, no AEA showcases or AEA readings will be accepted.
  • Live performance submissions only, please. No work that is wholly pre-recorded. For example, a film by itself will not be accepted. Live work with multi-media elements including film may be accepted.
  • Submissions can come from an individual artist, group/collective, or producer. Up to two different projects from an individual artist, group/collective, or producer can be submitted. 
  • A project can consist of one work from an individual artist, group/collective, or producer, or can be multiple works from multiple artists as long as it meets the time length criteria. For example, three playwrights can collectively submit three 20 minute one-acts as one project/submission (maximum time length: 60 minutes). As another example, five performance artists can submit a concert of five 10-minute pieces as one project/submission (time length: 50 minutes).
  • Persons submitting to FailSafe Festival should either have obtained or own all necessary presenting rights for the material submitted.

If you have any further questions, please e-mail: failsafefestival[at]