Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Druid Theatre seeks scripts

web site

Please note that we are accepting scripts for 2017 from 28th July to 30th November via online submission form only. 

Playwrights who submit a script during the submission window will have their work reviewed. Scripts received outside of this time will not be considered. Scripts must be submitted via an online form - scripts sent via email, post or other means will not be accepted.

The company accepts plays in the English language. For the purposes of clarity: Druid accepts translations of original plays into English, which meet our criteria.

Please ensure you have read our guidelines before submitting your script.

How It Works

For the open submission process, a reading panel assists the Artistic Director in assessing your play and ensures that a range of perspectives are brought to bear on each submission.

While Druid gives consideration to all plays submitted within the allotted period, we are not in a position to give a detailed a response to each.

The open submission process takes place alongside commissions, workshops, mentoring, public readings and other playwright development initiatives as part of Druid’s commitment to bring new work into production.

Should you have any further questions, email
Please do not use the above email address to submit a script.

· Submit only one script per year unless requested.

· Submit original work only.

· Submit only those plays that have not had a full professional or amateur production. In this light, plays emerging from student productions or from a reading/workshop will be accepted.

Writers whose work has previously been produced by amateur theatre companies are asked to submit only those plays that are not currently intended for production.

·Druid is not in a position to accept radio scripts, TV scripts or screenplays.

·Druid is not in a position to accept one-act plays or plays for children.

·Scripts must be submitted as a finished draft (see Formating Guidelines below) and will be assessed on that understanding. 

Synopses or treatments are accepted if submitted with an accompanying complete script.

Formatting Guidelines
  • Scripts should be typed on A4 with pages numbered
  • Please preface your script with a page detailing setting and characters
  • Please ensure you check the spelling in your script thoroughly.
  • Font size should not be lower than 12 pt.
  • Stage direction must be in italics
  • Character names must be in capital letters.
  • Please save your file in one of the following formats: Word (.doc) or PDF
  • Your name and contact details should not appear anywhere on the scripts.

Write a Monologue for Me Part II: LAKE TOWANDA by Natasha Sera


Thanks to Natasha Sera and Starra Andrews for their great work.

Natasha says:
I was really inspired by Starra Andrews' statement about the kind of play she wanted to see - I'm a big fan of Stranger Things too. I thought it might be fun to update the old horror story "The Monkey's Paw." I especially enjoyed playing with having the play exist on two levels - you can read it as a supernatural event - or you can look at it as the story of a woman going through a breakdown due to tragedy in her personal life. It took several tries to get the whole thing to fit in one page - I was glad to have the challenge, it forces you to cut out all the extraneous stuff.
Natasha Sera is new to playwriting and wishes to thank the good folks at NYCPlaywrights for giving her a chance to share her work.

Starra's monologue request
I love all things paranormal, and since Halloween is coming - it's perfect timing. I would love to perform and bring to life your favorite Halloween story. It can be fun loving or frightening. Think "Stranger Things" or something in that genre. Trick or Treat!

Starra Andrews grew up writing fantasy stories and acting on stage. After attaining a B.A. in Theatre and completing the LACC Acting Academy in Los Angeles, her non-fiction book The Pursuit of Acting; Working Actors Share Their Experience and Advice was published to help student actors. She’s performed such roles as Helen Keller’s mother in The Miracle Worker, Claudia Draper in Nuts, as well as gritty, fun roles such as a Kit Kat girl in Cabaret. 
Starra has also been seen recently giving a tour on the NYCPlaywrights web site.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Athena Theatre Playwriting Group and New Play Festival

web site

Athena Theatre invites you to submit to Athena Writes, emerging playwrights’ group assembled for a one-year exploration of the theme: “Falling Forward,” and centered on Athena Theatre’s commitment to supporting new work which pushes at the boundaries of live theatre. We especially encourage playwrights with an eye for diverse characters, strong points of view, and action focused dialogue to apply. 

As a part of Athena Writes, playwrights will meet twice a month on Tuesdays (or a date that works best for the group), beginning in mid-January 2018, for three hours, to discuss the year’s theme, share new work and talk playwriting and the business of theatre. Playwrights will be asked to write a short, 10-minute play for production at the New Play Festival currently scheduled at a NYC theatre in Spring 2018.  They will also spend the year working on a full-length piece on this year’s theme.  The playwright group will be facilitated by Athena Theatre Company’s 2018 playwright-in-residence, Nora Sørena Casey.  

All playwrights will offer a ten-minute play at the play festival.  Athena Theatre will provide the theater space and PR outreach; playwrights will be responsible for any specialty costumes, props or scenic items. The compilation of all ten-minute plays created in residence will be submitted for publication consideration.  

Those selected will be asked for an admission fee to be a part of Athena Writes, emerging playwrights’ group 2018 of $125. 100% of this contribution goes directly to theatre rental, actor and crew stipends for the New Play Festival and the Year-End Staged Reading. 

The playwrights’ full-length plays will also be considered for full production by Athena Theatre in its next season. 

We will have guest dramaturges throughout the year to give feedback on the new pieces. We will also keep playwrights apprised of all play submission opportunities. The meeting space is at the Dramatists Guild Foundation and playwrights will be able to hear their work read out loud.  The three-hour meetings will comprise of discussion about individual playwrights’ projects, as well as readings of new work, where playwrights will cast (from the other writers) and hear their work read aloud.  Athena Theatre believes that a play cannot be fully understood until the words hit the ear of an audience.  This process will allow playwrights to deepen their understanding of their own work, as well as glean ideas and approaches from their fellow playwrights. 

Playwrights will be asked to concentrate on both their ten-minute piece, as well as their full-length piece throughout the year. 

At the end of the year, 10-minute excerpts from each full-length play will be presented as a staged reading at a NYC venue TBA. 

To be considered for Athena Writes 2018 please submit the following by December 16th, 2017 to Founding Artistic Director, Veronique Ory at 
  • Cover Letter detailing your interest 
  • Full-length play, which highlights your style of writing 
  • Resume 

Monday, November 27, 2017

Moonshot Theatre Company is looking for one-act and full-length scripts

web site

Moonshot Theatre Company, a new non-profit organization in NYC, is looking for one-act and full-length scripts. We are seeking work that:

  • Is Entertaining, Bold, Relevant, Live and Collaborative
  • Would work well in a non-proscenium seating environment
  • Features immersive elements or takes advantage of being performed amidst a live audience
  • Has opportunity for multi-disciplinary collaboration
  • Reflects current social/political issues in America in a creative way
  • Integrates whimsical/experimental elements, and inspires the child-like curiosity of an audience member
  • Is polished and ready for a full production (3-4 week run, 5-7 shows/week at a 74-99 seat NYC space)
  • Has not had a fully-produced production in NYC in the past three years (workshops and readings are fine). 

All work will be considered regardless of the gender identity, ethnic background, skin color and/or sexual preference of the author. We are excited to curate seasons of voices that celebrate the diverse cultures that comprise America. We are very interested in producing quality work from under-represented voices in America's theatrical landscape.

If you're usure whether your submission fits these criteria, it certainly does not hurt to submit anyway! We may be interested in championing you as an artist in some way even if your production is not a good fit for us at this time.

PLAYWRIGHTS (Seeking submissions nationally)

Please send:

  • A one-page treatment of your piece
  • A 10-page writing sample from the piece. 
  • Production History
  • A brief cover letter telling us a little about yourself and why you think this would be a good choice for Moonshot Theatre Company to produce!

If we would like to investigate further, we will ask for a full script submission.
Please Email submissions to Michael Amendola, Executive Director at

Unsolicited testimonial ~ thanks Johnny Culver


...just to let you know that 95% of our plays selected in past festivals come from the postings on your site. Thanks as always!

~ Johnny Culver
Equity Library Theater/Summer festivals

Woodside Players of Queens Spring 2018 Play Festival

web site

Submissions are now being accepted for the Woodside Players of Queens Spring 2018 Play Festival, to take place in May 2018.

Seeking short plays (no more than 10 pp), from playwrights from the five boroughs of New York City only.

Also seeking monologues (no more than 4pp). Musicals welcome! Basic set requirements.
One submission per playwright. No unpleasant profanity, as this is a family friendly festival! No submission fee. Please include name, address, telephone number and email address on your submission. We do not produce your work, we provide a venue for you to present actors performing your play. There are no costs involved for anyone. Seeking actors and directors, too!

Deadline: February 15. 2018

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Left Coast Theatre Co. seeks 10- to 15-Minute Plays

web site

Left Coast Theatre Co. seeks 10- to 15-Minute Plays of any genre (comedy, drama, etc.) that relate to the theme listed below.

We encourage innovative/humorous/surprising scripts that address the following: “Besties”

They say some friends come and go like waves in the ocean, but best friends stick around like an octopus on your face. Let’s face it. Sometimes friendship can be…sticky. (What is a brojob anyway?) LCTC’s newest collection of hilarious and heartfelt original shorts will have you reaching for the tissues and crying with laughter as we share six original tales of the unpredictability and wackiness of queer friendships in the modern age. So bring your friends – and maybe some Kleenex – and we’ll help you work through your issues. Who knows? You might even make a new bestie.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Playwrights may submit no more than two 10- to 15-Minute Plays.
  • Plays may be no longer than 10-15 pages, exclusive of your title and character pages.
  • Plays must include an LGBTQ theme, character, event, etc.
  • Plays must contain no more than 5 characters.
  • Set, props and costume requirements should be minimal.
  • Script should include title page with play title, playwright’s name and contact info as well as a character page that includes a brief summary of the play and how it relates to the theme.
  • Plays must be submitted in PDF format. 

To submit your Play to LCTC, please email with SUBMISSIONS: your name and the title of your play in the subject line (i.e. SUBMISSIONS: Jane Doe – “Besties are the Bestest”).  Please send each play in a separate email.

Scripts are due to LCTC: December 1, 2017 at 5:00pm PST. No late entries. No exceptions.

Playwrights whose scripts have been selected by LCTC for “Besties” will be notified in by January 31, 2018.

We will be holding a staged reading of 5-6 shorts to let the audience pick their favorite play, which will also be included in the final lineup of “Besties”.

A $50 stipend is available for playwrights whose scripts make it into the final lineup of “Besties”.

“Besties” will run at the Exit Theater in San Francisco from October 26, 2018 – November 20, 2018.

The Joust Theatre Company's Writers' Round Table

web site

The Joust Theatre Company is currently accepting applications for our Writers’ Round Table, a new developmental playwriting group. We are seeking playwrights to submit in-process, unproduced plays that reimagine and/or challenge systemic norms (political, societal, religious, etc.).

The Writers’ Round Table will meet 1-2 times per month over a 6 month period to exchange ideas and develop their plays. Each play will then receive 2 workshop performances produced by The Joust, to be presented in repertory with another workshop. If selected for the group, the Joust will provide you with:
  • Creative space to develop ideas, as well as rehearsal and performance space for the workshop performances.
  • Actors and a director.
  • 360 marketing for workshops.
  • A modest stipend.
To be considered, please send the following in PDF form to by NOVEMBER 30th, 2017:

A Writing Resume

A Cover Letter that addresses the following:

Why you would like to be a part of the Writers’ Round Table.

How your proposed play reimagines or challenges systemic norms.

Any conflicts spanning more than four consecutive weeks in the 2018 calendar year.

A draft or sample of the play you would like to work on in the group.

A finished play that you feel best showcases your writing abilities.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Saturday, November 25, 2017

The Tribe Spring Reading Series

web site

Playwrights! The Tribe would like to invite you to participate in our second annual Spring Reading Series! If interested, please read this message in its entirety so you can adhere to all our submission guidelines.

The Tribe's Spring Reading Series is a platform for new playwrights who wish to have their stories voiced before an audience followed by a brief facilitated talk back.

4 plays will be selected and will be given a staged reading in New York City  during the month of May and considered for full production in our upcoming season.

We are looking specifically for full length plays with 2-8 characters in their 20's or 30's. We encourage playwrights of all genders, ethnicities, and ages to submit.

Deadline for Submissions is NOV. 30th

Submission Guidelines:

Please follow the guidelines carefully. Your play will not be considered if you do not include each step. The more information you give us on your play the easier it will be for us to determine whether or not your play is a good fit!

  • Two submissions per playwright max.
  • Please submit your works to 
  • Include in the subject line “the title of the play, and your name”. 
  • Submissions must be accompanied by the following information in the body of the email,
  • The title of the play;
  • The author’s name, address, telephone number, cell phone number and email address;
  • A brief summary of the play;
  • A short summary of the playwright’s career/experience to date.
  • Full length plays only. The submission must have a minimum playing time of 45-50 minutes.
  • Electronic submissions only.

Playthings Theatre Seeking New Musical Works For PlayFresh 2018 Gala Concert

web site

The Playthings Theatre is a young theatre company devoted to bringing works of the LGBT community to the New York Stage.

On January 15, we will present PlayFresh 2018, Playthings’ annual gala concert introducing new works by LGBT writers or involving LGBT themes.

Seeking submissions of comic or dramatic solo, duet or group numbers and scenes for any gender or sexual preference with content that affects the LGBT community. Sheet music and/or demo recordings accepted; but if selected, providing full sheet music will be the writers’ responsibilit

Submission deadline: December 15, 2017 

Submit to

Friday, November 24, 2017

Living Room Theater New Play Incubator: Immigration

web site

Living Room Theater is seeking playwrights to develop plays on the theme “Immigration” for its New Play Incubator.  In the course of 3 weeks, the playwrights individually will create a 10 minute play related to immigration. Each group will culminate in a staged reading for the public. Actors and director will be provided for the reading.

There is no fee to submit or to participate. Playwrights that have participated in the previous incubator are not eligible to apply at this time. Playwrights must be able to attend all meetings. Please do not submit if you cannot make all the meetings.

All meetings/rehearsals/readings will be held in Manhattan.

Non-New York based playwrights may apply but must be able to travel to the meetings/reading. No travel stipend is provided.

02/04/18 Sun from 1-3pm
02/11/18 Sat  from 1-4pm (First draft due)
02/17/18 Sat from 1-4pm
3/3/18 Sat from 6-10pm Staged reading at the National Opera Center

Please submit a resume, a 10 minute play, and a short paragraph in the email why you would be interested in writing about the theme “Immigration” to Only selected finalists will be asked to interview the week of 01/22/17. Submission deadline is January 20, 2018.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Royal Court Theatre submission guidelines

web site

The Literary Office is dedicated to finding exciting new plays that ask bold questions about the way we live now. We receive over 3000 unsolicited scripts a year from emerging and established playwrights, all of which are assessed and considered for development or production at the Royal Court.

If you are a writer and would like to send us a script for consideration, then the Literary Office is your first port of call. The Royal Court programmes original plays that investigate the problems and possibilities of our time. Occasionally, we also present revivals. We are looking for outstanding plays which are formally or thematically original and are unlikely to be produced elsewhere.

Before you submit a script to us, we suggest you familiarise yourself with the Royal Court; come and see the plays being produced in our Upstairs and Downstairs spaces, and look at the archive and reviews of recent productions. This should give you a better feel for what we are looking for.

We do not accept one act plays or multiple submissions.

Please do not send us screenplays, novels, collections of poems or radio plays as the Royal Court does not programme adaptations from other forms. We will not read historical or biographical plays and we are unlikely to programme new musicals unless these have been commissioned by us. Unfortunately, we cannot consider resubmissions or new drafts of plays we have read and responded to, unless we have specifically requested a new draft.

Please send scripts in hard copy (double-sided if possible), with a brief synopsis and covering letter describing any previous playwriting experience, to: The Literary Office, Royal Court, Sloane Square, London SW1W 8AS. Unfortunately, we cannot accept scripts by email.

Scripts sent without return postage will be recycled. We are unable to return scripts sent internationally so please do not send International Postage Coupons. Please use recyclable envelopes when submitting scripts to us.

All English language scripts submitted to the theatre are booked in and distributed to readers, as appropriate, from the Literary Office. You will receive an acknowledgement of receipt of your script, generally by email. The scripts are then read by a team of professional playwrights and directors, the senior in-house readers and/or the Literary Manager.

The reader’s report forms the basis of a recommendation to the Literary Manager and, where appropriate, may lead to consideration of the script by the senior Artistic Team at our weekly script meeting and/or additional support for play development through workshops, attachments or readings.

We read all scripts sent to us and will contact you to let you know whether or not we wish to proceed with the development of your play. The very large number of scripts submitted to the Royal Court means it may take 3 months to respond to you.

Unfortunately, we do not have the resources to provide critical feedback or enter into correspondence with playwrights whose work is felt to be unsuitable for further development or production at the Royal Court. However, where appropriate, we strive to secure the interest of other theatres and producers in plays we consider to be of particular merit, but which are not suitable for our own programme.


Chris Campbell Literary Manager
Louise Stephens Deputy Literary Manager
Adam Narat Literary Assistant

For further enquiries please contact or 020 7565 5050.

Secret Theater One-Act Festival

web site

Apply here:

The Act One: One Act Festival 2018 is now accepting submissions for the 2018 festival.

Deadline for submissions is December 15th and acceptances will be awarded from now until December 20th, i.e.: We will be reading plays as they come in and notifying before the deadline passes. Early submission advised. We are ideally looking for plays that are 10 – 20 minutes in length.

The Act One: One Act Festival 2018 is a self-producing competition style one-act play festival. The plays are divided into three different programs. Each program will run 5-6 times with four of those performances being evening performances. The Audience will vote for best plays. Those scores will be averaged to insure that everyone has a fair chance regardless of audience size.

The top six to 10 nominated plays will compete on February 3rd at 7:30pm for Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Director and Best Play. Best Actor wins $50, Actress $50, Director $50 and Best Play $100. We also intend to invite the finalists to have their play published in a short play anthology. This would be a non-exclusive deal, which doesn’t prevent the author from pursuing a deal with Samuel French for example and is not mandatory.

All types of short play are considered, but please remember to keep the staging simple with minimal set and props. We will be using the theatre’s standard lighting plot and will provide you with a light and soundboard operator. In addition we will offer free 2-hour rehearsal space to each show from January 2nd - 5th, which is subject to availability and on a first come first served.

The Act One: One Act Festival 2018 plans to run a rotating schedule of performances beginning Thursday, Jan. 11th through Saturday Feb. 28th. Each Play is responsible for providing their Director and Actors for their production.

Break a leg! Equity Showcases permitted but acts will obtain their own code; The Secret Theatre will provide Equity compliant Insurance to the productions.

Scripts may be submitted to:

Village Playwrights' Valentine's Gay -- Romance Our Way

Facebook page

The Village Playwrights announce a call for submissions for Valentine's Gay -- Romance Our Way,  staged readings of 10 minute plays to celebrate Valentine's Day on Wednesday, February 14, 2018 from 8 to 10 pm at the LGBT Community Center.  

  • Playwrights must be from Metro New York area
  • Plays must be under 10 minutes. 
  • Plays must have a LGBTQ romance
  • Plays are to be read script in hand, minimally staged with no props; actors must stand
  • You must produce the reading of your own play including casting and a minimum of 2 hours rehearsal.

Deadline Monday, January 8, 2018, 5 pm.
No fee to submit

To Submit:
send your play as an attachment to
your name and contact information should be in the body of the email but not on the script.
put the name of your script on the subject line
For more information call 614-285-2515.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Roundabout Theatre Company submission guidelines

web site

Roundabout Theatre Company is dedicated to providing a nurturing home for theatre artists at all stages of their careers, and we're proud to introduce new playwrights to the Roundabout family each year.

At this time, Roundabout accepts full script submissions only from established literary agents. If you are a represented writer, please have your literary agent submit on your behalf. Please note that lawyers and law firms do not qualify as professional representation in our venue.

If you are an unrepresented writer, you are welcome to submit one 15-page script sample, a script synopsis, and a brief bio for our Literary Department’s review. Please email your materials to

Playwrights are also welcome to email invitations to upcoming readings or productions of their work to

Due to the number of new work submissions received by Roundabout every year, we cannot personally respond to every 15-page submission. However, all script sample submissions are read by the Literary Department within one month of submission. If we are interested in reading more of your work, a representative of the Literary Department will contact you to request the full script. If you have not received a reply within one month of submission, we will not be pursuing the full script. Please do not call regarding the status of your script.

Roundabout does not accept hard-copy script submissions. Scripts sent via mail will not be acknowledged or returned.

Everyday Inferno submission guidelines

web site

We accept writing samples for consideration of full-length plays throughout the year. All submissions that meet our guidelines will be considered for future production. Plays submitted as "production ready" will be considered for inclusion in production slots in our upcoming season. Plays submitted as "reading or workshop" will be considered on a rolling basis for development opportunities.

Length: At least 60 minutes in production
Compensation: Everyday Inferno Theatre Co. covers all production costs associated with rehearsing and performing the piece. In some cases, we are also able to offer a small stipend to our full length playwrights. Playwrights retain copyright and full ownership of their plays.
Important: Please ensure that a character breakdown (including age and gender, if applicable) is included on the version of the script you submit to us.
Format: PDF format is STRONGLY preferred. Google docs will not be considered.


Web site
Corkscrew Theater Festival, which seeks to expand production opportunities for early-career artists in New York City, is currently seeking submissions, through December 8th, for its summer 2018 season (July 9-August 5). The inaugural festival took place this past August at the Paradise Factory and presented five world premiere productions, plus five works-in-progress readings.

The 2017 festival was featured in The Village Voice, Playbill, on WNYC’s Leonard Lopate Show, and in The New York Times, which wrote, “Packed with young talent…In the risk-taking adventure that is summer festival-going, encountering talent you want to see more of is a worthy payoff.”

Corkscrew aims to be particularly supportive to early-career artists: there are no fees for applying or participating in the festival; each production will receive 12-20 hours of tech time; shows will have a full hour to install their sets prior to each performance; and each production receives eight performances. In addition, Corkscrew offers its participating artists developmental guidance in the months leading up to the festival itself.

Corkscrew is not limited in genre, content, or theme – all kinds of theater are welcome. The festival focuses on projects created through strong collaboration among artists, and especially through innovative collaborative models.

Seeking full-length plays for production slots, and plays of at minimum 45 minutes for reading slots.

A complete application consists of:
1.     A draft of a script (if not 100% complete, please describe the full scope of the project)
2.     Lead artist bios
3.     One or more work samples (photos, audio, or video)
4.     Short answers accessible on application form

Visit to apply!

Applications will be accepted through December 8, 2017.

 Interviews will take place between January 3 and January 19, 2018. All applicants will be notified of their status by February 14. Applicants may submit multiple plays; plays that have not been published or had a previous production are preferred.

About Corkscrew Theater Festival

Corkscrew Theater Festival is a partnership between The Brewing Dept., a nonprofit theater collective that seeks to improve and remake the traditional model of theatrical production according to the principles of artistic collaboration, and producer Alexander Donnelly’s Fortress Productions, whose work on Broadway includes Meteor Shower,Sunday in the Park with George, and Waitress (co-producer). Upcoming, for Fortress: Hundred Days at New York Theatre Workshop.


web site

In association with Stages Repertory Theatre, Wordsmyth Theater Co. is producing the Texas Playwrights Festival mid-to-late June, 2018 in Houston, TX. Playwrights who reside in Texas (including students) or were born in Texas can submit one unproduced full-length play by January 5, 2018. Three winning plays will receive two staged readings at Stages. Each playwright will receive 7% of the gross of ticket sales for both performances or $500, whichever amount is larger.

This festival is unusual not only for the remuneration but also because selected playwrights will see/ hear their play one day and have the opportunity to revise it before its second staged reading.

For guidelines and how to submit a play, go to

Deadline: 1/5/2018

6th Annual Take Ten Festival

web site

Between Us Productions is seeking ten minute plays for the 6th annual Take Ten Festival. 16 plays will compete for the titles of Best Play, Best Director, Best Actor, and Best Actress (actors will be categorized by their preferred gender identity). All winners will receive monetary prizes and the winner of best play will have a workshop of a longer play fully produced by the company.

The festival is in midtown Manhattan in May 2018 and is a great opportunity to show your work to a wider audience. Between Us Productions provides the performance space and general festival marketing, but this is a self producing festival. We are happy, however, to provide suggestions for producing your work on a budget (we have done it many times before). You will have 2 guaranteed performances, but can have up to four if you move on. Again, there are monetary prizes for all the winners and the winner of best play will have a workshop of a longer play fully produced by the company.

Please email all submissions by December 4, 2017.

For more information on the company, please visit our website at:

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Manhattan Rep's New Works Short Play Series

web site

Manhattan Rep's New Works Short Play Series is created to showcase your new work in the heart of the theatrical capital of the world:

Times Square!

And we make it easy.

We supply the technician for lights and sound.  We supply the poster and the ticketing pages.

We curate, organize and orchestrate the program with 3 or 4 other short plays...

And we supply our beautiful new theatre space on West 45th St. right in the middle of Broadway and more!

Please come join us as we celebrate NEW WORK and the magical power of the theatre!

Seeking never produced before 1 act plays 10 to 25 minutes
(cast, directed and ready to be performed January - March 2018)
for Manhattan Rep's
at the New Manhattan Repertory Theatre, 17-19 West 45th St.

Each 7 - 25 minute play will be given:
A tech rehearsal with our technician to run your sound and lights, a full dress rehearsal with the other plays participating, a minimum of 2 performances, (even more if your show is selling well), at the brand new Manhattan Repertory Theatre on 45th St. in Midtown Manhattan!

To submit your 7 - 25 minute play production please email:

The complete script of the play as a .pdf,
a synopsis of the play,
the character breakdown,
the set and lighting requirements,
the play's history (readings etc etc.)
your mailing address, and a creative team leader contact email address to: by December 31, 2017

Please put “NEW WORKS PLAY SERIES” in the subject heading.
We will contact you within a week, if not sooner, as to your acceptance.

Plays that we love will be accepted on a First-Come First-Served basis.
The earlier you submit the better chances you have of being accepted for we may end submissions before December 31, 2017, if we fill up all available performance slots.

There is no submission fee.

Once accepted, there is a $40 participation fee.


Monday, November 20, 2017

South Simcoe Theatre is seeking new plays

web site

South Simcoe Theatre (Ontario Canada) is seeking new plays for the 11th year of our reading series:

Four Play: A showcase of Play Readings  May 31st 2018 - June 3rd 2018

"Everyday a Different Play"

Audiences are treated to a showcase of lightly rehearsed "readings" of plays never before seen or heard on our Stage.


Original sketches, monologues, short or full-length plays accepted

For more information contact

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Keegan Theatre's Boiler Room Series - Search for New Plays & Musicals

web site

Please complete this form to submit your new play or musical for consideration.

The Boiler Room Series is committed to supporting the development of new plays and musicals. Five plays or musicals will be selected to be workshopped and performed as Boiler Room Series staged readings over the course of the in 2017-2018 season, and selected scenes from all 5 plays will be showcased in a festival in July.

The plays chosen will be announced on a rolling basis; the script chosen for October’s reading will be announced in late September.

Submissions will be accepted until April 1, 2018.  

Keegan Theatre, a professional, non-equity theatre in Washington, DC, is accepting submissions for development during its 2017-2018 Season AND possible inclusion as a full, world premiere production in a future mainstage season. Six pieces will be selected for inclusion in a festival sampling of new works in development at Keegan Theatre. Five pieces will be selected for a workshop process that culminates with a public staged reading.

All submissions must be full length plays or musicals aligned with the theatre's mission of taking audiences to the vital heart of theatre: extraordinary artists in an intimate setting exploring the human condition.

Submitted work should not have had any significant development or a full production at another theatre. We're looking for truly NEW works here.

Submissions will be assessed by Keegan Theatre's Artistic Development Team and a panel of independent playwrights, directors, and editors. Submissions will remain anonymous to the panel until after they have been selected for further development.

Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. Applications that do not address the prompts accurately or fully will not be reviewed.

Thank you for your interest in developing your new play or musical with Keegan Theatre. We look forward to reading your piece!

Saturday, November 18, 2017

North of Broadway ~ Canadian Playwrights


What's it like to have a head of state who is cultured and cares about the theater theatre/théâtre?

Check out our sister site Canadian Playwrights and find out.

You can also join the mailing list - keep up to date with our hot northern neighbor!

Everyday Inferno seeking scripts


Everyday Inferno is seeking scripts for our annual evening of short plays directed by women, If on a Winter's Night...

Playwrights submitting work should keep our company's mission and past work in mind - plays should focus on at least one female role, and should be open to diverse casting. If on a Winter's Night... takes the form of either fully staged readings or completed productions depending on the year. If you submit, you are indicating your willingness to be considered for either.

Length: 15-45 minutes in production / 50 pages or less

Topic: This year's theme is "Going Home" – what that means specifically is open to your interpretation.

Playwrights: NYC area or able to travel at least occasionally during the production period (January 2018) is preferred but not required.

Deadline for submissions: December 1, 2017
Compensation: Everyday Inferno Theatre Co. will cover all production costs associated with rehearsing and performing the piece. Playwrights retain copyright and full ownership of their plays. No further compensation will be provided.

Format: PDF format is STRONGLY preferred. Google docs will not be considered.

To submit a play: Submit your work online at

Inge Festival New Play Lab

web site

The New Play Lab at the annual William Inge Theater Festival is a partnership between the Kansas Creative Arts Industries Commission and the William Inge Center at Independence Community College, Kansas.

The New Play Lab will invite 20-25 playwrights to have their plays included in the Play Lab during the 37th Annual William Inge Theater Festival, May 9-12, 2018. The program is headquartered at The William Inge Center for the Arts, at Independence Community College, Independence, Kansas.

The program seeks to connect emerging playwrights with the national theater community during the William Inge Theater Festival. The playwrights receive feedback of one of their scripts from a panel of theater experts, meet with fine arts professionals across the country, and enjoy intensive playwriting seminars and masterclasses to help them refine their craft.

We welcome applicants from all backgrounds and training.

Applications are due by November 23, 2017.

The submitted plays will be blind reviewed (the playwright’s name will not be revealed) by a nationwide panel of theater professionals.


Playwrights selected must be able to travel to and attend the annual William Inge Theatre Festival and Conference in Independence, Kansas, Wed. May 9 through Saturday May 12, 2018. 

Transportation costs and logistics, as well as the festival registration fee ($250) will be the responsibility of the playwright. Independence, Kansas, is located 90 miles north of Tulsa, Okla.
During the New Play Lab, each playwright will have a professional public reading of their submitted play. Submitted plays may not be longer than 30 minutes in length. Therefore, short-form one-acts are encouraged.

The William Inge Theatre Festival and Conference fee ($250), includes admission to all Inge Festival events and seminars, including social events and parties with guest artists, as well as some meals.


Play Lab Playwrights will receive a public professional play reading of up to 30 minutes of their short play, as well as feedback from a panel of professional playwrights.

Play Lab Playwrights will receive additional playwriting classes and seminars exclusive to New Play Lab participants, including a masterclass with the William Inge Theater Festival honored playwrights.

Application Guidelines

All applications must be submitted via an online form:

All scripts must be submitted in PDF format.

Your title page may not have any identifying information--no author name or address--or it will be disqualified.

Give your script file the name 2018 + Title (for instance, 2018 Bus Stop.pdf)

The script length should be no longer than 30 minutes of stage time and comprise a maximum of 6 (six) characters.

Applicants must enter a short synopsis of your play as it might appear in the Play Lab program. (Maximum100 words.)

Applicants must also enter a summary s of how you think your play would benefit from a Play Lab reading and panel response. (Maximum 200 words).

If you have any questions about the residency, feel free to email the program directly:

You can also learn more on the program website:

Friday, November 17, 2017

Manhattan Rep seeks play productions

web site

Seeking new, original, never produced before, fully produced PLAYS 45 to 90 minutes
(cast, directed and ready to be performed in JAN./FEB/MARCH 2018)
for Manhattan Rep's
at the New Manhattan Repertory Theatre, 17-19 West 45th St.
January - March, 2018

Each 45 - 90 minute play will be given:
3 performances in our beautiful new theatre on West 45th St, a block and a half from Times Square.
5 hours of DRESS/TECH time in the theatre - (5 pm to 10 pm on a weekday evening.)
An option to rent the theatre for rehearsal at a discounted rate.
Production consultation and support.
Ticket page for reservations.
House staff and more.

We make it easy to present your 45 to 90 minute play in the heart of the theatrical center of the World  - TIMES SQUARE. Manhattan Rep is a 52 seat theatre with stock furniture, a private dressing room, 22 lighting instruments and a great sound system. Easily accessible from almost all of the major subway and bus lines, only 2 and a half blocks from Grand Central,  the new Manhattan Repertory Theatre on West 45th St. is located a great block with fantastic restaurants and bars in MIDTOWN Manhattan! The perfect place to debut your new play!

Don't debut your play somewhere way down lost in a dusty old theatre in the East Village or way over West in a cluttered theatre in the middle of a housing community.  Bring your play to TIMES SQUARE!  Meet your friends and family after the show at a great bar or restaurant and have the time of your life bring your play to life!

To submit your 45 - 90 minute play production please email:

The complete script of the play as a .pdf,
a synopsis of the play,
the character breakdown,
the set and lighting requirements,
the play's history (readings etc etc.)
your mailing address, and a creative team leader contact email address to: by December 31, 2017

Please put “TIMES SQUARE CELEBRATION” in the subject heading.
We will contact you within a week, if not sooner, as to your acceptance.

Plays that we love will be accepted on a First-Come First-Served basis.
The earlier you submit the better chances you have of being accepted for we may end submissions before December 31, 2017, if we fill up all available performance slots.  We are only accepting 12 plays for this Theatrical Celebration!

There is no submission fee.

Once accepted, there is a $225 participation fee.


Thursday, November 16, 2017

Fast & Furious Playwright Festival

web site

Stage Left Theater in Spokane, Washington is seeking new one minute plays for our "Fast & Furious Playwright Festival" to be performed as staged readings on February 2, 3, 4, 2018 - Free to Submit.

* One minute play

* One Script per Playwright - make it your best!

*All Genres welcome (no musicals)

*Playwrights welcome from anywhere, but play must be in English

*Standard Play format preferred

*There are no restriction on content, but our audiences prefer more PG-13 fare

*Cast size, no restrictions though we prefer more than one if possible

*Deadline: November 30, 2017
Notification: If selected - by January 15, 2018

Submission Procedure:

1. Send the full script with your contact information and character breakdown. Include all the information in one document. The document should be labeled the play's name _ your last name (i.e. Hamlet_Shakespeare)

2. Email your script as a Microsoft Word document or PDF to The subject line should include FAST and the title of the play.

3. Include your name and email address and a short one sentence bio in the body of your email that will be used in the playbill if your play is selected.

Fee: None. No payment to writers as this is an all-volunteer event.

Stage Left Theater is a non-profit 501(c)3 community theater. You can read about the "Fast & Furious Playwright Festival" on our website at or email questions to Stage Left Managing Director Tia Wooley at

Thank you. We look forward to reading your work. Please share this, forward it, let any groups or friends who may be interested know about it!

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Blue Pearl Theatrics seeks 10-minute plays

web site

Submission Requirements

 We are currently seeking submissions for unproduced, one act, original plays by living writers.
We are seeking a variety of genres and interesting stories of all kinds.

Stories with LGBT characters are welcome!

-no musicals-
There is no monetary compensation. A video reel of your play will be provided.

If you would like your play to be considered, please send an email with the subject line "PLAY SUBMISSION" with the following:

• a copy of your script in .PDF or Word format
• a brief synopsis of your play
• a short bio and/or resume
• contact information

The play should be around ten-minutes in length.

The play must have no more than four characters.

The play must be unpublished and unproduced at the time of submission. Please do not send your play if it has been produced.

For immediate consideration email:

Seeking non-binary monologues for non-binary actors

web site

Seeking non-binary monologues for non-binary actors—they don’t have to be from a full-length play, and playwrights are encouraged to write a stand-alone monologue specifically for the site.

Please send to
1) Character name (and pronouns, if desired.)
2) Text of monologue - either as an attachment in MS Word or pasted into the body of the email
3) Name of playwright.
4) Context about the play and where the monologue falls if it’s from a full length play.
5) Email or website that folks can use to contact the playwright if they have questions/suggested edits/would like info on how to produce the play.

No deadline - rolling submissions posted within 7 - 10 days of receipt.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017


web site

Submissions are now open for the 2018 Republican Theater Festival.

We are looking for new plays (full length, one act, and 10-minute) that present a conservative theme or message and do not stereotype or vilify conservative principles. While we are primarily seeking un-produced works, we will accept plays with a production history as long as they fit the vision of the festival.

We encourage you to read our About page, if you haven’t already, to get a clear understanding of what we’re hoping to achieve and why we’re producing this festival. To get an idea of the types of plays we’re looking for, read about the plays from the 2012 Republican Theater Festival.

Submissions will be accepted until January 31, 2018.

The Republican Theater Festival is seeking plays that dramatize conservative themes/idealogy/messages without stereotyping or vilifying conservatives or conservative beliefs. At the same time, we will not accept submissions with content that vilify liberal beliefs. We simply want to tell conservative stories truthfully. The RTF is an initiative to change how people listen and to provide a platform for conservative voices, characters, and messages, it is not meant to change how people vote.

All submissions must be 100% original content of the playwright(s). The Republican Theater Festival will provide actors, directors, and basic sets/props for the plays selected for the 2018 festival. Playwrights will receive complimentary tickets to the festival, extensive promotion of their work, and will be invited to participate in discussions and panels during the festival.

If you receive an error that the file is too large when uploading your script or supporting documents, please submit the form and then email the documents to

 Submission form

Shakespeare's New Contemporaries

web site

We're looking for remarkable playwrights from all walks of life. Do you have a great play that vibes off of Shakespeare's canon? Can you write a great play to be a companion piece to one of Shakespeare's plays? We want to see it.

Is your play ready to go? For the first round, we're looking for submissions that vibe off of The Merry Wives of Windsor; Henry IV, Part 1; The Comedy of Errors; or The Winter’s Tale.

The first two productions will be mounted during our 2018/19 Artistic Year. The first, in the 2019 Actors’ Renaissance Season (January - early-April) will accompany either The Merry Wives of Windsor or Henry IV, Part 1. The second, during the 2019 Spring Season (mid-April - mid-June) will accompany either The Comedy of Errors or The Winter's Tale. ​​

Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis. However, to be considered for the first year, please submit by February 15, 2018. ​

The play should take advantage of and be producible using Shakespeare's Staging Conditions*:
  • Cast size 10 - 12
  • Universal lighting
  • Direct address
  • Character doubling and cross-gendered casting
  • 2(ish) hours
  • Minimal sets
  • All sound effects created in real time, unplugged, by the cast
Each winning playwright will receive a $25,000 cash prize, plus travel to and housing in Staunton, Virginia for the rehearsal period and opening of their production.


We will announce the next round of plays approximately 1.5 years before the deadline of each cycle. Check this site for updates or sign up for e-mail notifications.


web site

The Theater Project’s annual short play competition awards the winner for Best Play a $500 prize. The contest is open to adult playwrights in the New Jersey and New York metropolitan area. There is no fee to submit your play for consideration. Performances will be in February, 2018.

Deadline for submissions are November 17, 2017.
All performances will be at The Burgdorff Center for the Performing Arts in Maplewood, NJ in February 2018

Plays can be either dramas or comedies but must be no more than 15 minutes running time. This restriction is absolute and plays that exceed 15 minutes will not be considered. Sets, lighting and sound requirements must be simple. No elaborate props or effects. Playwrights invited to participate must have plays that are ready-to-perform and supply their own actors and directors.

​Those selected for participation will be charged a $150 fee to cover expenses (venue, stage manager, lighting/sound director).

Electronic submissions only. No fee to submit.

E-mail your short play to:

Include in the Subject line: “Submission + The Title of Your Play.”

Email submissions must contain this sentence in the body of the email:

“If my play is accepted and I choose to take part in the festival, I understand that I will be responsible for the casting and rehearsal of my play and that I will be charged a $150 participation fee.”

Monday, November 13, 2017

Night of Shorts

web site

B3, Bare Black Box Productions, of Phoenix, Arizona, seeks scripts for their Night of Shorts in May 2018.  These will be fully rehearsed shows.  Performance dates are May 11, 12, 18, and 19.  The audience will vote on their favorite play each night, and the winning scriptwriter will receive $50.

The subject matter is open, although preference will be given to experimental and progressive works. There should be minimal setting, prop, and costume requirements.

Entries should be 5-15 pages, including the title and cast page. The number of slots we will be filling depends on the length of the top contenders, but roughly an hour and a half of theater will be mounted.

One entry per playwright, please.

Previous productions are okay.

Please scrub your submission of your name and personal information. Include that information in the body of your email, along with the title of the play.

The format may be docx or pdf.

There is no fee to enter this contest.

Submissions must be received no later than11:59 PM, November 15, 2017.

Send submissions to:  If you have any questions, you may also ask Ilana at this address.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Page-to-Stage Festival

web site

Wasatch Theatre Company is looking for playwrights to participate in their annual Page-to-Stage Festival. For this year’s Festival, playwrights will craft a new script through a series of workshops scheduled every few weeks starting in January and running through April, 2018. We are hoping to include five to seven playwrights.

Those interested should submit a representation of their work to by November 15, 2017. Those chosen to participate will be notified by December 15, 2017.


web site

Submissions are now being accepted for Arizona Theatre Company’s (David
Ivers, Artistic Director; Billy Russo, Managing Director) 2018 National Latino Playwriting

The award is open to all Latino playwrights living in the United States, its
territories or Mexico. Scripts will be read and evaluated by a culturally diverse panel of
theatre artists. Finalists will be judged by ATC artistic staff and the winner will be
notified by Aug. 1, 2018.

Submission procedures:
• Submit a single script via U.S. mail.
Scripts must be postmarked by Nov. 15, 2017. Title page should include the
play’s title, author’s name and contact information including phone number,
mailing address and email.
• Include a cover letter of no more than one page describing the play’s
developmental history and how the play fits into the playwright’s broader career

Scripts may be in English, English and Spanish or only Spanish. Spanish language
and bi-lingual scripts must be accompanied by an English translation.

Plays must be unpublished, professionally unproduced and not currently under
option at the time of submission. Full-length and one-act plays on any subject will be
accepted. Minimum length is 50 pages.

The physical scripts become the property of Arizona Theatre Company and will
not be returned. Playwrights retain intellectual property rights and any rights to the play.

Manuscripts should be mailed to:
National Latino Playwriting Award
Attention: Elaine Romero, Playwright-in-Residence
Arizona Theatre Company
343 S. Scott Ave.
Tucson, Ave. 85701
For more information, contact Elaine Romero, ATC Playwright-in-Residence at For more information about Arizona Theatre Company, visit

Friday, November 10, 2017

Short Play Submissions Sought for Christmas Playwrights Bizarre

web site

Wimbledon based Attic Theatre Company (Beacons at the Park Theatre, Ivan Ilyich and Great Expectations pop up productions in Wimbledon Library) are seeking submissions for a Christmas scratch night as part of Bobblehat’s ( live advent calendar in Wimbledon this Christmas. The location is TBC but it will be an unexpected pop up space.

Plays should be no longer than 15 minutes (there is no minimum length) and should require no more than two actors (1m/1w). They should contain the idea of Christmas in someway. They should have minimal set and costume requirements though this doesn’t necessarily mean naturalism.

Entries are open to all writers, emerging and experienced, who would like the opportunity to have their work performed by two actors at this pop up theatre event and directed by Jonathan Humphreys our Artistic Director.

Winning entrants will receive £50.

The closing date for submissions is Friday 24th November. Submit to

ATHE Award for Excellence in Playwriting

web site

The Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) is pleased to announce the fourth year of the ATHE Award for Excellence in Playwriting. The award honors a new play marked by sophisticated and nuanced storytelling, with the potential to make a major artistic impact on contemporary theatre.
Plays must have been written during the two years preceding the upcoming national conference (August 2018) by playwrights engaged with an institution of higher education (be it student, faculty, artist in residence, guest artist, etc.) during that time period. Only full-length plays, in Samuel French Playwriting Format, may be nominated for this award. Self-nominations and nominations from ATHE members are permitted. Only one play may be submitted per playwright in any given year. The plays can be produced or unproduced, but must be unpublished.
Qualifying plays should be submitted to email: No submission fees are required. The winning playwright is expected to attend the ATHE Conference and participate in a development workshop and staged reading of the play. The conference takes place August 1-5, 2018 in Boston, MA. The playwright will receive conference registration, four nights in the conference hotel, $500 towards travel expenses (reimbursement), and a one-year membership in the Dramatists Guild. Additionally, the winner will receive a plaque at the annual ATHE Awards Celebration and attend a reception. 

View a list of past awardees here

Submission Guidelines

  • Electronic submissions are required. Word, PDF, and Rich Text formats preferred.
  • Samuel French script formatting required.
  • Although we do permit the submission of musicals, the limitations of staff and resources will make it difficult for us to produce such material.
  • We do not accept screenplays.
  • Your play must not include material that you do not have permission to use.
  • Your play must not be previously published.
  • Previous production of your script is allowed 
  • Do not submit a play that is incomplete, unfinished, or a rough draft. Send us the entire completed play.
  • The ATHE Award for Excellence in Playwriting committee has no problem with you submitting your play to other competitions simultaneously.
  • Plays must be full-length. The rule of thumb is that plays under an hour are not full length. 
  • The screening for the award will be done by blind reading. Therefore we would request that names not be put on each page of the manuscript, but ONLY on the cover page. The readers for the award will not receive the cover page. 
  • Qualifying plays should be submitted to email:
Please include:
  • A Cover sheet with the name of the play, your name as you expect to see it on publicity material, and contact information.
  • A brief synopsis of the play
  • A rough casting breakdown (3M, 4W)
  • Brief descriptions of the characters
  • Pertinent production notes
Please submit here: For further information contact Charlene Donaghy at or
Deadline: November 12, 2017.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Life-sized Meme looking for a full length script

web site

Life-sized Meme productions is looking for a full length script (60-90 mins) for an upcoming production in March at the Phoenix Theatre in Minneapolis MN that will be performed in a 5 show run over one week.  LSM is a production house that endeavors to:

  • Bring relevant ideas and discussions to the community through entertaining plays
  • Connect local theater artists with the twin cities community
  • Produce plays at minimal cost in order to keep the ticket prices low
  • Share profits with artists and empower local artists to confidently express their talent

With those goals in mind we want to find a new script that meets the following three criteria:

  • Script has never been performed in twin cities before.
  • The script can be a comedy, drama, tragedy, mystery or a combination. 
  • Script length should be between 60 and 90 mins

The following three criteria will make our script ideal, but we will definitely consider scripts without the following criteria as well:

  • Our ideal script would be an adaptation of a famous well known play with creative adaptive take on it. (Please ensure that the original one is a royalty free work so that the writer owns the rights to adapt and perform)
  • Our ideal script will be one that delivers a message around currently relevant topics.
  • Our ideal script will have a cast size of less than 10 cast members.

The chosen script will be provided with a contract for the production and will be compensated with a guaranteed amount of $75, two free tickets to the play (for one of the shows) and credit in the program. Scripts will be accepted from authors outside of the Twin Cities!!

Please send a PDF copy of your script to no later than November 24th at 5pm CST.

While submitting please mention to what extent you are open/able to work/discuss with the director on any minor changes to the script during its production process.

Theatre InspiraTO's 13th Playwriting Contest

web site

The contest is now open. Deadline to submit: November 20, 2017
This year's creative challenge: All about her.
The theme "all about her" must be an integral part of the play.


The play must be a ten-minute play. The theme "all about her" must be an integral part of the play. The story can be a comedy, a drama, a parody, absurd or anything in between (in English only). We also accept musicals. The contest is open to anyone, in any part of the world, without geographic or age restrictions.

Please note: Just because one of the characters or all the characters are female does not necessarily make the theme “all about her”. Ensure that the play highlights a distinct female/feminine voice about the way she engages with the world or how she views the world.

How to submit

You must submit online (scroll to the bottom of the page) by November 20, 2017, 11:59 pm E.S.T. There are no fees. Once you submit you will be taken to a page confirming that we have received your submission. You may only submit one play.

The cover page should have the title of the play, the playwright's name and the list of characters. The pages should be numbered. The format should be easy to read. We accept previously produced plays (but not plays that have produced at InspiraTO before). The playwright must own the rights to the play up to June 17, 2018 (i.e. the script cannot be owned by a publisher).

We are particularly interested in scripts that aren't afraid to make bold choices: quality writing backed by imaginative staging.

What will happen

The plays will be selected by a committee from the Toronto theatre community. If selected, your play will be performed in Toronto, Canada from June 1 - June 16, 2018.

Between eighteen to twenty four, ten-minute plays will be selected and performed. 1st Prize: $500 CDN. Should your play be selected for inclusion in the festival, you are giving the non-exclusive right to Theatre InspiraTO to produce and perform the play in the 13th Annual InspiraTO Festival in Toronto (Canada's largest ten-minute play festival), in June 2018. The InspiraTO Festival will find the cast, crew and market your play. Authors retain copyright and full ownership of their plays.

Only those playwrights whose plays have been selected will be notified by January 1, 2018 (more likely by mid-December).

What does a good ten-minute play need?

A ten-minute play is distinct from a sketch, or a skit; it is a compact play, with a beginning, middle and an end. You need a character facing obstacles in pursuit of some specific goal. You need rising action, conflict, and a climactic moment and your play must tell a complete story.

Generally speaking, scripts (including the stage directions, character names and dialogue) that are over 1,900 words are more than ten minutes long on stage. This does not mean that all plays under 1,900 words are under ten minutes, so be wise: use Word Count and read the play out loud while timing the length (including all pauses). You don't want your hard work rejected because it was too long.

Get inspired. See your story come to life!

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

M. T. Pockets Theatre 5th Annual One-Act Play Contest

web site

Winning entries will run in February 2018 One Act Play Festival


November 15, 2017: Deadline for submissions. 
​All entries MUST be submitted online.

December 18
Winning submissions announced

December 20-21, 2016
Auditions for all productions and casting

December 26, 2016
Cast Lists Posted

February 2018 - Specific Production Dates TBA Soon!

Sponsorship funding is sought to afford us the ability to make cash prizes to the top 2 productions in the festival.

Limit TWO entries per playwright.

Each entry must:

  • be unpublished, with 3 or less productions
  • (excluding readings, self-productions and/or contest productions);
  • require two to four (2 to 4) characters
  • be no more than 10 minutes in running time
  • require minimal props and costumes
  • excluding the title and cast pages, be no more than ten (10)
  • pages long.

Six to eight finalists will be chosen for production in our annual One-Act Play Festival to be held in 2018 (dates to be announced).

Winning playwrights agree to permit  M. T. Pockets Theatre to produce their play without compensation. Authors will retain copyright and full ownership of their plays.

Audience members will have the opportunity to vote for the favorite one act play at the festival.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017


web site

The Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center, through a combination of conferences and residency programs, supports the work of scholars, artists, thought leaders, policymakers, and practitioners who share in the Foundation’s pioneering mission to “promote the well-being of humanity around the world.” The Center has a strong interest in proposals that align with The Rockefeller Foundation’s efforts to promote the well-being of humanity, particularly through issues that have a direct impact on the lives of poor and vulnerable populations around the world. These issues include but are not limited to health, economic opportunity, urban resilience, as well as food and agriculture.

The open application period for Academic Writing and Arts & Literary Arts Residencies begins October 1, 2017 with the deadline of December 1, 2017.

Panglossian Productions is seeking 10-minute plays

web site

Panglossian Productions is seeking 10-minute plays for our new podcast, the Best of All Possible Podcast. The weekly podcast showcases short new plays by putting them up for cold reads with a carefully selected and talented cast. Afterwards, the panel (typically consisting of the moderator, cast, a theatre professional or special guest) discuss the play, the topics it raises, possible staging scenarios, or whatever the panel decides to discuss.

Here is what you need to know:
-The submission process is ongoing. As long as the podcast is running, we are happy to receive submissions
-You may submit more than one play (as long as you feel that it is worthwhile, submit it)
-Plays must be approximately 10-minutes in length (you can still submit one-act or full length plays through for our Plays In Progress series, but they will not be considered for the podcast)
-You will be notified via email if your play is selected to be featured in a podcast
-Submissions should be emailed in PDF format to and contain the following information
1. Playwright name
2. Playwright contact information including email address
3. A brief statement about the playwright and the piece itself (be creative, but honest)
-If you would like to listen to our first 9 episodes, you can find them on iTunes
-If you have further questions, please email them to

Why are we doing this?
According to our namesake, the dementedly optimistic Dr. Pangloss, “All is for the best in the best of all possible worlds.”

Most of the time, the world falls short. As any young artist who decides to build a life in the performing arts discovers, it’s hard to get experience without already having it. It’s even harder to convince people to take a gamble on new works and innovative ideas, no matter how exciting they may be.

What’s safe is always… well… safe. And that’s fine. But safe things don’t ignite passion in us. They don’t make us catch our breath or question how we live or want to go running into the streets to tell people what we’ve seen. So, we choose projects that take risks and that are worth the risk.

We exist in order to boldly and thoughtfully create:

Unpretentious productions that challenge our audience without patronizing them.
Opportunities for talented and dedicated young artists to gain meaningful experience.
Development of new, innovative, substantive, and semi-crazy artistic ventures.
Visit us online at or find Panglossian Productions on facebook.

Equity Library Theater Summer 2018 Play Festival


Submissions are now being accepted for the Equity Library Theater Summer 2018 Play Festival, to take place over three weekends in August 2018.

Seeking short plays (no more than 10 pp), from playwrights from around the world!
Also seeking monologues (no more than 4pp). Musicals welcome! Basic set requirements.
One submission per playwright. No very unpleasant profanity, as this is a family friendly festival! No submission fee. Please include name, address, telephone number and email address on your submission.
We do not produce your work, we provide a venue for you to present actors performing your play. There are no costs involved for anyone. Seeking actors and directors, too!
Deadline: April 15. 2018

Monday, November 6, 2017

Seeking Playwrights for One 19 Productions: Play Reading at The Pit, NYC

web site

ONE19 Productions is currently in search for new plays to produce as a reading at The Pit, NYC in December 2017. We are seeking playwrights to submit complete, unproduced one-act or full length plays. ONE19 will produce, cast and promote the reading with 1 weekend of performances.

Please send the following through to
- A Writing Resume
- Your script/scripts you would like to submit

Pay: Percentage of ticket sales. Producers may apply for the Equity Showcase Code.

Submission Deadline is NOVEMBER 15th, 2017

Facebook/Instagram: @one19productionsny


web site

Deadline November 10, 2017
The Northport One-Act Play Festival showcases one-act plays and offers the theater community an opportunity to produce a performance of those plays.

There is NO FEE to submit an application and play for consideration to be in the Festival. You may submit up to 2 plays for the Festival. A separate application must accompany each play submitted.

JUDGING/PARTICIPATION: Plays submitted for the Festival will be reviewed by our panel of judges. The plays may also be read during a meeting at the Northport Reader’s Theater, if time allows, prior to the selection deadline. Playwrights whose plays are presented at a Reader’s Theater meeting will be invited to attend. Playwrights will be notified on or about December 15, 2017 if their play is chosen for the Festival.

At that time, each playwright must submit A PARTICIPATION FEE of $75.00 per accepted script, which will help defray some of the expenses – e.g. space rental, printing, and publicity - with the Release Agreement by January 1, 2018. Playwrights will receive one complimentary ticket to each Performance of their play plus a DVD.

Important: The Northport One-Act Play Festival is held in a church. Please consider the language and situations used in your script. If you feel that your play is not appropriate for younger audiences, please let us know so that we are aware of this.

Click here for ​Submission Form.

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Plays based on the life of James Dean wanted

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Classical Theatre Company is holding a playwright competition  with deadline date of February 8, 2018 to submit.

The play must be based on the life of legendary actor James Dean.

The winning playwright will receive $250.00 cash prize plus shared compensation of production proceeds.

Please send submission to Peter Anderson (Producer) at: