Monday, December 31, 2012

10-minute play wanted for the Abingdon Theatre Company’s THE COLD CASE CRISIS PLAYS Benefit Challenge Series

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New York/Metropolitan Area Only 
Abingdon Theatre Company’s


Dear Playwright,

You are invited to submit an original 10-minute play to Abingdon Theatre Company’s THE COLD CASE CRISIS PLAYS Benefit Challenge Series. This effort engages artists who support a theatre dedicated to new plays.

Our Cold Case Crisis Benefit Challenge Series asks you to unleash your creativity by writing a short play where a character deals with or is confronted by a person, item, or unresolved issue that has been long gone, dormant or missing but has been suddenly reactivated.  It can be an internal revelation or an external force where the character is driven to seek resolution.  This resolution may not be successful.  Be creative!  Consider all forms of the cold case, from a missing person or item, to an unsolved crime, to an unresolved relationship.

We strongly encourage original play submissions that are developed for this presentation.

Using your skills and imagination, write an original play that will be presented as a staged reading on the set of Abingdon’s next production, BODEGA BAY, by Elisabeth Karlin and directed by Sturgis Warner.   The Benefit Challenge Series seeks plays written in any style that reveal a fresh plot, sufficient conflict and a running time of 10 minutes, maximum. Plays are due at midnight on Friday, January 11, 2013.  SERIES A performs on Tuesday, February 5, and SERIES B performs on Tuesday, February 12. Are you ready? Here are the guidelines. Please read carefully! 

  1. Abingdon presents the play. We provide the actors, directors, stage manager, rehearsal space and the theatre (the 55-seat Dorothy Strelsin Theatre at the Abingdon Theatre Arts Complex, 312 W. 36th Street, NYC).  There is no fee or cost to the playwright!
  2. This is also a fundraiser to support Abingdon’s New Play Development Program. ALL participants are donating their time and talent, and HELPING TO RECRUIT AN AUDIENCE. Our goal is to fill every seat in the house!  The suggested audience donation is $10.
  3. Each playwright and director will be able to attend the staged reading of their script in designated seating.
  4. Every play gets two performances.

Please make sure you follow all submission requirements.

1.     Your play must adhere to the theme of a cold case.
2.     Your play must define the setting.  The stage is a raised, open platform.  Your play can take place in or out of doors.  Available set pieces are a table and 2 chairs.
3.     Write for a cast of 2-3 actors (any age, race, ethnicity, or gender).
4.     We prefer scripts that can be staged without relying on stage directions. If stage directions are necessary, please keep them to a minimum.
5.     Your script will be presented as a staged reading in accordance with AEA guidelines. Keep production values to a minimum. Costumes are at the discretion of the director and the willing cooperation of the actors. No hand props can be used.
6.     Plays should be in standard script format: 12 point font, 1” margins on all sides, and character names on a separate line. On your title page, please include your contact information (phone, email and address).  Be sure to number all pages.
7.     Submit scripts in MS-Word - preferred - or PDF format.
8.     Scripts longer than 10 pages – title and character breakdown pages are not counted – will NOT be considered.  Regardless of the number of pages, the running time MUST be no more than 10 minutes!
9.     You may only submit one script for consideration.
10.  Playwrights must attend the staged readings of their play.  Please specify your availability for SERIES A (2/5), and/or SERIES B (2/12). If you are available for either slot, let us know that, too!
11.  We encourage you to attend rehearsals, if possible.  The schedule will be determined later.
12.  The deadline for script submission is midnight, January 11. Up to 12 scripts will be chosen.

1.     Email your scripts to Bara Swain at
2.     Write in the subject line: COLD CASE SUBMISSION / Your Name
3.     In the body of the email, send your complete contact information (name, phone, email address) and a one-line summary of your play as well as your availability (Series A and/or Series B).
4.     You will be contacted regarding your script’s status in mid-January.

If you have any questions, contact Bara Swain or Kim T. Sharp, Co-Producers. For more information on Abingdon Theatre Company, see our website at We look forward to hearing from you!


Bara Swain
Kim T. Sharp
Abingdon’s Benefit Challenge Series

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Seeking Writing Submissions for a new piece exploring War, Family, Grief, Anger and Love in the legacy of the Vietnam War

web site

Poetic Theater Productions and Project Agent Orange are looking for writers to collaborate on a new poetic theater movement piece for a reading in Poetic Theater Productions' second annual festival of new poetic theater, Poetic License, January 21-27, 2013 at Wild Project located in the East Village in NYC.  Particularly looking for writers who identify as one of the following: Vietnamese, Asian diaspora, veterans of the Vietnam War or their descendants.

Please send a short 3-12 minute script written as a monologue, dialogue, ensemble told story, a poem, or narrative aligned with the description of the show below to by 3PM on Monday, January 7th. 

Poetic Theater Productions seeks to define the modern genre of “poetic theater” by connecting and fostering a community of artists who are passionately creating relevant and accessible work and reinvigorating a conscious theater of language.  Through a multi-runged platform of developmental programming, Poetic Theater Productions offers resources and opportunities for poets, playwrights, and theater artists to develop new work and see it through to production. PTP seeks out and creates opportunities to connect with communities affected by the issues of topic within our productions, in NYC and nationwide, through collaborative projects and exchanges of art and ideas.  Poetic License is Poetic Theater Productions' festival of new poetic theater.  The festival will run Jan 21-27th 2013 at the Wild Project in New York, NY.

Project Agent Orange is a movement company dedicated to understanding how war is inherited in the body. Founded by Natalia Duong in 2010, the interdisciplinary movement and research collective is interested in what movement can illuminate about trauma and memory through live performance. The work draws on testimonies from people affected by Agent Orange, ethnographic studies conducted through community devised performance in Vietnam, as well as research in Trama Studies, Affect Studies, and Performance Studies. The company recently performed three nights of an evening length show to sold out audiences at Dixon Place in Lower Manhattan and has toured to Boston, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and New Jersey. PAO was the recipient of a space and production grant in Chen Dance Center's newsteps program, a featured artist in a4's Locating the Sacred Festival, and was nominated as a recommended artist for New York Live Arts' Fresh Track Series.

Questions? Email

We look forward to reading your submissions!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Little Festival of the Unexpected

web site

Submissions for the upcoming Little Festival of the Unexpected are accepted year-round on a rolling basis (we are currently reading for the 2013 festival).

All submissions received after January 1 will be considered for the following year's Festival.

Only scripts and samples of full-length plays are considered for the Festival.
  •  Literary agents may submit complete scripts on behalf of their clients at any time.
  •  Playwrights who do not have agents may submit 10-page dialogue samples for consideration. Dialogue samples must be accompanied by a synopsis, production history and character breakdown.
  • Plays are eligible for development at the Little Festival of the Unexpected only if they have not previously been professionally produced or workshopped with Equity actors. This restriction includes Actors Equity showcase and waiver productions. Plays that have had readings or non-AEA productions are still eligible.
Only one submission is accepted per playwright in a given year.
Submissions of 10-page samples (from playwrights) must be sent by U.S. Mail only - no e-mails, faxes, etc.

Submit by mail to:
Portland Stage Company
Attn: Literary Manager
P.O. Box 1458
Portland, ME 04104

Romantic comedy two-handers

Same Time, Next Year

Venus in Fur

The Owl and the Pussycat

Mixed Blood submission guidelines

web site

Mixed Blood welcomes submissions of contemporary plays that pursue and realize the company’s mission and aesthetic. Mixed Blood uses theatre to address pluralism, usually manifest in race, culture, language, disability, gender, nationality, affectional orientation, and political worldview. Predictably unpredictable, the theatre particularly invites polyglot plays, scripts from the global stage, and work that advances the art form. We prefer e-submissions.

If you think you play might be a good fit for us, please send a query letter, your bio or resume, a brief synopsis, and a 10-page sample of your play to the Mixed Blood Literary Manager -

Our Mission

Mixed Blood Theatre, a professional, multi-racial company, promotes cultural pluralism and individual equality through artistic excellence, using theater to address artificial barriers that keep people from succeeding in American society.

Our Vision
To be the definitive destination where theater artists and audiences representing the global village can create and share work that spawns a ripple effect of social change and revolutionizes access to theater.

Our Core Values
Mixed Blood’s programming, audience, artists, board and staff model a plurality of coexisting peoples that makes the broadest range of human differences acceptable to the largest number of people.

The company’s evolution is toward better programs and operations that ensure artistic excellence, operational efficiency and financial solvency.

Mixed Blood offers an environment of transparency and consideration that is in keeping with the company’s mission of individual equality.

Predictably Unpredictable
Mixed Blood advances its artistry and mission through the selection and production of bold, new, and risk-taking programming.

Broad Focus
Mixed Blood connects its decisionmaking to a broader perspective by asking and answering “how does each significant decision advance Mixed Blood, its communities, and the regional theatre movement?”

Playdough is seeking new plays and musicals

web site

Playdough is a brand new company dedicated to molding new live events and performances with only the most inspiring writers and directors. Right now, Playdough is seeking new plays and musicals to be produced in their 2013 reading series. Small cast shows will be given preference.

Playdough has a unique and personal submission process. Interested applicants must email a sample scene (no more than 5 pages), 1-3 sample songs (if a musical) and a short paragraph about the personalities already working on the project. From this submission, select writers will be invited to PlayDate Appointments (Jan 17 and 18) to meet the Playdough Staff and present their best elevator pitch. After these pitches, Playdough will request scripts for the pieces they are interested in before choosing the first plays for their inaugural reading series.

Playdough is focused on having fun and vibrant hard-working experiences and therefore seeks to work with only open and growth minded individuals driven by love of what they do.

Playdough will bring chosen pieces to their next stage in the creative development process, producing workshops and productions until the pieces are ready to enter more commercial environments.

Email sample scenes, songs and how awesome your team is to Full scripts are not accepted at this point.


web site

Seeks unproduced, unpublished full-length & one-act plays (50 pp min) on any subject by Latino playwrights currently living in the US, its territories or Mexico for the Latino Playwriting Award. Submissions may be in English, Spanish or combination. Winner receives $1,000 & poss inclusion in Arizona Theatre Company’s Café Bohemia play reading series.

2013 National Latino Playwriting Award Guidelines:Latino playwrights residing in the United States, its territories, or Mexico are encouraged to submit scripts for the Award.  Each script will be read and evaluated by a culturally diverse panel of theatre artists. Finalists will be judged by ATC artistic staff.

Deadline for Submission:
Scripts must be postmarked by December 31, 2012. 

Submission Procedure:
We respectfully ask that you adhere to the following application requirements:

  • Submit one script, securely bound by brads, a three ring binder, a presentation folder or any other non-permanent binding system. Please do not send a script that has been spiral-bound.
  • Please include a title page on the script that includes the play's title, the author's name and contact information (including a phone number, mailing address and email) on the front page.
  • Include a cover letter of no more than one-page, describing the play's developmental history and any other relevant information about the play.

Mail manuscripts to:
 National Latino Playwriting Award
ATTN: Katherine Monberg, Literary Assistant
Arizona Theatre Company
343 S. Scott Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85701
We do not accept scripts via email.

One playwright will be awarded $1,000 and the possible inclusion of the winning play in Café Bohemia, ATC's unique play reading series.

The award is open to all Latino playwrights currently residing in the United States, its territories, or Mexico.

Scripts may be in English, English and Spanish, or solely in Spanish. (Spanish language and bilingual scripts must be accompanied by an English translation.)

Plays must be unpublished and unproduced (professionally) by the time of submission.

Full-length and one-act plays (minimum length, 50 pages) on any subject will be accepted.

Selection Process
Scripts will be read by a culturally diverse panel of theatre artists. The award-winning play will be selected from a group of finalists by ATC's senior artistic staff.

Scripts become the property of Arizona Theatre Company and will not be returned. In this case, "property" means the physical property of the theatre, not the intellectual property or any rights to the play.

The winner will be notified by August 1, 2013.

For More Information:
Katherine Monberg, Literary Assistant

Friday, December 28, 2012


web site

The Colonial Players theatre in historic Annapolis is hosting a Promising Playwright Contest for unpublished scripts of all lengths and genres except musicals.

To be considered eligible, playwrights must be residents of one of the original thirteen colonies, West Virginia, or the District of Columbia. 

The scripts must be original or adapted with permission, and cast size is limited to 10 actors. The winning script will be offered as a staged reading at the culmination of a summer 2013 weekend workshop. The playwright will be awarded a $1000 cash prize. Detailed contest guidelines and an application form are available on the Downloads page of our website. Scripts can be submitted by mail or electronically and must be received or postmarked no later than December 31, 2012. For more information, contact


1. The competition is open to any aspiring playwright residing in any of the states descendant from the original 13 colonies (Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, and Virginia), West Virginia, or Washington, D.C.

2. The Colonial Players, Inc. will accept mailed entries only if they bear postmarks between September 1, 2012, and December 31, 2012. Consideration will not be given to plays received with postmarks before or after this time period. Plays submitted electronically via email must be received by Colonial Players between September 1, 2012, and December 31, 2012. Consideration will not be given to plays that do not comply with these deadlines.

3. The winning play/playwright will be announced no later than May 1, 2013.

4. The Colonial Players, Inc. will present the winning playwright with a cash award of $1,000. The winning play / playwright will be given a weekend-long workshop with participation by the playwright in a rehearsed reading by The Colonial Players, Inc. In addition, The Colonial Players, Inc., at its sole option, may choose to give the play a fully staged production at a future date.

5. The Colonial Players, Inc. will consider one-act and full-length plays. Cast size is limited to ten actors or fewer. Musicals are not eligible.

6. To enter the Contest, contestants must submit:

a. the complete script, 
b. a synopsis (two-page limit) of the play,
c.  any ten (10) consecutive sample pages from the script, and 
d. a completed application form with check-off list (see website).

7. If mailed, the complete script must be typewritten and firmly bound in a cover; no brads, no staples, and no ring binders. For all submissions, entries must comply with all requirements set forth in the Application Form, No. 4, items a through f. The author's name should appear only on the application, not anywhere on any other material. Scripts provided on electronic media (CD, USB drive, etc) will not be considered.

8. The Colonial Players, Inc. will consider only one submission per author or collaborative team. Plays submitted that do not conform to these requirements will not be considered.

9. Plays submitted must be free of royalty and copyright restrictions that would prevent The Colonial Players, Inc. from workshopping or producing the play.

10. No responsibility can be assumed by The Colonial Players, Inc. for lost manuscripts. All reasonable care will be taken to avoid loss. Scripts will not be returned unless accompanied by a manuscript size, self-addressed, and stamped envelope.

11. Printed manuscripts must be sent to The Colonial Players, Inc., Promising Playwright Contest, 108 East St., Annapolis, MD 21401. Electronic copies must be sent to


web site


Scripts must be received by January 1, 2013 to be considered for the 2013 Festival.

Each year, Kitchen Dog Theater selects one original script to receive:
* A fully staged production (as part of our regular season – a five-week run)
* Paid travel to Dallas, TX (if necessary) to work with the Director, Cast and Crew
* Royalty stipend (amount TBD)
* Seven other original scripts will be selected for staged readings as part of the Festival (travel not included).

Prospective scripts must meet the following guidelines:
* Full-length plays only (preferably one hour or longer)
* Submitted scripts must be type-written
* Completed scripts only
* Do not include a synopsis and/or reviews (if any) of the play
* Ideally have between one and five actors (character doubling acceptable)
* There are no restrictions on play content.
* Only one script per playwright may be submitted.

All unproduced scripts will be recycled.

Please send your script with cover letter to:
Attn: Tina Parker, Co-artistic Director
Kitchen Dog Theater
3120 McKinney Avenue, Ste. 100
Dallas, TX 75204.


DEADLINE for 2013 New Works Festival: RECEIVED BY JANUARY 1, 2013

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


web site

The Critique Speaking Contest is not only your opportunity to share your experience, but get a short video made of that experience!

  • All submissions will be read. 
  • In February 2013, 25 will be chosen to receive a reading live by the Avatar Repertory Theater on the virtual world, Second Life, produced by The Sanity Patrol Players.
  •  Recordings of these readings will be posted on The Sanity Patrol website. 
  • For the month of March, anyone and everyone will vote for their favorites. 
  • The Sanity Patrol Players will produce videos of the top 3-5 pieces on Second Life. (see examples of the videos) 
  • Videos will be posted on YouTube and The Sanity Patrol Press website in May 2013.

Submission Guidelines

1.    Submissions must be 500-1000 characters in length.

2.    Entries must be a monologue for Tikka or a dialogue between Tikka and Arthur.

3.    The point of view must be that of Tikka.

4.    Submissions can be real, fictional, speculative, or anything in between.

5.    Do not include stage directions unless absolutely necessary.

6.    Submit entries in an email to:

7.    Maximum of 5 entries per person

8.    Winning writers maintain copyright and license The Sanity Patrol for noncommercial use of the material

9.    DEADLINE: December 31, 2012

About Tikka. Tikka loves literature, plays, movies and games. She also loves authors – they possess a magic that transports her into alternative realities. From her own efforts at writing, she has learned that developing a new work requires she not only understand the rudimentary elements of story, but learn ways to best communicate with authors.

About Arthur. Arthur identifies himself as an author. Like most authors, one minute he’s articulate and profound, and the next he’s self indulgent and goofy. Sometimes he’s earnest and open to feedback, and others he’s smug and cynical. He recognizes he needs help and establishes a relationship with Tikka.

About Second Life. Second Life is a virtual world that anyone with a computer and online access can access for free. Participants select (or design) an avatar they can maneuver through the many environments built by other participants, attend live concerts and theater, shop for all kinds of dazzling fashion and role play under a wide range of circumstances.

About The Sanity Patrol Players. Since 1998, The Sanity Patrol Players have produced live theater, industrial theater, virtual theater and mixed reality theater.

About Avatary Repertory Theater (ART). Founded in 2008, ART is a troupe of actors, graphic artists, pro­gram­mers, musicians and sound eng­ineers from all over the globe to produce virtual theater on Second Life.

About Critique Speak. Critique Speak is an upcoming comprehensive graphic ebook on the language of constructive feedback. Tikka and Arthur serve as the main characters.

The Spring 2013 Ten Minute Play Workshop

web site

The Spring 2013 Ten Minute Play Workshop (TMPW) sessions are now open for signups and script submissions.

Each week, we host online workshopping sessions for ten-minute plays. All sessions happen online (you just need a webcam or a telephone to participate) and are recorded and posted on the Ten Minute Play Workshop website (

Submit your script to be workshopped, or join in as a workshopper to help the community grow!

You can hear last semester's workshops, read the script submission details, and sign up for TMPW sessions at We hope you join in the fun!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Submissions wanted for EAST VILLAGE CHRONICLES

web site

Submissions Accepted through December 28th, 2012 
for Metropolitan Playhouse's Annual New Short Play Festival


Seeking new plays inspired by the life and lore
of the East Village/Lower East Side
Theme: The American Dream


Metropolitan Playhouse, New York's OBIE Award-winning explorer of America's theatrical heritage, is currently accepting submissions for new plays inspired by the life and history of New York's Lower East Side. Plays should respond to The American Dream as it relates to life in the East Village of today and in eras past.

Plays should be of up to 30 minutes in length, and able to be performed by no more than 5 actors. Metropolitan will cast and stage the productions on its 3/4 thrust stage in our 51 seat theater at 220 E 4th Street, as part of the 4th Annual East Village Theater Festival, scheduled to run from April 15th - May 5th, 2013.

Playwrights of selected plays will receive and honorarium of $50.00.

Completed scripts must be RECEIVED, by mail or e-mail, by 5:00 pm Friday, December 28, 2012.

Metropolitan Playhouse
220 E 4th Street
New York, NY 10009
East Village Chronicles, Vol. 9 is the theater's 9th festival of new, one-act plays that celebrate and explore the varied history and eclectic culture that have defined Manhattan's Lower East Side (within any of its disputed borders.)  Combined into two, distinct evenings of short plays, which run on alternating nights over three weeks, the presentations will include a variety of styles and tones, unified by their being clearly related to life in the theater's neighborhood.

For further information, visit www.metropolitan

Inquiries: Alex Roe 212 995 8410 or

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Eudora Welty New Play Series

web site

Dedicated to the discovery and nurturing of new playwrights and new plays. Professionally staged readings will be conducted of three selected plays from those submitted to the series. The playwrights will present at these readings and honored at a reception following. The top play will receive a cash award. One or more of the plays may be included in the regular season with a full production on the main stage.

GUIDELINES: Plays which have been produced professionally are ineligible. (Eligibility not affected by workshops, readings, community or academic production)

Plays must be full length

No musicals or children's plays are accepted at this time

Please include with the script, a synopsis of the play, a character breakdown, production requirements, time and place, a production history, and playwright's biography.

SUBMISSIONS: New Stage Theatre will begin accepting submissions for the 2012 Eudora Welty New Plays Series on March 1, 2012.  

The deadline for submissions is December 31, 2012.

Please note: Any plays submitted after this date will be considered for the following year's series. Three selected plays will be announced and staged readings will take place in the Spring of 2013.

Mail hard copies of plays or letters of inquiry to the address below: manuscripts will be returned only if accompanied by self addressed and stamped envelope; acknowledgement of receipt only with enclosed SASE or postcard.

Eudora Welty New Play Series
New Stage Theatre
1100 Carlisle Street
Jackson, MS 39202

Playbills from the Playbill Vault

Musical - Original
Winter Garden Theatre
First Preview:September 23, 1982
Opening Date:October 7, 1982
Closing Date:September 10, 2000

Music: Andrew Lloyd Webber
Lyrics: T.S. Eliot

A group of cats prowl a junkyard and compete for the honor of ascending to the Heaviside layer in order to enjoy another of their nine lives, in Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical version of a book of T.S. Eliot poems.
More about CATS

Musical - Original
Uris Theatre
First Preview:February 6, 1979
Opening Date:March 1, 1979
Closing Date:June 29, 1980

Lyrics & Music: Stephen Sondheim
Book: Hugh Wheeler

A barber who was unjustly imprisoned for years by a corrupt judge returns to England bent on revenge — a revenge that turns indiscriminately murderous, leading his resourceful accomplice, Mrs. Lovett, to bake the victims into meat pies.

Drama - Original
Henry Miller's Theatre (February 04, 1938 - February 12, 1938)
Morosco Theatre (February 14, 1938 - November 19, 1938)
Playwright: Thornton Wilder

The Stage Manager guides audiences through a small New England town in the early 1900s, as its inhabitants grow up, get married and discover the beauty of life

More about OUR TOWN

Play - Original
Eugene O'Neill Theatre
First Preview:January 30, 1983
Opening Date:February 22, 1983
Closing Date:February 22, 1983

Playwright: Arthur Bicknell

The owners and a group of guests at a hunting lodge in the Adirondacks discover that a murderer is among them.


Coriolis Theater Company is now seeking one act and full length scripts

web site

Coriolis Theater Company is now seeking one act and full length scripts to be considered for our 2013-2014 season!  Coriolis Theater seeks to build innovative, collaborative, and authentic performances for the new 21st century audience. The piece can be of any genre and of any length.

Please include a short cover letter and a brief description of the play.

Deadline: 12/31/2012

To submit, please send your script attached to

One-Act Plays Wanted

web site

The Second Street Players of Milford, DE is looking for original one act plays and directors!  We're looking ahead to the Delaware Theatre Association (DTA) Festival of one act plays in March 2013 that will be hosted by Possum Point Players in Georgetown, DE. Anyone interested in working on this project to be considered for festival entry should send inquiries to Susan Newark at

The Brick Oven

web site

The Brick is now accepting submissions for its new play reading series, The Oven.

Each month, The Brick will pair a playwright with a director, dramaturg, and team of actors to work in depth on their script over the course of one week. At the end of each development period, The Brick will present a public reading at its space in Williamsburg.

Plays must be full-length, between 45 minutes and 2 hours in length, unproduced and original. Only one submission per playwright. Preference will be given to plays that embrace The Brick’s mission and aesthetic.

There are no geographic limitations on who can submit, but please note that all rehearsals will take place in New York, and playwrights are responsible for their own expenses.

Plays that have had readings or workshops in NYC during the past six months will be ineligible. To apply, send a cover letter, resume and PDF or Word file of the play to

Friday, December 21, 2012

St. Louis Actors' Studio seeks plays for LaBute New Theater Festival

web site

Each July, beginning in 2012, St. Louis Actors' Studio will produce the "LaBute New Theater Festival."

The Theater Festival will run yearly at the Gaslight Theater, 358 North Boyle Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63108( Inaugural event July 5-28, 2013)

Submissions will be accepted October 1 through December 31, 2012. Successful entries will have no more than four characters, and be crafted specifically to exploit our intimate performance space. (18' x 18' stage) Changes in scenery or setting should be achievable quickly and with few major set moves.  Our focus is on fundamental dramaturgy: plot, character and theme.

Professional, new and previously unproduced one-act play submissions should include a letter of inquiry, a synopsis and a 10-page sample from the script.

Eight plays will be chosen: four to be performed in the first two weeks, four in the second two weeks.

Submissions should be sent to:

LaBute New Theater Festival
360 N Boyle
St. Louis, MO 63108

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Ronald M. Ruble New Play Festival

web site

Please note: there is no submission fee, but only before January 1, 2013
There is a $10 reader's fee on and after that date.

Caryl Crane Youth Theatre Presents The Ronald M. Ruble New Play Festival

Each year Caryl Crane Youth Theatre hosts a national playwriting festival, showcasing new plays for young adults and children. A national search is currently looking for the best and most promising unproduced theatrical works relevant to youth today. The weekend long festival, held at the end of April each calendar year, consists of 5-6 staged readings of previously unseen theatrical works and will take place in the McBride Auditorium on the BGSU Firelands campus in Huron, OH. A winning work will be chosen through committee/audience/participant voting and the author(s) will receive a $500 cash prize as well as the option of a 3-week workshop of their production during the following CCYT season.

Submission Criteria

There is no submission fee for all plays received before January 1, 2013. 

A $10 reader’s fee must be included with all works submitted after January 1st, 2013, for the CCYT Ronald M. Ruble New Play Festival

Submission deadline for the 2013 Festival is February 1, 2013.

Scripts received after that date will be considered the following year. 5-6 finalists will be selected on April 1 of that year and their names will be posted to the CCYT website at that time.

Must be a full-length play/musical for children or young adults without a prior major U.S. production.
A brief synopsis must be sent together with a bound complete manuscript. Submission must include a contact phone number and e-mail address on the play’s synopsis page. No electronic submissions will be accepted.
The play must be at least 1 hour and no longer than 95 minutes.
The play must be appropriate for audiences of all ages.
Dramas, comedies and farces (with or without music) are all welcome.
Cast size limited to no less than 5 or more than 32.
The plays selected will be acted by our student actors with a mix of regional artists where necessary. Plays that can be effectively cast within our market will be considered favorably.
Playwrights who are questioning whether or not their play is a good match for CCYT are strongly encouraged to contact Artistic Director Brian Marshall at before submitting.
All plays that are not selected for the festival will be recycled. Please do not include return postage.

All serious submissions will be read by at least three readers on the festival committee as well as the members of the Teen Board.

Be advised that the following are not considered serious submissions:

  • Screenplays submitted as theatrical plays and first drafts
  • Plays with typos and spelling errors and plays not formatted to industry standards
  • Plays with excessive profanity or violence or are inappropriate for child audience members.

For more information contact:
Brian Marshall, Artistic Director, 419.372.0732

Plays should be submitted to:
Caryl Crane Youth Theatre
c/o CCYT New Play Festival
BGSU Firelands
One University Drive
Huron, OH 44839-9719

Monday, December 17, 2012


web site

Las Vegas Little Theatre announces an open call for submissions for our 5th Annual New Works Competition. Submissions will be accepted through December 31, 2012. The Winner of the New Works Competition will have their play produced in the April / May Black Box Production slot.

1. All plays must be full length (90 minutes or more). No musicals, please.
2. Plays must have no more than 8 characters -- doubling is allowed.
3. The set must be simple or representational.
4. Ideally looking for subject matter that will appeal to an age range of 18-30.
5. Seeking new plays that have not been professionally produced or published.
6. Plays will be screened by the competition committee. The top 5 will be submitted to the judges.
7. Prizes--1st prize = Production of the play in the Fischer Black box in May plus $150. 2nd prize = $75. 3rd prize = $50.
8. Contestants must sign a release form to authorize production.
9. Scripts cannot be returned.
10. Materials that are adapted from or otherwise derived from copyrighted source material must also submit permission to use the material at the time of submission.
11. The winning author agrees to the production of his/her play with no royalty payment. The author also agrees to allow LVLT to video tape the production. The author will receive a DVD of the production. LVLT cannot provide transportation, lodging or other compensation for the author to travel to Las Vegas for the production.
12. Members of LVLT's board of directors may not submit for this competition.
13. Submissions will be accepted throught Dec 31, 2012. The winner will be announced no later than March 15, 2013.
14. Decision of the judges is final. Any disputes will be decided by the LVLT board of directors.
15. Each submission will be assigned a number and author's name will not be provided on judges copies of the script to prevent any bias.

Click Here to Download the Rules (MS Word .doc format)

Click Here to Download the Entry Form (MS Word .doc format)

All Submissions MUST be accompanied by a completed Entry Form

Email to

Tony Kushner on the power of plays


ANGELS IN AMERICA won a Pulitzer Prize in 1993, and was produced for television on HBO in 2003.

Nylon Fusion Theatre Company seeks Valentine's Day plays

web site

Submissions requested for Nylon Fusion Theatre Company's first quarterly short play festival for 2013, "This Round’s on Us": Valentine's Day. 

Plays should not be longer than 10 pages and/or minutes. 
Casts no larger than four and minimal props and costumes. 
Sorry, no musicals. 

The premise is up to you, but all plays must be thematically linked to Valentine's Day, be original and never been produced before. Plays can take place on Valentine's Day but do not have to be about love necessarily. Authors agree to permit Nylon Fusion to produce their submitted play if the company wishes to do so. The company is responsible for all aspects of production including selecting a director and casting. The author will retain full copyright and ownership of their play. 

Participation in the rehearsal process may be requested, therefore residence in the NYC metropolitan area is prefered but not will not be a factor in the selection process. 

Authors must be available via email/phone. Performances will be in NYC. No pay. 

Please send a short cover letter with contact information and the full script with title and author’s name on each page in PDF to Ivette Dumeng at with 
SUBJECT LINE: This Round's On Us Submission: [NAME OF PLAYWRIGHT.]

Deadline: December 23rd, 2012

Accepting Submissions for Cold Reads Off-Broadway

web site

Deadline is December 20, 2012

Send Scripts to

In February 2013, The Theatre Project is proud to present Cold Reads, a new play development lab. Featuring 4 new plays by 4 playwrights in reading workshops over the course of 4 weeks, Cold Reads workshops and promotes contemporary theatrical productions.

The Theatre Project's Cold Reads Series seeks to develop these 4 new plays and produce them both Off and Off-Off-Broadway. For each reading workshop, the audience and a panel of industry judges will vote on plays in Cold Reads. At the end of February the winning play is selected. Both the winning play and the three plays get to grow in different developmental tracks.

The Winning Play

The winning play will receive a 5 month Development Spa.
An Off-Broadway Limited Engagement, at The Historic Players Theatre.

The 3 Plays

The 3 additional plays from Cold Reads will be developed and featured in our Off-Off-Broadway Micro Festival.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

NYC 15-minute play festival

web site

Submission Guidelines for the 2013 Festival

* Playwrights and/or their representatives are responsible for the production of their play including casting, rehearsals, props, etc. The Festival presenters provide basic set pieces and lighting, sound equipment, and production staff.

* Plays are selected solely on the script submitted. Please do not include a playwright resume or play production history. Plays should have a beginning, middle, and end (though not necessarily in that order). Plays that create a unique world, are unpredictable, and can stand alone without complex production values are favored by the presenters. Monologues and published plays will not be considered.

* Submissions must be typed in play script format and be no more than 15 pages and in a font size no smaller than 12 point Times Roman or Courier/Courier New. Only plays with a running time of 15 minutes or less are eligible.

* Only one submission per writer will be accepted. If several plays are submitted by a single author, only one will be chosen at random to be read by the play reading committee.

* Submissions should be sent by regular mail to 15 Minute Play Festival, c/o American Globe Theatre, 145 W. 46th Street, New York, NY 10036.

Submissions are not accepted by email, fax, or express/overnight mail.

Playwrights may begin submitting plays on August 1 of each year and must be postmarked by December 20, 2012.

Playwrights whose plays are selected will be notified in mid-February. Plays will not be returned, so please do not send a return envelope.

* There will be a mandatory meeting for all playwrights or their representatives in early spring and a production meeting for all participating artists in April 2013.


InkTank 2012 seeks playwrights of color

web site


Rising Circle Theater Collective is now accepting submissions for INKtank 2012, our play development lab for playwrights of color.  INKtank has a two-fold mission of providing emerging playwrights of color an artistic home and support system while assisting them in the creation of a more developed draft of a full-length script.  The final drafts of the INKtank plays will be presented at PlayRISE, a culminating festival event where the selected works receive a public reading.  The 2012 Writers Lab seeks to select 3 writers of color who are invested in the revision process of their own work as well of their peers in an artistic community environment with a shared intention of honest feedback and earnest conviviality.  The lab will be facilitated by playwrights Sevan Kaloustian Greene and Melisa Tien.

INKtank’s  lab is a collaborative process where Rising Circle will provide structure and resources while playwrights create what happens week-to-week based on the needs of each writer.

Each playwright must submit by December 31st the following:

  • Materials needed as stated by the INKtank online application form.  Visit to submit.
  • One full length script for consideration (For this year, we are not accepting one-character plays).
  • An artistic statement explaining your personal rewrite goals, and what you feel are the strengths of the script.  
  • Include what you would like to focus on for the piece during the developmental process.  Please include the developmental history of this piece, if it has had readings in the past, or if there are any upcoming readings of your work. Statement should not exceed 500 words.
  • Finalists will be contacted for an interview.
  • Each play must have the following in order to comply with our culminating project vision:
  • First drafts of full-length scripts. (Does not have to be polished.  In fact, scripts should be at a very raw and early stage of development.)
  • 5-actor maximum.  (No exceptions.)
  • Be in line with Rising Circle’s mission statement to expand the scope of storytelling on the American stage by giving voice to unheard stories of people of color.


The structure for the lab and culminating event is greatly determined by participant availability.

  • Mid-February – Lab commencement.  1st half of lab runs Mid-February through Mid-April.
  • 1 month sabbatical.
  • Lab reconvenes in Mid-May through Mid-June.
  • Each session is 3 hours.


  • Every playwright must read the selected scripts prior to the first meeting.  
  • Generation of new/rewritten pages: 5 page min – 20 page max per week. 
  • A midpoint reading of selected scenes with actors. (Playwrights select scenes.  30 minutes per playwright. With 30 minutes discussion after each.)  


  • Public readings of all plays during June. (Final date to be determined during lab process).
  • There will be five hours of rehearsal with director and actors before each reading.
  • All playwrights will receive an honorarium.

from the NYTimes archives... the new play by George Bernard Shaw, April 1914

Pygmalion is in the public domain and can be read at

More NYTimes articles about George Bernard Shaw going back to 1905.


Branch County Community Theater-Pickering Award

web site

Deadline: December 31, for each year’s competition. Annual production follows in late winter or early spring, date varies from year to year.

  • Type of manuscripts: Full length, unproduced plays and musicals. Children’s plays accepted. Unable to return without an SASE.
  • Selection Process: Chairman and five committee members read and review each entry and select ten finalists from which the first, second and third place winners are chosen.
  • Production: Branch County Community Theatre reserves the right and agrees to produce the first place winner in this yearly competition. First place winners are required to sign a production contract.
  • Production House: All BCCT productions are staged in the historic Tibbits Opera House in Coldwater, Michigan. Built in 1882, Tibbits is a completely restored 500 seat proscenium theater.
  • Branch County Community Theatre: BCCT is an amateur theater group founded in 1980. Todays membership produces four full productions each year.
  • The Award: This annual award was established to honor past member and playwright, Bob Pickering, and to provide a vehicle for playwrights to see their works produced. Full production and $200 is awarded for first place, $50 for second place and $25 for third place.

Send submissions to:
14 S. Hanchett St.
Coldwater, MI 49036

15 Minutes Live seeks scripts

web site

15 Minutes Live is Slung Low's live radio project.  For each event Slung Low commissions 5 writers to write a 15 minute play for voices

The plays are performed in front of a live audience. All the sound effects are done foley-style (imagine the old Goon shows) and all the music is played live by musicians.  It takes places on a sunday afternoon. The audience watch all 5 plays being performed and have a bite to eat between pieces.  A recording of each play is then released on the internet for a new audience to experience it.

The next 15 Minutes Live will be on 24th February 2013. It will be performed at the Holbeck Underground Ballroom in Holbeck, South Leeds and is funded by Leeds Inspired.  The plays will all be upon the theme of rebuilding, regrowth.

5 writers have already been commissioned; Judith Adams, Mark Hollander, Alex Kelly, James Phillips and Stephanie Street.  And Slung Low would like to add your name to that list.

They are inviting submissions of 15 minute plays for voices.

If you have a 15 minute play that you think would be suitable and would like to be considered, then send it to

The plays will be read by Slung Low and Henry Swindell from BBC writersroom North. One play from those submitted will be selected to be performed at February's event.
The selected writer will be paid a fee of £450 (as all writers involved in 15 Minutes Live are). The copyright of the script remains with you after the event. Although a recording of the event will be hosted on the internet.

Deadline for submissions: 21st December 2012

There is no preferable style or genre- whatever you write is the best choice for you. There is no restriction on cast- as many or as few voices and types of voices as you see fit. And entry is not based on experience- if you've never written a play before that's no impediment to entry but if Alan Bennett is reading this then we are keen to read your piece too. An open call!

For more information, visit the Slung Low website.

Finger Lakes Musical Theatre Festival seeks musicals

web site

Finger Lakes Musical Theatre Festival
June-August 2013
Created by Ed Sayles
THE PiTCH Coordinator: Walter Ryon

THE PiTCH and How to Submit

The Rationale: The purpose of The PiTCH is to provide a venue for creative teams to explore their vision of a musical theatre piece in its early stages and to garner audience reactions to assist them in the development of the final product.

The Format: Three members of the creative team (composer, playwright, musical director, etc.) present a 60-70 minute summary version of their musical theatre piece. Instrumentation will be on piano and/or other instruments which members of the creative team may play. The Festival will provide a piano only. If it is a book musical, it must contain substantial pieces of at least five songs. Solid descriptive narration is suggested when summarizing important plot points.

The Setting: Each week for ten weeks one creative team will be invited to PiTCH their idea. 10 projects will be selected. Each team will PiTCH before live audiences in the 80-seat Theater Mack located in Auburn, NY. Audience feedback will include a short face-to-face session following each presentation, as well as written surveys collected from the audience after each presentation.

Artist Support: Those creative teams invited to present their idea will receive travel expenses to and from Auburn, as well as accommodations during their one week stay. Rehearsal space will be provided for the entire week. Creative teams will be encouraged to change the presentation as they see fit based on audience responses.

Submission Deadline: December 15, 2012

To Submit a Show:

The following application materials are required for 2013 Finger Lakes Musical Theatre Festival submission:

A complete submission cover sheet.
A 100-word summary of the show.
A rough draft of a maximum 70 minutes of material to be presented at The PiTCH, including song placement.
A demo recording, at least 50% of songs in the show.
Bios for creative team members.
Proof of rights (required for any material that is not your own).
$25 Non-refundable processing fee.
Optional material to include with your submission:

A working draft of the script and score.
Video or Video link of full songs, scenes or any material from the show.

Send Your Materials:

By Email:
If submitting by email, processing fee should be sent separately. A submission will not be reviewed or considered until processing fee is received.

Finger Lakes Musical Theatre Festival
The PiTCH Submissions
17 William Street - Suite 304
Auburn, NY 13021

Monkeyman Productions, Toronto's geekiest theatre company, is now accepting submissions for THE SIMIAN SHOWCASE

web site

Monkeyman Productions, Toronto's geekiest theatre company, is now accepting submissions for THE SIMIAN SHOWCASE. We want your short play to be part of our smorgasbord of theatre, music, and merriment in April 2013.

To qualify, your script must:
  • Be no longer than 15 minutes in length
  • Be ready for presentation
  • Contain themes of geekery, fandom, and/or obsession with pop- and/or sub-culture
  • Require minimal tech and encourage suspension of disbelief

Your play may:

  • Have had previous readings/productions
  • Be a work in progress (playwrights will be welcome to attend rehearsals as part of their
  • script development process)

Send your script as a PDF or DOC file to:
Submissions due: December 15th, 2012

Plays will be selected by: January 12th, 2013

Final script changes for the showcase due: March 9th, 2013

Since 2008, Monkeyman Productions has created postmodern theatre with real relevancy to a culture informed by comic books, monster movies, and video games. We speak in the language of an audience that has most truly found its voice in the meme-ridden YouTube-obsessed depths of the Internet. We draw from popular culture in the way that Shakespeare drew from the common culture of his day – these are our mythologies, our tales of comedy and tragedy.

Through the development and performance of work which examines our obsessions and preoccupations in the 21st Century, we hope to discover the ways in which we truly have changed, for better or worse, and the ways in which we remain the same – with a definite eye toward the absurd, but also a corresponding empathy for a subject matter that, in the end, encompasses all of us.

To assess the cut of our jib, visit:

nuVoices for a nuGeneration

web site

From November 1, 2012, to December 31, 2012, Actor’s Theatre will begin taking submissions for new, previously unproduced plays by emerging American playwrights. Actor’s Theatre envisions nuVoices being a springboard for new plays to catapult to the national stage through our existing relationship with the National New Play Network, as well as a program to mentor the next generation of professional artistic talent in the Charlotte region.

The goals of nuVoices are three-fold:

  1. To celebrate and cultivate new plays by emerging American playwrights.
  2. To incubate professional artistic talent in the Charlotte region.
  3. To educate the public on the process of taking new plays from page to stage.

nuVoices for a nuGeneration was created by Actor’s Theatre of Charlotte to honor and encourage emerging playwrights of the American Theatre. Four authors of selected works will be awarded a $500 honorarium, with transportation and housing provided. There will be a seven-day residency and two script-in-hand public readings to take place in August 2013. Following the end of the four-day festival, the festival winner, who will be determined by a panel theatre critics and audience members, will be invited by the Theatre for a full production in the 2013 – 2014 season.
Theatre staff will select the four festival plays, and the decision will be announced in May 2013.


  • Scripts must be unpublished and non-professionally produced at the time of the Festival. Workshops and readings are acceptable.
  • Selected playwrights must be in attendance for the Festival in August 2013.
  • Previous submissions to the nuVoices festival will NOT be considered.

Guidelines for Submission

  • All submissions MUST be received electronically.
  • Email subject line must read: “nuVoices Script Submission” (see note below on NNPN Only submissions).
  • One script submission per playwright.
  • Full-length, original plays only (no musicals, translations, adaptations or children’s plays).
  • Your resume.

Submitted using Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or PDF formats with observance to the following:

  • Text in 12pt type and in a plain font such as Times New Roman.
  • Script must include title and page numbers at the bottom of each page.
  • Script must include title page and list of characters and settings.

Email you submission to

***Entries for the 2013 festival will be accepted through December 31, 2012 at 11:59pm EST. Entries received after this time will not be considered.

Please Note:

  • Submissions not adhering to all guidelines will not be considered.
  • Plays not selected will be deleted.
  • Upon submission you will receive an email confirmation within one week.
  • If you do not receive confirmation, please email us at

Friday, December 14, 2012

Eden Prairie Players is accepting submissions of original, unpublished one act plays

web site

Eden Prairie Players is accepting submissions of original, unpublished one act plays for its 2013 Collection of One Acts, to be produced in September 2013. 

We are looking for plays of varying length of at most 45 minutes, but most of the ones we select are in the 10 to 30 minute range. We try to fit about six plays in a production of two to two and a half hours. Comedies and dramas are accepted. This will be our ninth year of producing A Collection of One Acts, and the fourth year of including unpublished works. 

One submission per playwright please.

The deadline for submissions is January 15, 2013. 

However, we are only committed to reviewing the first 250 plays submitted for the 2013 season. Any received beyond that may be saved for 2014. We will change the submission form at that time, so you will know which year your play with be considered for.

To submit a play, please go to our submissions guidelines page:

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Poetic License 5@5 Reading Series Call for Submissions

web site

Poetic Theater Productions is seeking submissions for the 5@5 Reading
Series in Poetic License: our 2nd annual festival of new poetic
theater, taking place January 21-27, 2013 at Wild Project. If you have
a piece you would like to submit, please send it to by Saturday, December 15 at 5PM.

Full-length submissions should be 45-90 minutes in length. Shorter
pieces may be paired with others. We are seeking work that deals with
current social and cultural issues through a poetic, theatrical lens.
Please go to to get a sense of what it is that
we do before you submit.

Poetic Theater Productions seeks to define the modern genre of “poetic
theater” by connecting and fostering a community of artists who are
passionately creating relevant and accessible work and reinvigorating
a conscious theater of language.  Through a multi-runged platform of
developmental programming, Poetic Theater Productions offers resources
and opportunities for poets, playwrights, and theater artists to
develop new work and see it through to production. PTP seeks out and
creates opportunities to connect with communities affected by the
issues of topic within our productions, in NYC and nationwide, through
collaborative projects and exchanges of art and ideas.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Piney Fork Press Theater One Act Play Festival

web site

Submissions are now being accepted for the First Piney Fork Press Theater One Act Play Festival, to take place in June 2013 in New York City.

Seeking 10 minute plays (no more than 10 pp), preferably with no more than 5 characters. Also seeking monologues (no more than 4pp). Basic set requirements.

No more than 3 submissions per playwright. No profanity, as this is a family friendly festival! No submission fee. Please include name, address, telephone number and email address.

Deadline: May 1st, 2013


Snail mail:
Piney Fork Press Theater Festival
22-73 43rd Street - JC
Astoria NY 11105

first annual quiet New Works Festival

web site

quiet is thrilled to announce the first annual quiet New Works Festival on February 9, 2013.  The New Works Festival will host a day of new playscripts written by incredible new voices just waiting to be heard.

The deadline for script submissions is December 15, 2012.  

Works will be selected in a two round process.

First round selections will be made by January 15, 2012 and the playwrights will be invited to participate in an interview regarding their work and will receive an exclusive printed draft of your work, bound and notated from one or more theatre professionals.

Second/final round selections will be made by January 25, 2012 and will be produced as a staged reading in our New Works Festival on February 9, 2012.  Playwrights will receive written audience feedback and a professional designer rendering based on your work.  All entries selected for the festival will be invited to participate in our Festival Gala at the conclusion of the event.

If you would like to participate in the quiet New Works Festival as a director, performer, or designer, please contact  To submit your playscript, please see the submission criteria below.

quiet is pleased to announce the Selection Committee Chairman for the quiet New Works Festival is Todd Hulet.  Todd is a local theatre artist, who has worked with quiet on previous projects including subUrbia (Scenic Designer) and Bean: the Musical Fruit (Composer).  He currently serves as Director of Music and Education for Ovation! Musical Theatre Bainbridge, in addition to his work as a teaching artist for Seattle Children’s Theatre and Childsplay Theatre in Phoenix, Arizona.  His credits also include work with Phoenix Theatre, Bay View Music Festival, Phoenix Opera, and La Jolla Playhouse.


quiet will be accepting submissions for the quiet New Works Festival through December 15, 2012.  Submissions must meet the criteria specified and be submitted electronically by December 15, 2012 to:

Eligibility Requirements:

  1. Works may be in draft stage but must be complete before submission.
  2. Performance duration must be at least 40 minutes and no longer than 120 minutes.
  3. A presentation of the work should be considered a “live” performance.
  4. Artists must agree to the terms of the festival. See Artist/Producer Contract.
  5. Works must not have been previously performed in their current draft.

Selection Criteria:

  1. Potential for community impact. See our mission statement for more information.
  2. Current Societal Relevance.
  3. Feasibility.  All submissions are welcome – you’ll be surprised how big we dream.
  4. Creativity and craftsmanship.

What to send:

1. A cover letter including:
  • Title of Work (as you would like it to appear)
  • Names of all Creators (as they should be credited)
  • Duration (in minutes)
  • Character Breakdown/Performer Requirements
  • Production History (if applicable)
  • Any additional special requirements to produce a “reading” of your work.
2. A completed draft of your submission
3. Summary/Synopsis (limit 1 page)
4. Artist Bio (limit 200 words) and Resume
5. Signed Artist/Producer Contract

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Badass Theatre Company is requesting submissions

Facebook page

Badass Theatre Company (Portland, Oregon) is requesting submissions from playwrights for its 9 x 9 Night to be presented in March 2013. This will be an evening of nine 9 minute plays about otherness. The 9 x 9 Night is a fundraiser to support the inaugural production of INVASION! in June of 2013. Please see the guidelines below for submission information.

• No more than four characters
• Must be able to do with a table and two chairs
• Must be nine minutes long
• Must deal with otherness (the state or fact of being different or distinct.)
• Submissions must be sent no later than December 15th 2012.

All submissions will be read by a panel of BTC Artistic Associates and the 9 plays selected will be announced in mid January 2013.

The 9 x 9 Night is an all volunteer event in support of BTC’s inaugural production INVASION! scheduled for June of 2013.

Please send submissions to the attention of Adrienne Flagg at

NOW Accepting Submissions for The Second Annual StrangeDog Beer Battered Play Festival.

web site

The Beer Battered Play Festival is a celebration of new work, held in the raucious environment of Tierney's Tavern Upstairs, Montclair NJ. (An easy train ride from NYC via NJ Transit.)

We endeavor for this play festival to be :
1) A great night of entertainment in a non-traditional venue,
2) an opportunity to reach out and expand our artistic community,
3) a chance for writers to get their work in front of a new audience,
4) a really excellent time.

Online submissions ONLY at

Deadline is December 15th.

Plays should be…

Ten minutes (ish) in length.
Simple production requirements. (Say could be performed on a blank stage in a bar. Or at the bar itself.)

This is one of those "Self Production" Festivals

You know the ones! Playwright's are completely responsible for assembling and organizing the "production" of their play, i.e. finding a director, casting, and rehearsing. All plays must be staged and performed "off book."

During the day on the first date of the festival (March 8th) is a mandatory tech day, where the StrangeDog crew will accommodate any lights or sound, along with focusing on evening cohesiveness to achieve not just a festival, but a solid night of entertainment.

(If you would like to tech or see the space before this day, that can be arranged.)

If selected, you can reach out to StrangeDog for any help you'd need in putting your production together, but please don't submit if you feel you will not be able to self-produce your play.

What kind of plays should you send?

Here's the kind of plays we like: Funny plays. Sad plays. Funny plays. Scary plays. Smart plays, funny plays, really funny plays, plays about characters, plays about ideas, plays that surprise us, and worry us, make us marvel and that make us think. And plays that are funny.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

DC Queer Theatre Festival seeks 10 minute plays

web site

In conjunction with the DC Center, the DC Queer Theatre Festival will be presenting three nights of queer plays in May and June 2013.

We are looking for 10-MINUTE plays that have themes relating to the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and/or Transgender Community.

There will be a small stipend for this project. Participating playwrights will also have the opportunity to work with professional directors, dramaturgs, and designers.

To submit (there is a requisite submission form available on the site), visit

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 11:59 p.m., Monday, December 17, 2012.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Sundog Theatre is seeking one-act plays for Scenes from the Staten Island Ferry 2013

web site

This is Sundog Theatre’s 11th annual presentation of original, short one-act plays about our favorite boats, the Staten Island Ferries.

Guidelines: Submit original plays not previously produced or published, with a signed note affirming that. All plays should be 10-25 minutes long and have their setting on the Staten Island Ferry. Plays should be contemporary, involve 2-3 characters and require no special set pieces other than benches or railings found on the Ferry, limited and easily accessible props, and no special sound or lighting requirements. Avoid overt and unnecessary sexual/violence situations and language since we cater to a broad audience.  No musicals or long monologues, poetry, or classical verse since these plays are memorized by actors in a very short time.
NOTES: Humor is good. Also, a “Twilight Zone” – type format (plays with creative, twist/surprise endings) may be considered for some or all of the scenes. Write what inspires you.

Remuneration: Six authors will receive $100 and be produced in our series of eight February 2013 performances in Staten Island and Manhattan.

Submission Procedure:
Please send two copies, bound or stapled, blind submission (removable cover page with title, author and contacts) to

Sundog Theatre,
“Scenes 2013”
PO Box 10183, Staten Island, NY  10301).

Submissions should include brief synopsis, play history, a 70-word bio and also resume of the author.

Should be postmarked no later than December 15, 2012. 

DO NOT submit plays electronically.

Any questions can be directed to Susan Fenley, Producer

Notification: Playwrights of selected plays will be contacted directly and their names listed on Sundog’s website early 2013.

Astoria Performing Arts Center accepting new works

web site

NOTE: Playwrights from New York, New Jersey or Connecticut only

New play and musical submissions are now being accepted until December 15, 2012.

Only online submissions will be accepted.

The online form includes:
- Name & Contact Information
- Title & Brief Synopsis of the Play
- Character Breakdown
- Development History
- A 1-Page Resume, as a PDF File.
- The first 10 Pages of your play, as a PDF File.


You will receive an automated message when your play has been successfully submitted. Please proof read everything carefully and submit only once, as duplicate submissions will be removed.

If you have any questions, please email


Q: Why are you changing the submission process?
A: Primarily because the old way required simply too much work for one person to do in a timely fashion. We are trying to find pieces to develop for our next season and we need to get through submissions more quickly so that each one has a realistic shot of being included for consideration. Another reason is that we wanted to streamline the process so that each submission looked the same.

Q: From whom will you be accepting submissions?
A: From tri-state area playwrights ONLY. This is a new restriction, but we decided that it was paramount that writers be available to participate in our community. Astoria is vibrant and we want our writers to be able to experience it.

Q: Do you want the first ten pages or can I send any ten pages?
A: Please send the first ten pages. And it’s not a STRICT ten pages — you can send the first scene if it’s longer, or the first two if it’s shorter.

Q: I have heavily edited a script I sent you in the past. May I resubmit it?
A: Please send us something new.

Q: When can I expect to hear from you?
A: We will be in touch if we feel your work is a good match for APAC and we’re interested in reading the full script.

Q: Where do I upload songs if I am submitting a musical?
A: Two songs may be e-mailed to to accompany a musical submission. Please put the title of your musical in the subject line along with “Music Submission” so it looks like this: [TITLE]: MUSIC SUBMISSION.

BBC Radio 4 - Opening Lines

web site

The BBC Radio Drama Readings Unit welcomes unsolicited submissions from writers new to radio for their annual series, Opening Lines, which is broadcast on BBC Radio 4.

The next window for sending in material is October 29th – December 14th, 2012.  

Stories submitted outside this time-frame will be left unread.

As well as broadcasting the three strongest stories we publish transcripts of the best stories submitted within this period on the Opening Lines programme pages.


We are looking for original short stories which work being read out loud i.e. with a strong emphasis on narrative and avoiding too much dialogue, character description and digression. Pay particular attention to how the story opens and closes.  We’ll be looking to see whether the beginning of a story successfully links to how it ends.

We are interested in seeing stories which cover a broad range of subject-matter but material which explores particularly dark, harrowing themes is not best suited to Opening Lines.

We recommend following the links on the right to read transcripts of the five stories which featured in the 2012 series.

The BBC has a rigorous taste and decency policy so we cannot accept stories of a sexist or racist nature, or those which use the stronger swear words.

The time allotted for each story is around 14 minutes, which means stories must be between 1,900 and 2,000 words in length.


When submitting your work please include a brief covering letter giving your name, e-mail address (if applicable), the story’s title, word count and details of writing track record. Stories must be submitted as either a Word document or typed and double-spaced on A4 paper and it is important to put your name and address on the script itself.

We regret that we can only accept one submission per writer.  Please send us a copy of your story, not your original work as we are unable to return submissions.

We will read all eligible submissions and get in touch with those writers whose stories have made it through to the next stage of the selection process by March 15th 2013.  We regret that we are unable to respond to those writers whose stories haven’t made it through to this second stage.

If you would like to submit work to the London office you can e-mail your story to us at or you can send it to BBC Radio Drama Readings, Room 7045, Broadcasting House, Portland Place, London W1A 1AA

Upstage Theatre seeks one-act plays

web site

Open to all playwrights.

4 One Act Plays will be selected to be produced as our 4th Annual Festival of Comedy, Feb. 15 – March 2, 2013. Each Play should be approximately 30 minutes in length and must be an ORIGINAL Family Comedy. Inappropriate language and themes will not be considered.

Authors will receive a $150 UpStage Playwright Award which will serve also as royalty for the total production.

Scripts may be submitted via our email:

or mailed to:
PO BOX 7662, Houston, TX 77270-7662

Entries should be submitted by Dec. 10, 2012

Atta Girl Productions announces our call for entries

web site

Atta Girl Productions announces our call for entries for our 2013 season of staged readings and main stage shows.

Our 2013 Season: We expect to produce two staged readings and one full production. Writers for the staged readings will receive a small stipend of $50. Writers from the full productions will receive a small stipend of $500 to $1000. We may also produce other performances as funded.

What are we looking for? We seek performative works in any genre--from traditional plays to musicals, from poetry to spectacle. These stories are not limited in subject matter or cast. We invite submissions from people of all backgrounds and ethnicities. Our productions share one common thread: they are progressive, contemporary, transformative, inspirational, challenging, and delightful. We seek original, new works.

About Atta Girl's 2012 season: In our inaugural season, we produced three staged readings: Totally Tejana, Selena, by Selena Sue Navarro; Drop House, by Marisela Barrera; and A Tongue in the Mouth of the Dying, by Laurie Ann Guerrero. We also produced two full productions: Dos Pocitos, by National Hispanic Playwright Award winner, Raul Garza, and Detained in the Desert, by Emmy-Award winner Josefina Lopez. Our outdoor spectacle for Luminaria, Transformation/Occupation; featuring Selena Sue Navarro, Elijiah Rios, Dragonfly, videos by Ernesto Olivo, and 10 foot tall puppets. We have been accepted to the City of San Antonio's Community Arts Assistance Program.

How to submit: Please email the following to by December 9, 2012.: a copy of your work in PDF or word proof of intellectual property ownership (publishing rights, copyright, Writer's Guild registration, etc.) Brief bio/resume appropriate contact information for you or your literary agent.

I Am Theatre: Lynn Nottage


More about Lynn Nottage

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Players Theatre is accepting script submissions for SPF:SEX!

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NOTE: there is no submission fee but there is a participation fee.

The Players Theatre is accepting script submissions for SPF:SEX!, The Short Play and Musical Festival, running in February 2013. Each accepted production will have four performances, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday in February.  There will be three separate weeks.

Submissions will be accepted until December 20th, 2012. 

Submission Guidelines

1. Submissions should be of a SEX (or Love) theme in honor of Valentine’s Day.

2. Each production will have four performances; Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.  (Tech will be the previous Sunday.)  There will be three separate weeks.  Festival staff will try to pair up one-acts according to theme and running time.  Please let us know if you have any date conflicts.  We will try to work around conflict of selected plays but be aware that conflicts might exclude you from the festival.

3. Please mail or hand-deliver two (2) bound, hard copy, blind1 submissions, of your play not to exceed 15 pages/15 minutes, with the application form (below) to the above address.  Please include a CD of music if you are submitting a musical.   Make sure that a cast breakdown and synopsis is included.  In addition, please e-mail one copy.  There is no submission fee but we limit the number of plays by each playwright to two (2).  Plays will not be returned so please do not send SASE. 

4. DEADLINE:  All completed submissions must be received by 5:00PM, Saturday, December 15TH.

5. Playwrights or their representatives are responsible for all aspects of their production; costs, casting (non-equity)2, rehearsals3, props.  A list of set pieces will be provided at pre-Festival meeting.  The load in and load out will be done by the actors and staff in under 5 minutes so, please, limit your requirements.  There will be a meet and greet for authors or representative which is mandatory.   Please limit lights and sound cues to maximum of 5 (five) which should include lights up and black out.

6. Selected plays will be asked to contribute a $50 technical fee to assist producers in covering the cost staffing and programs.  (Players’ Theatre will provide production stage manager (lighting/sound technician), house manager box office personnel. and social media.)  Lights will be a stage wash.  We have dual CD player available.  There is no storage space for props or costumes so limit them to what you can carry back and forth. Festival staff will provide each accepted production with one-hour tech time.  Each production will tech the Sunday before performance week and all cast members are required to be there.

7. There is a piano in the theatre.  Any additional musician requirements must be approved by and are at the discretion of the Festival staff.  We have limited space and prefer that it is used for audience.

8. Festival staff will contact accepted play/musical authors and a list will be available on our website after December 29th.  

9. There will be a mandatory meeting set for participants to provide information and answer questions. Rehearsal space will be available at a discounted rate for Festival participants.  One large dressing room will be available for all actors.

10. The Producers will schedule an audition for directors/authors to select cast.   (No double casting.)  Authors will also try to assist any author in securing a director for those who do not have.  Please be aware that the larger your cast, the more difficult it will be for your director to schedule rehearsals.

11. There will be a $100 deposit to cover cancellation or damages.  This will be returned at the end of production.

12. Complete contact sheet and program bios will be required two weeks in advance of performance date.

13. Audience voting will determine each week’s favorites.  Only audience member who have seen all plays will be allowed to vote.  Weekly winners will be awarded $100..

1 Blind submission: Pages should have no identifying marks other than the title and/or page numbers.  The application should have all identifying information.

2 We will provide a casting director for auditions and is on-sight to assist you at a nominal cost.

3 We will discount our rehearsal room (check availability) at the Players’ Theatre for Festival participants.

Please feel free to contact us via email if you have any additional questions: 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Orange Tea Theatre Company is looking for a “Pick-up-and-Go” two-hander play

web site

Orange Tea Theatre Company is looking for a “Pick-up-and-Go” two-hander play to be performed in Amsterdam and possibly to tour The Netherlands in 2013.
Orange Tea Theatre Company is a vibrant new English language theatre company based in Amsterdam.  We have had success with new plays, which have had their European premiere, including American Midget by Jonathan Yukich and Stag by Giles Morris.  Our mission is to produce and promote new writing in the English language to both Dutch and international audiences throughout the Netherlands.  More information can be found at

  1. The play must only use 2 actors and run between 50-80 minutes.
  2. Props and set must be kept to a minimum.
  3. Topics or themes must be current and relevant and ask good questions which reflect our global society.
  4. Royalties will be agreed upon us and the writer and may be based on any extra funding received.  All submissions will also be considered for our popular play reading evenings.  
  5. Plays are to be submitted with a 150-word synopsis and 150-word writer’s bio as a cover letter e-mail.  Please do not send us a long CV or list of accomplishments; the writing will speak for itself.   All submissions are to be sent to
  6. Please do not send us musicals or short plays at this time.
  7. Closing date for submissions is 16 December 2012.

We usually have many submissions and will respond to the ones we wish to produce at this time.  Thank you for your interest and we look forward to hearing from you!