Tuesday, December 31, 2013

True Stories wanted

web site

All submissions must be less than 2000 words and must be based on something that actually happened to you (not to your friend or your cousin or your high school math teacher). We are also interested in very short stories (flash [non]fiction), experimental stories, poems, or plays as long as they are true. When possible, we’d like you to send us a scanned photograph or document that correlates with your story, because those kinds of details are nice.

All authors who publish with Tell Us A Story retain the rights to their work and may publish it elsewhere — we just ask that you credit our site if and when you republish. We also accept reprints, if the piece first appeared in print (we do not accept reprints from other online sites). If your piece is a reprint, please acknowledge this when you submit. We also accept simultaneous submissions.

All stories are read by both Amanda and Allyson. We generally do not offer feedback on submissions but we will occasionally request revisions from authors on pieces that show promise but need work. Those authors will work with Coral, our revisions editor. If  we do not respond to your submission in 6 weeks, please do not hesitate to check in on the status of your submission.

Tell Us A Story reserves the right to edit manuscripts for grammar or clarity. If a manuscript requires substantial changes, we will notify the author of such changes for review before publication.

All published stories will remain archived on this site in perpetuity or until the Earth collapses in on itself. Submission to Tell Us A Story constitutes acceptance of these conditions.

Please send submissions (as an attachment, not in the body of the email), images, and a 100 word (or less) biographical statement to tellusastoryblog AT gmail DOT com.  Put “TUAS Submission” in the subject line.

NYCPlaywrights testimonials to start the year off right

NYCPlaywrights received these beautiful, encouraging new years wishes from some nice folks that we just had to share ~ it's a great way to start the new year!
I just wanted to thank you for your weekly email of submissions. I have been using it for a while now and never bothered to thank you for your amazing work. Thank you again and keep up the wonderful work.
Warmst Regards,
Ryan Sprague
Ryan's work may be found at www.ryandsprague.com 
Dear NYCPlaywrights:
At the close of one year & the start of a new, I want to thank you so much for the service you provide.  I don't know what I would do without you, and I sincerely mean that!  Your listings are so complete, so easy to understand, and so up-to-date. And all of this is free to boot! I started out this writing life writing short stories and I've had over 30 published.  A few years ago I switched genres to playwriting and I've had (so far!) 20 productions of my plays, and numerous readings.  I've even garnered several awards for my plays.
So I would like to award you the non-existent (but clearly from my heart) Sharon Award for Best Playwright Service in the Universe!!!!!!
Happy & healthy new year.
Sharon Goldner
You can follow Sharon on Twitter at @SharGoldner 

Thanks Ryan and Sharon - it's so good to hear that the web site and email list are helping playwrights.

Happy new year to you too!

Festival of Mythic Shorts seeks short theatre pieces

web site

In 2014, Unspoken Theatre will host a festival of short new work adapted from classical, traditional, mythological or sacred stories. We invite playwrights to submit short theatre pieces to our Festival of Mythic Shorts by January 16, 2014 for consideration in the festival.

Note that early submissions are encouraged.

Work must not have been produced professionally (workshop, amateur, or student productions may be allowed - please send production history details).

Playwrights must hold the rights to work they submit.

Submissions must be no longer than 6000 words and may be as short as desired. Monologues are welcome.

Multiple submissions from the same playwright are acceptable, but the total combined word count for all submissions must not exceed 6000 words.

Pieces must be adaptations of mythological, classical, traditional or sacred stories OR must feature characters drawn from these sources.

Files of the full script and playwright’s contact info should be submitted in word or pdf via email to unspokentheatrecompany@gmail.com

Please list MYTHIC SHORTS SUBMISSION in the subject line.

Successful applicants will receive a workshop, reading, or full-production in the festival. No monetary remuneration is offered.

Preference will be given to Toronto area playwrights, but admissions are open to all.

Submissions will be reviewed by a panel, and decisions will be announced to all applicants via email.

Please feel free to email with any questions and/or to review our website for information on our mandate, submissions policy, and past productions.

Happy Writing! We look forward to reading your work!

Happy New Year

NYCPlaywrights wishes all its theater friends a happy new year and a wonderful 2014.

NOW Accepting Submissions for The Third Annual StrangeDog Beer Battered Play Festival

web site

The Beer Battered Play Festival is a celebration of new work, held in the raucous environment of Tierney's Tavern Upstairs, Montclair NJ.
(An easy train ride from NYC via NJ Transit.)

We endeavor for this play festival to be :
1) A great night of entertainment in a non-traditional venue,
2) an opportunity to reach out and expand our artistic community,
3) a chance for writers to get their work in front of a new audience,
4) a really excellent time.

Online submissions ONLY at http://strangedogtheatre.com/bbpf2k13_submit.shtml

Deadline is January 15th.

Plays should be…

  • Ten minutes (ish) in length.
  • Unpublished.
  • Simple production requirements. (Say could be performed on a blank stage in a bar. Or at the bar itself.)
  • This is one of those "Self Production" Festivals

You know the ones! Playwrights are completely responsible for assembling and organizing the "production" of their play, i.e. finding a director, casting, and rehearsing. All plays must be staged and performed "off book."

During the day on the first date of the festival is a mandatory tech day, where the StrangeDog crew will accommodate any lights or sound, along with focusing on evening cohesiveness to achieve not just a festival, but a solid night of entertainment. (If you would like to tech or see the space before this day, that can be arranged.)
If selected, you can reach out to StrangeDog for any help you'd need in putting your production together, but please don't submit if you feel you will not be able to self-produce your play.

What kind of plays should you send?

Here's the kind of plays we like: Funny plays. Sad plays. Funny plays. Scary plays. Smart plays, funny plays, really funny plays, plays about characters, plays about ideas, plays that surprise us, and worry us, make us marvel and that make us think. And plays that are funny.
More info at www.strangedogtheatre.com

Questions can go to ben@strangedogtheatre.com

Monday, December 30, 2013

Gadfly Theater's Final Frontier Festival

web site

Submissions are being accepted now! For our next seasons' one-act sci-fi/fantasy festival we're doing in June of 2014. Our official blurb is this:

"Scripts are now being accepted for Gadfly Theatre Productions’ first annual Final Frontier Festival. The Final Frontier Festival is a new one-act play festival exploring the intersection of queer, feminist, and geek culture.

Scripts should be no longer than forty five minutes, contain queer and/or feminist themes in a sci-fi/fantasy genre, and have minimal technical demands. We are seeking eight one-acts to be performed in repertory over a two week run in the summer of 2014. Each show will receive four performances.

 Interested parties should send an electronic copy of the script to gadflytheatre@gmail.com no later than January 1st, 2014.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Little Festival of the Unexpected

web site

Little Festival of the Unexpected is an annual event dedicated to public readings of new works. Three to five playwrights are in residence each year at the festival as they continue to develop their scripts with input from actors, directors, dramaturgs and audience members.

Submissions for the upcoming Little Festival of the Unexpected are accepted year-round on a rolling basis (we are currently reading for the 2014 festival). All submissions received after January 1 will be considered for the following year's Festival. Only scripts and samples of full-length plays are considered for the Festival.

Literary agents may submit complete scripts on behalf of their clients at any time.

Playwrights who do not have agents may submit 10-page dialogue samples for consideration. Dialogue samples must be accompanied by a synopsis, production history and character breakdown.

Plays are eligible for development at the Little Festival of the Unexpected only if they have not previously been professionally produced or workshopped with Equity actors. This restriction includes Actors Equity showcase and waiver productions. Plays that have had readings or non-AEA productions are still eligible.

Only one submission is accepted per playwright in a given year.

Submissions of 10-page samples (from playwrights) must be sent by U.S. Mail only - no e-mails, faxes, etc.

Submit by mail to:
Portland Stage Company
Attn: Literary Manager
P.O. Box 1458
Portland, ME 04104

Since its debut in 1989, the Little Festival of the Unexpected has established a tradition of nurturing artists, invigorating audiences, and exploring new voices, new visions and new forms of theatre. The festival furnishes a supportive environment for playwrights to develop their work, as well as a unique opportunity for audiences to catch a firsthand look at the creative process that brings scripts to the stage. Little Festival readings are performed by a company of professional actors, and are followed by an open discussion between the audience, director and playwright.

Each playwright in residence receives a stipend as well as housing during the festival. Limited support for travel is also available.

Past Little Festival of the Unexpected scripts have a successful track record of full productions both here at Portland Stage and at other professional theaters around the country. Almost, Maine, which was developed at the 2003 Little Festival, went on to become the most commercially successful mainstage production in Portland Stage history at that time. Many other Little Festival works have gone on to productions elsewhere, including successful Off-Broadway runs and television filming.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

2014 LaBute New Theater Festival

web site

St. Louis Actors’ Studio is proud to announce the dates and guidelines for the 2014 LaBute New Theater Festival

Submissions will be accepted October 1 through December 31, 2013. 

Successful entries will have no more than four characters, and be crafted specifically to exploit our intimate performance space. (18' x 18' stage) Changes in scenery or setting should be achievable quickly and with few major set moves.  Our focus is on fundamental dramaturgy: plot, character and theme.

Professional, new and previously unproduced one-act play submissions should include a letter of inquiry, a synopsis and a 10-page sample from the script. Running time for each performance should not exceed 45 minutes. Eight plays will be chosen: four to be performed in the first two weeks, four in the second two weeks. In addition, a new piece from Mr. LaBute will be performed every night for the run of the festival. Mr. LaBute is scheduled to participate in the opening weekend activities.

Winning plays by high school students will be presented in readings. The guidelines are straightforward: The one act should include no more than four characters featuring a clearly developed plot and distinctive characters. No longer than 15 minutes in length. Non-Professional, new and previously unproduced one-act play submissions should include a letter of inquiry and complete script.

Up to eight plays will be chosen: up to four to be performed in the first two weeks, up to four in the second two weeks. In addition, a new piece from Mr. LaBute will be performed.  Mr. LaBute is scheduled to return for the opening weekend activities.

Submissions should be sent to:

LaBute New Theater Festival
360 N Boyle
St. Louis, MO 63108


web site

Scripts must be received by January 1, 2014 to be considered for the 2014 Festival.

Each year, Kitchen Dog Theater selects one original script to receive:
* A fully staged production (as part of our regular season – a five-week run)
* Paid travel to Dallas, TX (if necessary) to work with the Director, Cast and Crew
* Royalty stipend (amount TBD)
* Seven other original scripts will be selected for staged readings as part of the Festival (travel not included).

Prospective scripts must meet the following guidelines:
* Full-length plays only (preferably one hour or longer)
* Submitted scripts must be type-written
* Completed scripts only
* Do not include a synopsis and/or reviews (if any) of the play
* Ideally have between one and five actors (character doubling acceptable)
* There are no restrictions on play content.
* Only one script per playwright may be submitted.

All unproduced scripts will be recycled.

Please send your script with cover letter to:
Attn: Tina Parker, Co-artistic Director
Kitchen Dog Theater
3120 McKinney Avenue, Ste. 100
Dallas, TX 75204.

The tickets are gone!

The two free tickets offered to the NYCPlaywrights mailing list by Bedlam Theatre Company are gone. Sorry we only had two.

If you want to have access to free ticket offers but aren't on the mailing list, why not join?

HartBeat Ensemble is seeking one act and full length plays which address mental health issues

web site

HartBeat Ensemble is looking for new plays with a mental health theme – for a health series curating next season. Especially looking for plays from new emerging playwrights – it doesn’t need to even be a finished play, HartBeat can workshop it.

Please send to: steve.ginsburg@hartbeatensemble.org

The deadline for submission is December 30, 2013. 

For more information on the HartBeat Ensemble, visit our website.

great weather for MEDIA submission guidelines

web site

Submission Guidelines

great weather for MEDIA seeks poetry, flash fiction, short stories, dramatic monologues, and creative nonfiction for our annual print anthology.

Our focus is on edgy and experimental themes and styles. We highly recommend coming to one of our events, or reading our collections The Understanding between Foxes and Light and It’s Animal but Merciful, to see the type of work we are interested in. Let us know in your cover letter how you found us, and any feedback on what we have done so far. We are based in New York City and welcome submissions from both national and international writers. For submission tips, check out our interview on Duotrope.

Submissions are open from October 15th through January 15th every year. Need a reminder? Sign up to our monthly newsletter.


We do not consider previously published work, whether print or online. This includes limited edition chapbooks and personal blogs. We accept online submissions only.

Writers whose work appears in our most recent collection, The Understanding between Foxes and Light, are very welcome to submit. Priority though will be given to new voices.

Payment: One contributor copy, plus $10 for writers based in USA. International writers receive two copies.

Simultaneous submissions are fine with immediate notification if accepted elsewhere. Contact us to share your good news. Include the date you submitted the work.

We accept MS Word documents (Times New Roman 11 or 12 pt preferred) and will consider:

1-4 poems of any length. Single-spaced please, or how it should appear on the printed page.
1 prose/creative nonfiction piece, 2 if under 500 words. Maximum word count: 2,500. Prose should be double-spaced and in English.
Please place all work of the same genre in one attachment.

Do wait until you hear back from us before submitting new work for consideration. Good luck with your writing!

Copyright: great weather for MEDIA holds first serial rights for material that we publish. The copyright automatically reverts to the author upon publication. All work may be permanently archived online. We ask that great weather for MEDIA be acknowledged in any subsequent publication of the work.

All writers who submit are added to our monthly email newsletter. You are welcome to unsubscribe at anytime – no hard feelings!

Undeb seeks script ideas

web site

Undeb Theatre is offering IdeasTap members the opportunity to pitch a script idea for its festival in 2014.

What to submit:  To apply, you should prepare a script treatment of no more than 1,000 words.  Script ideas must adhere to the following rules:

  • There must only be two characters
  • The characters must be Welsh
  • The characters must be aged 16 to 25
  • There can only be one prop
  • The play must be written in English

How to apply:  Applications are made through the Ideastap Brief.  (Note that you will need to create an Ideastap Profile in order to apply - it's free and open to anyone.)

What you get:  The winner will work with Undeb Theatre to develop their idea into a script to be performed at up to eight arts and music festivals between June and September 2014. The deadline for the final script will be 30 April 2014.  Festivals are likely to include Latitude, Bestival, Wilderness and Secret Garden Party.

In the run up to summer the winning member will work closely with Undeb’s artistic director, producers and resident writer to bring the show to life. The winning member will receive a commission fee of £150 – £500 at the start of the project and a further £350 once the final script is delivered, as well as two tickets to each of the festivals the show plays at.

Deadline:  Monday 6 January 2014 at 5pm

Wednesday, December 25, 2013


web site

· Deadline: December 31, for each year’s competition. Annual production follows in late winter or early spring, date varies from year to year.
· Type of manuscripts: Full length, unproduced plays and musicals. Children’s plays accepted. Unable to return without an SASE.
· Selection Process: Chairman and five committee members read and review each entry and select ten finalists from which the first, second and third place winners are chosen.
· Production: Branch County Community Theatre reserves the right and agrees to produce the first place winner in this yearly competition. First place winners are required to sign a production contract.
· Production House: All BCCT productions are staged in the historic Tibbits Opera House in Coldwater, Michigan. Built in 1882, Tibbits is a completely restored 500 seat proscenium theater.
· Branch County Community Theatre: BCCT is an amateur theater group founded in 1980. Todays membership produces four full productions each year.
· The Award: This annual award was established to honor past member and playwright, Bob Pickering, and to provide a vehicle for playwrights to see their works produced. Full production and $200 is awarded for first place, $50 for second place and $25 for third place.

Send submissions to:
14 S. Hanchett St.
Coldwater, MI 49036

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

LVLT 2013 - 2014 New Works Competition

web site

The submission must include both a copy of the play and your completed application. 1 application must be submitted with each Play. We will only be accepting 2 submission per person, if we receive more than 2 submission from an individual only the first 2 received will be considered. (THANK YOU!)

  • All plays must be full length (90 minutes or more). No musicals please.
  • Plays must have no more than 8 characters – doubling is allowed
  • The set must be simple or representational.
  • Ideally looking for subject matter that will appeal to an age range of 18 – 30.
  • Seeking new plays that have not been professionally produced or published.
  • Plays will be screened by the competition committee. The top 5 will be submitted to the judges.
  • Prizes – 1st prize = Production of the play in the Fischer Black box in May plus $150, 2nd prize = $75
  • 3rd prize = $50
  • Contestants must sign a release form to authorize production
  • Scripts cannot be returned
  • Materials that are adapted from or otherwise derived from copyrighted source material must also submit permission to use the material at the time of submission.
  • The winning author agrees to the production of his/her play with no royalty payment. The author also agrees to allow LVLT to video tape the production. LVLT cannot provide transportation, lodging or other compensation for the author to travel to Las Vegas for the production.
  • Members of LVLT’s board of directors may not submit for this competition
  • Submissions will be accepted through Dec 31, 2013. The winner will be announced no later than March 30, 2014
  • Decision of the judges is final. Any disputes will be decided by the LVLT board of directors.
  • Only 2 submissions per person please.   If more than 2 submissions are received from an individual, only the first 2 received will be considered.
  • Each submission will be assigned a number and author’s names will not be provided on judges copies of the script to prevent any bias.

See web page for online application form.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Venus Theater new play submissions

web site

Beginning November 1, 2013 Venus will be taking submissions for our 2014 season.

We prefer two acts so we can sell things at intermission to pay the bills

- all submissions must empower women.

Online Submissions:  Please submit an introductory paragraph, a synopsis and script to: submissionsofvenus@gmail.com

* SUBMIT: November 1, 2013 - January 5, 2014

* ROYALTY: If selected playwrights will receive a percentage of box office sales under the Dramatists Guild contractual guidelines.

* ELIGIBILITY: Full length plays are preferred. MUST have strong female characters with interesting storylines.

*GENRE: Drama or Comedy for adult audiences.

*CAST SIZE: Cast size is limited to no more than seven actors.

*SPACE:  The Venus Theatre Play Shack seats 30 audience members, alley staging, immersion theatre.

*TO BE INCLUDED WITH EVERY SUBMISSION: A biography and/or author’s history of the play, character breakdown, and brief description or synopsis of the play.

* SUBMISSION REVIEW: 2014 Venus Theatre Season will be announced in February, 2014.

*SUBMISSION FEE:  First submission is free, a readers fee of $10 must be included in advance for each additional script submitted because I read every play myself and time is precious.  This is also true of online submission due to time restraints.  Recommend choosing your best/most appropriate singular work.

Physical Submissions and complete outline of guidelines:

*SUBMISSION FORM: All scripts must be firmly bound. No changes or revisions accepted after submission. No double-sided pages.

* PLAYS RETURNED: The play should be accompanied by a manuscript size SASE with appropriate postage. If there is no manuscript size SASE, the play will not be returned. Please do not include loose cash, stamps, labels or metered postage. A SAS Post Card should be included if you want acknowledgment of arrival. If you do NOT want your manuscript returned, but want a response letter of our decision, include a #10 SASE. If no SASE’s are included with your submission, it will be discarded at time of rejection. If we are interested in your play, we will contact you by phone, email, or mail. Please include the name, address, email, and phone number of author on the title page.

*HANDLING: All scripts will be handled with care, but Venus Theatre will not assume responsibility for lost or damaged scripts.



Please send manuscripts to:

Venus Theatre Company
The Venus Theatre Play Shack
21 C Street
Laurel, MD 20707

ATC’s third annual nuVoices play festival

web site

Welcome to ATC’s third annual nuVoices play festival. nuVoices was originally created with the intention of providing an opportunity for collaboration, growth, and exploration of the newest and best plays on a local, regional, and national level.  It aims not only to create a unique program that helps to foster audience appreciation of taking a play from the page to the stage, but also one that focuses on the creation of a one-of-a-kind environment for a community of playwrights, actors, directors, and artists to come together over a common project.  The process starts with play submission and is quickly followed by months of dedicated readers pouring over the offered texts to narrow it down, finally, to only a handful of chosen plays. From there directors, designers, and actors are brought together to help the playwright breathe life off of paper and into the space.  The culmination of events all of these events is brought out in a festival of staged readings held near the end of summer, and where a single play will be chosen as the festival’s winner.

Acceptance of submissions for the 2014 nuVoices play competition will begin December 3, 2013.  If you are interested in submitting your work please refer back to the page once the submission process has begun.  At that time, a link will be provided that will take you to the submission page.

The deadline for submissions is January 3, 2014.

Submissions will open on Dec 3.  Actor’s Theatre envisions nuVoices being a springboard for new plays to catapult to the national stage through our existing relationship with the National New Play Network, as well as a program to mentor the next generation of professional artistic talent in the Charlotte region.

The goals of nuVoices are three-fold:
  • To celebrate and cultivate new plays by emerging American playwrights.
  • To incubate professional artistic talent in the Charlotte region.
  • To educate the public on the process of taking new plays from page to stage.
nuVoices for a nuGeneration was created by Actor’s Theatre of Charlotte to honor and encourage emerging playwrights of the American Theatre. Four authors of selected works will be awarded a $500 honorarium, with transportation and housing provided. There will be a seven-day residency and two script-in-hand public readings to take place in August 2013. Following the end of the four-day festival, the festival winner, who will be determined by a panel theatre critics and audience members, will be invited by the Theatre for a full production in the 2014 – 2015 season.

  • Scripts must be unpublished and non-professionally produced at the time of the Festival. Workshops and readings are acceptable.
  • Selected playwrights must be in attendance for the Festival in August 2014.
  • Previous submissions to the nuVoices festival will NOT be considered.
Guidelines for Submission
  • All submissions MUST be received electronically.
  • Script submission must be made through the online submission form - scroll to the bottom of this page for the script application button.
  • One script submission per playwright.
  • Full-length, original plays only (no musicals, translations, adaptations or children’s plays).
  • Your resume.
  • Submitted in PDF formats with observance to the following:
  • Text in 12pt type and in a plain font such as Times New Roman.
  • Script must include title and page numbers at the bottom of each page.
  • Script must include title page and list of characters and settings. 
Please Note:
  • Submissions not adhering to all guidelines will not be considered unless fixed when requested.
  • Plays not selected will be deleted.
  • Upon submission you will receive an email confirmation within one week.
  • If you did not receive confirmation, please email us at nuvoices@atcharlotte.org.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

2014 National Latino Playwriting Award

web site

2014 National Latino Playwriting Award Guidelines:
Latino playwrights residing in the United States, its territories, or Mexico are encouraged to submit scripts for the Award.  Each script will be read and evaluated by a culturally diverse panel of theatre artists. Finalists will be judged by ATC artistic staff.

Deadline for Submission:
Scripts must be postmarked by December 31, 2013. 

Submission Procedure:
We respectfully ask that you adhere to the following application requirements:

Submit one script, securely bound by brads, a three ring binder, a presentation folder or any other non-permanent binding system. Please do not send a script that has been spiral-bound.

Please include a title page on the script that includes the play's title, the author's name and contact information (including a phone number, mailing address and email) on the front page.

Include a cover letter of no more than one-page, describing the play's developmental history and any other relevant information about the play.

Mail manuscripts to:
 National Latino Playwriting Award
ATTN: Katherine Monberg, Literary Assistant
Arizona Theatre Company
343 S. Scott Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85701

We do not accept scripts via email.

One playwright will be awarded $1,000 and the possible inclusion of the winning play in Café Bohemia, ATC's unique play reading series.

The award is open to all Latino playwrights currently residing in the United States, its territories, or Mexico.

Scripts may be in English, English and Spanish, or solely in Spanish. (Spanish language and bilingual scripts must be accompanied by an English translation.)

Plays must be unpublished and unproduced (professionally) by the time of submission.

Full-length and one-act plays (minimum length, 50 pages) on any subject will be accepted.

Selection Process
Scripts will be read by a culturally diverse panel of theatre artists. The award-winning play will be selected from a group of finalists by ATC's senior artistic staff.

Scripts become the property of Arizona Theatre Company and will not be returned. In this case, "property" means the physical property of the theatre, not the intellectual property or any rights to the play.

The winner will be notified by August 1, 2014.

For More Information:
Katherine Monberg, Literary Associate

Manhattan Repertory Theatre’s WINTERFEST 2014

web site

Seeking fully produced original plays 
(cast, directed and ready to perform)
40 minutes to 120 minutes in length

February 5 - March 29, 2014
at Manhattan Repertory Theatre,
303 West 42nd St. (at 8th Ave) NYC

To submit your play production please email:

The complete play, a synopsis of the play,
the running time of the play, the set and lighting requirements,
the playʼs production history, (if it has been produced before and where)
your mailing address, and a creative team leader contact email address to:

manhattanrep@yahoo.com by Dec. 23, 2013 at Midnight.

Please put “Winterfest Submission” in the subject heading.

Plays will be considered on a first - come first-served basis.

(The earlier you submit, the better your chances of being accepted.)

If we fill up all festival production slots early on, we will end submissions earlier than Dec. 23, 2013.

Once submitted, we will get back to you within one week as to your acceptance.

There is no submission fee.


Each play will be given a MINIMUM of THREE performances at our theatre on 42nd St. and 8th Ave. NYC.

A refundable security deposit of $300 will be required upon acceptance which will secure the theatre for damages and for an average of 10 audience members per performance (a total of 30 for three performances.)

For more information please go to: www.manhattanrep.com

Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Colonial Players 2014 One Act Festival

web site

The Colonial Players is excited to announce the 2014 One Act Festival! The festival is slated for July 17 - 27, 2014, but preparations are already well underway. Two slates of shows, performed on alternating nights Thursdays through Sundays, give production crew and actors a chance to stretch their creative wings and try something new. Next summer’s festival will be a learning experience for everyone, with the entire production staff being as green as Kermit the Frog, and each position supported by an experienced mentor. Not only will the shows be golden, the experience will be worth even more!

We are still seeking scripts!

Do you have a One Act play in mind that you would like to see The Colonial Players produce? Please forward the name and author, or even the script if you have it, to jennifer.dustin@thecolonialplayers.org. The deadline for submitting a script suggestion is midnight on December 31, 2013. Script suggestions should be no longer than 45 minutes, and have no more than 10 characters. Original and published suggestions are welcome.

NYCPlaywrights January 2014 Play of the Month

NYCPlaywrights is seeking one-page monologues for its January 2014 Play of the Month.

The theme: I want something from you.

The speaker and the addressee of the monologue can be any age, gender, ethnicity, etc. and the something that is wanted can be anything, but the monologue must express the theme of "I want something from you."
NOTE: The theme is I want something from YOU.  The theme is not "she wants something from me" or "he wants something from them" etc. The monologue must be addressed TO the entity from whom the monologue speaker wants something.
Monologues that don't meet the theme will be discarded.

The deadline is Sunday, December 29, 2013 at 11:59 PM EST.

We will select one monologue and video-record it, and the video will be posted (with author permission) to the NYCPlaywrights web site.


  • Send only one monologue per author to info@nycplaywrights.org
  • The monologue can be no longer than 1 page. Yes, it's a challenge. Choose your words carefully. Edit and re-edit.
  • The script must be submitted by the author of the script, no agents or others may submit. 
  • The script submission should be sent by email, with the monologue itself as a file attached to the email. File format should be in either Microsoft Word (.doc) or pdf. Most preferable is .pdf (Portable Document Format) because it will retain your original script formatting. 
  • Make sure you have your name and your email address on the script. 
  • Monologues can be submitted by anybody, anywhere in the world, but must be primarily in English (a few non-English phrases are acceptable, but the phrases must include English translations in production notes or stage directions.) 
  • There is no fee for submission. 
  • The author of the selected monologue will be awarded $20. 
  • The NYCPlaywrights selection decision is final and NYCPlaywrights reserves the right to select no monologues from those submitted. 
  • A monologue that has had a production is acceptable, although we prefer a new monologue written for this project. 
  • A monologue that has been published is not acceptable.
  • All rights will remain with the playwright. 
  • The selected monologue will be video-recorded and posted during January - February 2014.
  • The video recording of the monologue will be posted to the NYCPlaywrights YouTube account and from there embedded into the NYCPlaywrights blog. The playwright will be asked to review the video recording and approve it before it is made public.
Any questions email info@nycplaywrights.org

For more information about the Play of the Month project check out this page:


Friday, December 20, 2013

T. Schreiber Theatre is looking for short plays on national identity

web site 

T. Schreiber Theatre is looking for short plays (10 minutes or less) that deal with, or question, the concept of national identity.

Plays should be in English, but submissions from playwrights outside the U.S. are strongly encouraged.

Sets, props, and costumes should be all be minimal (tables, chairs, etc. – nothing that will require construction or a significant purchase).

T. Schreiber Theatre encourages submissions that make creative use of sound and lighting. (Plays will be fully produced, and we have a wide variety of sound equipment and lighting instruments available).

Submission Deadline: January 1, 2014 

Plays will be produced at the Gloria Maddox Theatre at T. Schreiber Studio & Theatre in March 2014.

There is no fee for submission.

Please send all scripts in pdf or Word format to: tschreibertheatre@gmail.com with “Schreiber's Shorts” and the name of your play in the Subject line.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

East Village Chronicles, Volume 10 - April 2014 - seeking new plays

web site

Deadline - Friday, December 27, 2013

Metropolitan Playhouse, New York's OBIE Award-winning explorer of America's Theatrical Heritage, is currently accepting submissions for new plays inspired by the life and history of New York's Lower East Side.

Submissions will be evaluated by Metropolitan's artistic staff, and we will produce up to 10 of the submitted plays in April 2014, as part of our 5th Annual East Village Theater Festival. As in prior years, the plays selected will pertain to a chosen theme. For Volume 10, plays should respond to Justice as it relates to life in the East Village of today and in eras past.  (See below for more information.)

Submission Deadline:
Completed scripts must be RECEIVED, by mail or e-mail, by 5:00 pm Friday, December 27, 2013.

Metropolitan Playhouse
220 E 4th Street
New York, NY 10009


The Festival

East Village Chronicles, Vol. 10 is the 10th seasonal festival of new, one-act plays that celebrate and explore the varied history and eclectic culture that have defined Manhattan's Lower East Side (in all its permutations).  Combined into two, distinct evenings of short plays, which run on alternating nights over three weeks, the presentations will include a variety of styles and tones, unified by their being clearly related to life in the theater's neighborhood.

Metropolitan Playhouse will produce the plays on our 3/4 thrust stage in our 51 seat theater at 220 E 4th Street.

The plays will be directed by directors engaged by Metropolitan to coordinate and rehearse the entire festival.

The plays will be performed by a core company of actors, cast specifically for the festival, each of whom will perform in at least two festival plays.  The cast of any given play will be drawn from this core company, and therefore anyone cast must be suitable for more than one play.  Because we are forming a company, while playwrights' input is highly desired, final decisions remain with Metropolitan's artistic staff.

The Theme for 2014: Justice

The Chronicles plays have been connected each year in that they have focused on a certain topic, theme, or timeline.  Selecting plays that are inspired by some such organizing principle helps to give the festival shape and to enrich the experience for audience members.  (See * below for further discussion of the theme idea.)

This year, the Chronicles will be devoted to Justice.  We believe this theme is especially resonant within the context of our national conversation and the shifting social paradigms within the neighborhood.  In our neighborhood, particularly with its history of immigration and challenges to mainstream lifestyle, longstanding family businesses and residents continue to leave the neighborhood they once created, while newcomers have set up and changed their minds in the course of a year.  As background to these real changes are the subtle relationships of each resident to the notion of right and rights as a citizen, a member of a community, and a human being.

Playwrights are encouraged to respond directly, indirectly, and creatively to this idea; how the plays relate to the notion of "Justice" is up to the playwright.

Technical Guidelines
We are seeking plays of no more than 30 minutes that can be played by 5 or fewer actors.
The plays will be presented with at least three others in a given evening, and as a consequence, should not require elaborate set or  properties.

Performance Dates:   April 14 - May 4, 2014

Metropolitan Playhouse
220 E 4th Street

Alex Roe
Artistic Director, Metropolitan Playhouse
212 995 8410

* Interviews from nytheatre.com regarding past festivals and the selection of themes may be found at:
http://www.metropolitanplayhouse.org/Interviewevc1.htm , and

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

One Act Play Competition July 2014 - UK

web site

Once again we will be presenting a festival of One Act Plays at the Daneside Theatre on the 19 July 2014.

Congleton Players has established a sound reputation over the years for the quality of this competition and we are sure that 2014 will be no exception.

All those interested in submitting a play for consideration should bear the following in mind:

  • Each play should have a running time of 20-30 minutes with a guideline of approx. 3,500-4,000 words
  • Only four plays are presented on the night
  • Scripts need to come in between August and December 2013
  • Scripts should be submitted via email or posted if necessary. Please email Michael Saunders at carabez333@yahoo.co.uk

Reading for the scripts will take place between January and March 2014 prior to selection.

A cash prize will be given to the winning entry.

One Act Play Submission Guidelines


The closing date for entries is Dec 31st 2013.

The winner will receive £150.

If there are insufficient entries the Players reserve the right to declare that the competition will not proceed and no prize will be awarded.

Email entries preferred but all legible scripts will be read.

Each play should have a running time of 20-30 minutes with a guideline of approximately 3500-4000 words.

Ideally plays should have between 2 and 6 characters but this is a guideline only and monologues and plays with more characters will be considered

A brief description of the layout of the stage, props, lighting etc. and characters in the play should be included at the front of the script.

The play should be set out with the name of the character who is about to speak in capitals or bold type on the left of the page in an undrawn margin. (Look at any printed play if in doubt.)

British Playscript Format Sample Here.

All stage directions should be in brackets.

Scene changes should be kept to a minimum and made as simple as possible. No scene changes and continuous action preferred but again this is only a guideline.

Each play submitted must be the writer’s original work and should NOT have been previously performed.

Scripts must NOT have the writer’s real name. They should have a false name (for reading and judging only).

There is no entry fee and our aim is not to make a profit but to cover costs.


Please email your play to me and write the title of your play in CAPITALS using a nom-de-plume. Your script will be read under your nom-de-plume but your name and address are needed for updates and further details. Please advise if you wish to send an entry by post.

All plays submitted will be read in organised play readings by Players’ members and then judged by a special committee from the Players’ Management Committee who will choose the four plays to be performed at the Daneside Theatre in Congleton on July 19th. 2014.

The Committee’s decision is final.


Any doubts or questions should be addressed BEFORE the play is submitted.

Completed entries or queries should be sent to:

Michael Saunders
carabez333@yahoo.co.uk Tel. 01260 278813

The aims of Congleton Players are to arouse interest in plays and the theatre, to give a voice to hitherto unknown writers and to hold a One Act Play Festival on July 19th. 2014, when four or more of the submitted plays will be performed and the audience will vote for the winning play.

Please note that it will take several weeks to read all the plays and select the finalists.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Cape Cod Theatre Project

web site

Applications for the 2014 Season will be accepted after September 1, 2013.

The Cape Cod Theatre Project has an open application policy.

Playwrights may send us one play per season for consideration. The proposed play must still be in development and cannot be receiving a professional production prior to August 2014.

To apply, please email a PDF of the script to capecodlit@gmail.com. Please label the document using your first and last name as well as the play’s title. For example: janesmithplaytitle.pdf

In addition, please include in your email a short biography and a brief artistic statement on how you propose to use your development time at CCTP. The bio and statement of intentions should be one page combined, sent as a PDF or Microsoft Word Doc and labeled with your first and last name. For example: janesmithbio.doc

As of November 1, 2011, we no longer review hard copies of scripts sent by mail.

Applications will be accepted from September 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013.

The CCTP staff regrets that we cannot provide feedback on any submitted materials.

We look forward to reading your work.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Shannon Cameron Productions currently looking for full-length play submissions for production in 2014/2015

web site

Shannon Cameron Productions currently looking for full-length play submissions for production in 2014/2015.

It is primarily through our open submission process that my team of play-readers will get acquainted with the work of a wide range of contemporary writers. This opportunity is open to all playwrights living in North America and writing primarily in English.

Our 2013/14 play submission window will be until February 15, 2014.

Plays must be full-length, between 60-120 pages, unproduced, and original. Plays that have previously received a workshop or university production are considered unproduced. Submissions must be in PDF or in Word doc form.

Send to playsubmissions2014@gmail.com

We do accept adaptations, but not translations. Only two submissions are allowed per playwright. At this time, we cannot accommodate musicals, but will read and consider musicals for other programs when funding is available, and we are still happy to consider plays with music.

There is NO submission fee.

Each submission is directly considered for full production in 2014/2015. Your play may also be considered for other opportunities such as: readings, workshops, etc.

The winning playwright is paired with an artistic team comprised of a professional dramaturg, director (Shannon Cameron), and actors. The winning playwright will be expected to develop their work along with the director and dramaturg.

Notification of Selection: Playwrights selected will be notified by April 15, 2014.

The plays of winter


The Lion in Winter is a 1966 play by James Goldman, depicting the personal and political conflicts of Henry II of England, his wife Eleanor of Aquitaine, their children and their guests during Christmas, 1183. It premiered on Broadway at the Ambassador Theatre on 3 March 1966, starring Robert Preston and Rosemary Harris, who won a Tony Award for her portrayal of Eleanor. It was adapted by Goldman into an Academy Award-winning 1968 film of the same name, starring Peter O'Toole and Katharine Hepburn. The play has been produced numerous times, including Broadway and West End revivals.
Seven marines preparing for a mission in Vietnam debate the causes and justifications of the war.

Canadian children's entertainers Sharon, Lois & Bram and their friend Elephant go to the North Pole to show a depressed Santa Claus the true meaning of Christmas, while performing new and classic holiday songs.

This musical revue features songs and stories relating both to the Bible and to Israel's formation into a nation.

The Winter's Tale is a play by William Shakespeare, originally published in the First Folio of 1623. Although it was grouped among the comedies, some modern editors have relabelled the play as one of Shakespeare's late romances. Some critics consider it to be one of Shakespeare's "problem plays", because the first three acts are filled with intense psychological drama, while the last two acts are comedic and supply a happy ending.

The survivors of the Donner Party, a group of pioneers who traveled across America and were trapped in the Sierra Nevada during the winter of 1847, are the subjects of Abe Polsky's play.

With World War I raging abroad, newly widowed Elizabeth Gaesling gathers her family for their annual shooting party to mark the opening of hunting season in rural, upstate New York. But Elizabeth is forced to confront a new reality as her carefree eldest son comes to terms with his impending deployment overseas and her younger son discovers that the father they all revered left them deeply in debt.

The Greenhouse Project seeks playwrights with ties to Minnesota

web site

The Greenhouse Project provides an opportunity for playwrights with ties to Minnesota to have their scripts evaluated for possible inclusion in our Public Reading Series.  Scripts with particular promise might be chosen for a Development Workshop and potentially a full scale production by Workhouse Theatre Company.

  • Submissions will be accepted from September 15 through December 15
  • Seeking scripts that are smart and fundamentally entertaining
  • No restrictions on subject matter and all genres considered
  • Preference for plays not produced in Minnesota within the last 5 years
  • Preference for plays of at least 75 minutes in length
  • Preference for cast size of 10 or less
  • At this time, we are unable to consider musicals

Only electronic submissions will be accepted.

Click HERE to submit your script!

More than one script will be accepted, but each one must be submitted separately.

Plays will be read and reviewed by five readers, and if the script produces sufficient interest, a copy of the full script will be requested.

Playwrights submission schedule:
1.Submitting between September 15 and October 15 will be contacted within 4-6 weeks
2.Submitting between October 15 and November 15 will be contacted within 6-8 weeks
3.Submitting between November 15 and December 15 will be contacted within 8-12 weeks

Public Readings will commence in January 2014.

The Brick Winter Ten Minute Festival

web site

The Brick is seeking submissions for its Winter Ten Minute Festival, a competition style festival where plays compete for a final prize of half the proceeds of the entire festival.

Plays advance to the final rounds through audience ballots.

Seeking fully produced ten-minute pieces that have been cast, directed, and rehearsed. Submissions may by of any genre and of any form; drama, comedy, musical, dance, spoken word, puppet-theater, clown, one man, object-theater, experimental, and multi-media pieces are all welcome to apply.

The theater will provide what aid it can. All productions will receive at least five (5) performances and will receive free rehearsal space at the theatre’s ability to provide such. A projector, lights and sound technician, and various pieces of stock furniture will be provided. Space is limited but storage of small set pieces and props is available.

Submissions are due December 20th at 5:00pm. 

To apply, fill out this form, and email any supporting materials to robyne@bricktheater.com.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Playscripts, Inc. and the International Center for Women Playwrights seek plays by women

web site

Playscripts, Inc. and the International Centre for Women Playwrights have joined forces to figure out if what happened in Bonanza could possibly be a global trend. The Are Women Funny? One-Act Play Contest invites playwrights who:

a) are women
b) think they might be funny

to submit large cast, one-act comedies ideal for performance by high school students. The winning play will be published by Playscripts and promoted throughout the world. “If there are more Dana O’Malleys out there, we want to find them.” said a Playscripts representative. “Our goal is to connect those fresh, funny, females voices with the next generation of theater makers.”

Detailed contest information can be found below:

The Basics: We are asking women writers to submit large cast, one-act comedies ideal for performance by high school students. The submission period opens today (September 25th)  and runs until December 15th.

The Rules: All plays should be PG-13 or cleaner, comedic, have the potential for 8 or more characters, have the ability to be performed between 20 – 40 minutes, and must be written by a woman or team of women.

How to Submit: Please complete our submission form found here, and include “Are Women Funny? Contest” in the Comments or Special Instructions field above the SUBMIT PLAY button. You must submit your play by 11:59PM (EST) on December 15, 2013.

The Reward: The winning playwright will receive a $1,000 cash prize, and her play will be published by Playscripts, Inc.

Helpful Hints: High school drama programs often find themselves in the following situations:

  • Twice as many girls audition as boys.
  • Budget permits only simple sets and costumes.
  • Full cast is not available for every rehearsal (many school plays are episodic, allowing scenes featuring different characters to be rehearsed separately.)
  • And remember, a great title goes a long way.
  • Each drama program has different casting needs based on their student population, so it’s helpful to create as much flexibility as possible in both gender breakdown and cast size.   Checkout a few samples plays here, here, and here.

If you have any additional questions tweet us @Playscripts or email us at info at playscripts.com.

- See more at: http://blog.playscripts.com/blog/2013/09/hilarious-new-play-at-bonanza-village-playhouse-sends-shockwaves-through-community-when-it-is-revealed-to-be-written-by-a-woman/#sthash.FRdRpJsZ.dpuf

Monday, December 9, 2013

Monkeyman Productions call for scripts

web site

Monkeyman Productions is now accepting submissions for our spring production, Bride of Simian Showcase! We are looking for plays that are no more than 15 minutes in length with a small cast / minimal tech. Your play may have had previous readings / productions.

In keeping with our change in title, we have a matching theme! We’re looking for light horror / monster plays, with a preference given to plays by female writers and / or featuring female leads.

Submit your script as a PDF or DOC file to showcase@monkeymanproductions.com. Submissions due by Friday the 13th, December 2013.
Plays will be selected by January 17th, 2014.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

This Round’s on Us: Love and Civil Rights

web site

Submissions requested for Nylon Fusion Theatre Company's first quarterly short play festival for 2014, "This Round’s on Us: Love and Civil Rights." Plays should not be longer than 10 pages and/or minutes. Casts no larger than four and minimal props and costumes. Sorry, no musicals.

The premise is up to you, but all plays must be somewhat thematically linked to love, or the lack of it, and/or civil rights. Original and never been produced before works only.

Authors agree to permit Nylon Fusion to produce their submitted play if the company wishes to do so. The company is responsible for all aspects of production including selecting a director and casting. The author will retain full copyright and ownership of their play. Participation in the rehearsal process may be requested, therefore residence in the NYC metropolitan area is prefered but not will not be a factor in the selection process. Authors must be available via email/phone. Performances will be in NYC. No pay.

Please send a short cover letter with contact information and the full script with title and author’s name on each page in PDF to Kyle DeSpiegler at nylonsubmissions@gmail.com with SUBJECT LINE: This Round's On Us: Love and Civil Rights: [NAME OF PLAYWRIGHT.]

Deadline: December 26th, 2013

*Our festivals are each linked to a holiday- please note that we accept plays with similar themes as before: Valentine’s, April Fools, Independence and Halloween even though we have changed the name of the festivals. We look for plays approximately 10-minutes in length either directly or indirectly linked to each holiday or some related themes--respectively: love / hate / rights / justice, mischief / deceit / surprise / renewal / rebirth / spring time,  independence / dependence / patriotism / freedom / being trapped or imprisoned, and fear / disguises / All Saints / All Souls / Dia de los Muertos. While the writer should be concerned with the theme in their submissions, the categories are fairly broad and there is no need to be overt and obvious in working them into the script. We will select and arrange the plays so that they work best together. Please, don’t send us any 1-2 page plays or anything over 20 pages.

*Other DEADLINES for our Short Play Festival
This Round’s On Us: Spring Break! February 13th, 2014 (Previously named April Fools)
This Round’s On Us: Freedom is May 16th, 2014 (Previously named Independence)
This Round’s On Us: Dia De Los Muertos! August 21st, 2014 (Previously named Halloween!)

Saturday, December 7, 2013

The Break-Away Project is accepting script submissions from American and Irish playwrights

web site

The Break-Away Project is accepting script submissions from American and Irish playwrights for a monthly series called 'The Break-Away Readings', in which we host showcases of new work and staged readings of plays by up-and-coming playwrights.

As part of our mission, we work towards creating links between Irish and American artists, regularly showcasing work by American artists here in Ireland and developing showcase opportunities for Irish artists in America.

Founded in January 2012, The Break-Away Project have established The Break-Away Readings series, monthly events comprising of staged readings, concerts and showcases of new material.

In April 2013, The Project will have it's first full production of American Joseph Zettelmaier's play It Came From Mars.

If you would like further information about The Break-Away Project, or would like to get involved contact Helena at: thebreakawayproject@gmail.com

The Players Theatre Short Play & Musical Festival/Sex

web site

This February, we are looking for 15 to 18 sexy, steamy plays for our annual Sex! Festival of short plays. All plays submitted must be inspired by or focused on Valentine’s Day and similar topics.

We are seeking plays that challenge the typical ideals of sex. Plays that focus on hot sweaty sex, lust, relationships, eroticism and more! We want plays that would be rated R…or dare we say NC-17?
So sharpen your pencils, charge your laptop or put a new ribbon in your type writer! Let’s start writing!

The Steve and Marie Sgouros Theatre offers a very intimate setting perfect for producing sensual feelings. You vote for your favorite play of the night and at the end of week, the winner will receive a cash prize based on audience votes.

Each week, a Best of the Festival winner will be selected by audience and judge’s votes.

 The winner will receive a cash prize of $100

February 6 - 23rd, 2014 (Thursday, Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays)

Submission Deadline December 21, 2013 @ 5PM

Plays MUST be NO MORE than 15 minutes in length!

Submissions MUST be submitted both as digital and hard copy submissions.

Hard copy submissions must be Blind Copy

Plays WILL NOT be accepted without an application.

The Short Play Festival DOES NOT PRODUCE the plays accepted into the festival. SPF hosts the productions. The plays and playwrights accepted will be responsible for any additional costs.

How To Submit:

Complete the Application and attach it to your digital and hardcopy submissions.

- Email Submissions to  Admin@shortplaynyc.com

- Mail two (2) copies of your script (BLIND COPY ONLY) and application to:

The Short Play Festival
 The Players Theatre
 115 MacDougal Street
 New York, NY 10012


Please feel free to contact us via email if you have any additional questions.

Don’t forget to visit ShortPlayNYC.com form additional information!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Fishamble script guidelines

web site

At the heart of new writing in Irish theatre, Fishamble offers dramaturgical support and advice to new and developing playwrights. We welcome manuscript submissions of new, original dramatic work and appreciate the time, effort and the act of creation that goes into writing a play.

Guidelines for submitting a play

- Fishamble does not accept scripts by email. Please send script submissions in hard copy only.
- Fishamble is a new play company, therefore we will only consider plays that have not previously been produced
- Scripts should be bound – stapled/clipped – and all pages must be numbered
- Please include contact details on title page
- Scripts will be acknowledged, read and responded to within a 3 – 6 month period
- Fishamble does not offer a full play response service but if requested, will provide a brief set of comments on the work
- Fishamble encourages the submission of work which is of particular interest to Irish audiences
- Writers should limit themselves to sending Fishamble no more than one script in the calendar year
- Scripts will not be returned unless a SAE is enclosed

Please send scripts to

Gavin Kostick
Literary Officer
Fishamble: The New Play Company
Shamrock Chambers
1-2 Eustace Street
Dublin 2

For further queries on Fishamble’s dramaturgical support, please e-mail Gavin at gavin@fishamble.com or call 01 670 4018.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Athena Theatre play reading series is currently seeking play submissions

web site

The purpose of the Athena Theatre play reading series is to develop new works which explore a new voice, expresses storytelling in an unconventional way, challenges both the artists as well as the audience to think outside of the box. The play may explore views on religion, race, gender, politics, social change, hunger, blindness or disability of any kind.

Please note we are only considering full length, contemporary (present day) staged plays at this time with a cast of two – six characters (including at least two characters who are women 20-35 yrs old), unit set, genre/theme which is of the style of our past productions.

The play should be relevant to the current time (ideally set in NY). Please submit action driven plays which do not include overt exposition and audience address. From the play reading series, a play will be picked to develop into a staged reading in NYC. The staged readings will be performed on a quarterly basis. Please check back to view our staged reading schedule. When submitting please include all of the following:

  • a brief cover letter stating how you think your play fits our mission statement as well as the how it relates to our past productions. 
  • Subject line: [play title] play reading submission
  • a one page summary
  • character breakdown.
  • first ten pages in PDF format.

Please submit all information at one time, if solicited. We will contact you within one month if we are interested in doing a play reading of your play. The play reading series was developed to explore original work.

E-mail to: Juliana Aiden (Literary Intern) OriginalPlay@athenatheatre.com

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

ATHE's Playwrights and Creative Teams Program (PACT) seeks new, previously unproduced short plays

web site

ATHE's Playwrights and Creative Teams Program (PACT) seeks new, previously unproduced short plays for its 25th annual New Play Development Workshop at the ATHE Conference held at the Fairmont Scottsdale, Arizona
Princess Hotel 
July 24 - 27, 2014.

We invite playwrights to submit plays ranging in length from 4-10 minutes (scripts over 10 pages long – not including cover page - will not be accepted); there is no restriction on subject matter, style, or intended audience.

 A jury of readers will select six to eight scripts. Each playwright will be assigned a director, dramaturg, scenographer, and a group of actors; these creative teams collaborate on the scripts throughout the conference in a developmental process (participants may attend the rest of the conference). The workshop culminates in a public, script-in-hand reading of the plays in a SHOWCASE OF SCRIPTS.

The New Play Development Workshop affords playwrights the opportunity to work on their scripts with artists experienced with original material from all over the country and to have their work presented at a major academic theatre conference. In past years, plays which have gone through this process have been published in a PACT Program anthology.  These plays achieve a high rate of success in securing subsequent productions and publication.


Electronic script submissions, in standard Samuel French playwriting format - 12 point font, character name centered or 3.5 inches from left margin, 1” margin all around - should be emailed to:  charlene@charleneadonaghy.com

To be considered for the NPDW, scripts must be RECEIVED by 11:59pm Eastern Standard Time January 7 2014; late entries will not be read.

Scripts must be no more than ten pages long, not including your cover page.

Please remove all playwright identification from the script including name, mailing address and telephone/fax/e-mail

Do not send a synopsis or playwright resume

In the body of the email include:  Script Name, Playwright Name, Playwright Email, Playwright Telephone Number, Playwright Postal Address, any university or college affiliation (if applicable)

In the body of the email indicate that you are willing and able to attend ALL workshop sessions for your play at the time and city as noted above.  Please note there is no compensation for travel or accommodations.

Only one submission per playwright will be accepted.

Scripts will not be returned.

If your play is selected, you will be notified, via email, of the reader’s selection on/about  April 1.

For additional information, contact Charlene Donaghy charlene@charleneadonaghy.com